Sunday, July 24, 2011

You May Say I'm A Dreamer

     It's nearing midnight and I just put down the kindle. Currently Bridges Of Madison County is the book du jour! I have read this book over a dozen times and seen the movie at least that many, but I just love it! It's like a comfortable pair of shoes or a cozy just know it's going to feel good, feel right! I know that I am going to feel a tug on my heart for Robert & Francesca. Anyone who has ever longed for something that long ago was locked away in the storage trunk of their memories has to embrace the feelings this book offers. It's the key that allows you to dream again, that ideas once had were worth having and still worth trying for. It's hope.  Maybe I'm putting way to much on a simple book but it's not that simple. I have felt the roaming of Robert and also the re-awakening of Francesca and neither is simple at all. 
     I love books & movies that touch the soul, the inner feelings. The fact that there are movies like this proves to me that i am not alone in my feelings. Other people feel this way also. The movie "Dead Poet's Society" makes me feel this way. Maybe I was born in the wrong era, I adore poets and writers, creativity is such a big turn on. Music and art flow through me yet I fall short in expression. I want to paint, I want to photograph, to write, to let people experience the same feelings I am. The mundane life I lead has just enough glimpses into this creativity that it only wets my appetite for more but I have no way, or at least see no way to get to the feast!
     Back to Francesca, she is on fire her desire is awakened once again. I feel her confusion, her guilt. I know the choices she made and how her heart must have felt making them. Robert leading the life he does. Not conforming to the way the world says he should, I understand trying to make your voice heard when you don't speak the language of the masses. Yep all this because I read a book tonight! LOL  I have dreams that slowly I am trying to accomplish. I am growing my wings back and hopefully will fly high. One is my path to healthy & fit. Tomorrow is my weigh in and I'm not sure where it will be. I get anxious and want it all done now!!Guess what ? I get impatient sometimes even though I know slow & steady wins the race, but like I said I am a Libra and see both sides of things and want them both now!! hahaha
     It's almost midnight so I will say goodnight. I got so fired up by my reading tonight I just had to share it. I hope you could feel at least part of what I was saying. if you were here you would see the excitement in my eyes and hear my voice raise as i told you about these characters. I ADORE interaction, mental stimulation is a huge turn on, yea I'm hyped up right now, wish we could do an all nighter, Talk and bounce back ideas and thoughts, how fucking cool would that be? Well okay saying goodnight for real now :-)   Peace out peeps!

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