Monday, July 29, 2013

Well What Do You Know

     I got a call today from my old manager. I had just went to have lunch with her last Friday. Well this afternoon my phone rings and she asks me if I would be willing to come in for annual enrollment. I would be going back as a temp, working for an employment agency. I do know the pay is not terrible as I dealt with them when I was a supervisor. It is not as much as I was making but is more than I was making as a phone rep. Alas I will be a phone rep again, but it's a job, and I more than likely will be hired full time, after the assignment is done. I'm not worried about that really, as I can go back on unemployment in February. (oddly enough when I started it this year LOL) I get 26 weeks then they re-evaluate you. I am getting close to my 26 weeks, and this job came at the right time. I dont have any more car payments after November. So I plan to put aside the money I would be paying out for at least 4 months, so that is over $2000.00. Boom - ticket to England money, plus saving what else I can, Boom - spending money. I need to go there, and now I have even more people to visit and others to win over with the wonderfulness that is me. LMAO
     I can also apply for other departments. I know that billing is going to be looking for someone in the next few months. My old company had 2 buildings that are now in one. When I went there I was surprised at what they had done. All the new rooms. I like the new kitchen they have, its a bigger one, that now has two good size tables to sit and eat, about 10 people. Two refrigerators, new microwaves, and vending machines. A real kitchen LOL. The best part is that I know the office and what I will be doing and I know that I will be having people ask me questions which will be funny in its own right. 
     I have to sat that I feel whole again. I hope this all works out, I don't see any glitches but until I am sitting at my desk, I will not rule anything out. I miss working, I like to be productive. When you are home it's nice but after a while you find that you want to do things but have no money to do them. Its a cruel Catch-22. But now hopefully the tide is changing. I am going to sleep happy, here's to the future, here's to travel.   Until next time peeps, Ciao For Now

Where To Begin?

     I suppose I'm going to just say it. I am incredibly randy, have been ALL day! Lmao. Okay now that I've stated this, I can get on with my regular blogging.  I am happy to report that since I've been back in VA, I have lost the 4 pounds I gained in NY plus an additional 2.5! It felt good to look down and see the scale move in the direction I want it to. I have limited my carbs and red meat intake. This works for me. I did get some carbs today. A 12 grain wheat bread that has very good flavor and that's the key. The bread at grocery stores is fine but it's not real hearth baked, hearty bread. I'm happy that many stores DO now carry a small sampling of these. I go to a store called Whole Foods Markets. They have a wonderful supply. God I love bread. 😀
      It's cool though to have your steering wheel return on its own. Lmao. I had a guy yesterday pull up next to me, he said " Miss, I just want to advise you that you should sit further back from the steering wheel." I let him know that I'd love to but my feet won't reach the pedals if I go back anymore. It has nothing to do with weight though, and everything with height. My inseam is 24" I'm bloody short!! He meant well, was nice of him I guess.
      It's getting ready to storm and we just had some very loud thunder claps.  Oh man the lightning behind the clouds when I was driving was intense and beautiful. Very energizing. Love thunderstorms.  I get excited by them, I actually have so much energy that seems to be running through me. I think that's why I'm super randy. I just feel like one big exposed nerve. I know the holiday is coming on August 1st and I tend to get this way prior to holidays. This one is called Lughnashad. It's the first harvet celebration. Young wheat is cut and the first harvesting is done. You celebrate the earths bounty, make corn dollies and bake bread. (Ah pagan carbs lol) I love it and soon after will come Mabon, in September. The second festival. I will go more into detail as we get closer to the 1st of August. I need to get candles, making my corn dollies for my alter with can husks that oddly enough the store gladly gives me for free. Getting some tomorrow,  then need to dry them out. Hope the sun shines the next few days, or herself will have a soggy dolly. Hahaha
      Well lets see, weight info - check.  Mindless carb banter - check. Pagan festival semi info - check. Still randy - check!! Hehe. ANYWAY. That's it for now peeps, been writing some poems and will be posting them soon. So until next blog.  Ciao For Now.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Much better day today.

     As a friend said, yesterday's blog was rather funereal, and it was sad. Toddy though is a new day. It's now quarter past 11 at night and I'm in a grocery store parking lot. I went out to look st the full moon, it's called a Thunder Moon for July. Then thunder there was, along with some wickedigjtning strikes. It was so energizing. But it's raining g a bit too hard so I'm in my car waiting for it to lighten up.
     Was at the gym this morning which felt good. Getting back into my routine slowly it surely. Oh and my tankini swim suit came.  Doesn't look bad if I do say so myself. Lol. My arms are flabby and I know I'll have to have tucks all over when I'm done but hey it's who I am. I feel sexy in it and that is what matters. I've worked to even get into a decent bathing suit. I'll be rockin a two piece next year. Oh yes I will! My tummy is a bit flatter, and I've developed a waist. Lol Baggins has a waist now instead of looking like a oak barrel.
     I even got replies to my job applications from two places telling me they are reviewing my résumé. I know it's not an offer but it's more than I've gotten in months. So I'm hopeful. I'm do wSiting to hear about the grants.  So fingers crossed.
Well it's not letting up so I'm going to wing it. And go home And have a nice cuppa.   So ciao for now.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

I HATE bad news.

     I have had a mediocre weekend. I got a bit ill again, I don't know, maybe I caught a bug. The weather has been quite hot and it rained all afternoon. Yes not a cheery blog, my apologies but I am not in a cheery mood at the moment.  I just spoke to my dad about an hour ago and he told ne that our old neighbor drove by to see him.  
     Well the oldest daughter came by. Her mom, thankfully is still doing well at 92, forgetful but at 92 I'm not sure if I would care about remembering anything anyway. These are the people who lived next door most of my life in that house. The new neighbors moved in 4 years ago. I played in their home, with the 3 kids (all older than me) but they always included me in backyard parties. Especially when I was 14 and up. They are all about 8 years older than me. In ranges of course. The oldest is more like 13 years older, and this who came by to see how my dad was doing. She then told him that her brother was put into a hospice. I am both shocked and very sad at this news. I cried when I heard this. He is a good man, he does not deserve this. I don't think this just happened either as she told my dad that she didn't make the Italian Easter Pie she always brings him as they were going through this. The place he is in is for people who have 6 months or less to live. This means if its been since April its been 3 months already.  I called her but got voice mail.  I am so upset right now. This is a person who was a part of my youth, my teens and 20's. He let me drive his MG and I loved it!! He was going to be a baseball player but he had knee surgeries that prevented him from doing this. He was selected to try out too, it was a good possibility he would have made the majors. Good looking man too. Oh I had the biggest crush on him as I was little. I remember, oh I had to be about 7 and my Mom bought me cool white go-go boots, and I had to go show him right away. LOL  He never made me feel silly and always listened to me. Lots of older kids never did.   I know he is not gone yet but it doesn't sound like there is any hope at this point and I just can't help feeling very very sad. Ah well it is inevitable, it happens to all of us but I always said how much I value people in my life and it doesn't matter if I see you all the time or once in a while. Those in my life matter to me, so I love you all my friends. Those of you who read my blog I so appreciate you, all you people in other countries. Love your friends and let them know how much they mean to you.

Friday, July 19, 2013

The week in review.

Friend going through some heavy shite, still can't find a job with 4 rejection emails today, found out from my dad his neighbors who watch over him may have to move. So yea, I get a little needy and depressed sometimes. I feel for my friends, I worry about my dad and I need a job. I try to be cheerful all the time, it's not always easy. This is not an excuse, nor is it a cry for you all to say poor you. It's just a statement, a written primal scream if you will. Just need to get it out.  Good stuff too, Chinese food for dinner, Skype with a friend, sugar free ice cream for dessert. It's a mix right now. My friend will be okay but it's going to take her time, we spoke over an hour today. My dad and neighbors, not sure, taking that day by day. Job sitch? Well we shall see, I'm working on that. So there's the week wrap up. Ciao For Now. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Why Does The Bucket List Get Longer and The Years Get Shorter?...

   (warning - not the happiest blog but I'm fine and happy - really I am) 

...Seems so unfair to me. There is so much I want to, and occasionally I get scared that I will not be able to do all of them. Hell I can't even find a job (I know my friend, November LOL) But I am going to England first and foremost. This is NOT an option. I would love to travel all over the world if I could. Losing weight, so next year I want to go to Long Island and do the Sky Dive. That is going to be fun!!
     I don't know, today I have had a veil over me all day. I haven't felt well all day, but more than that, I feel a bit dis-jointed. I'm not saying that to get sympathy or "don't worry it will get better" I just feel that way. I feel like my relationships are not meshing they way they should. I just have had no real contact with about 4 people I usually do and like always it gets me off kilter. I know there is no reason other than life in general. They are busy, but one I am supposed to be visiting soon and I need to make plans. I need to stop being so in your face and more laid back as I once was. I am back here in VA and once again feeling the loneliness. I had a great time in NY, I have spoken to friends since then, but I already miss being able to just make a call and have them with me. That's the thing, not being able to just go do something. I enjoy being able to veg at home but also to go out. That doesn't happen here. It's no ones problem, especially all of you my friends, you who I care about, but I just miss you even more. I have been productive today though, as I applied to get a loan for something that I'm not going to say just yet  LOL   I know I'm such a tease.... Hopefully it works well, then I'll have no time for anything!! :-D
     I scrubbed the tub tonight, and I am thinking even now, at almost 11PM, to take a nice bubble bath. It's kind of like when I clean the cat's liter box. As soon as I do, and it's all nice and clean, she uses it right away. Kind of how I feel when scrub the tub BWAHAHAHAHA I think I will forgo the bath tonight though as still feel kind of yucky!  Like I said I feel fine and actually had a laughing fit about half hour ago. SO don't worry, no one needs to cheer me up or will hear me all forlorn on the phone should we speak. I will be my same adorable, wonderful, quirky self. hehe Until tomorrow peeps (no headache please) Ciao For Now

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Ever See The Movie Where Michael Douglas Goes Off

     It's kind of like that! Today was all about frustrations. I swear I know I can best the shite out of a dead horse but damn tonight a bunch if people were talking and these two people were just hashing the same thing over and over. It was ridiculous. I finally said they are acting line little kids, stomping their feet and seeing who yells loudest. No one expected me to be the voice of reason. Lol surprised their asses. 😄
     Remember I said I haven't heard back from anyone I've applied to. That it was terrible not hearing anything? Well I heard back from 2 today and they were rejections. Now I'm not sure which is better, hearing or not. Lol I'm just tired of always reaching out and getting nothing back. I'm tenacious but I'm sensitive also. I have friends going through some deep stuff and my heart breaks for them, I have friends I just saw and miss already, I have friends I haven't seen in ages and I long to see them. I have a million feelings inside me. I tried to write done poetry tonight but it sounded so, morbid maybe, or just wanting I'd more like it. I long for do many things. I have some things I am looking into that I will tell when it looks like it may happen but in the meantime I have days filled with no more than housecleaning and dreams. Life will change again, that's the beauty of it. I wonder what tomorrow will bring. Hope it's good. Hope it's cooler weather, but that is not the case. It's hot & it seems to be that way everywhere.
     Not much tonight peeps, so I take my leave. As always. Ciao For Now

Monday, July 15, 2013

New York New York A Hell of A Town

    Well I didn't make it into Manhattan this trip, hopefully in September. BUT I had a fantastic time this visit. I leave to go back to VA in the morning, and as always it's with a heavy heart. I love my hubby and want to go back to him, but the part of my heart that IS New York will have to sleep for a while until my next trip.  I was able to do some shopping (yay) and bought a few lovely things. I saw good friends and had a weekend full of new memories. 
     First was the dive bar we hit on Thursday. I was afraid that the weather was going to rain us out, but it treated us kind. As I said in the last blog we had a blast. I am waiting for my friend to get me the video we took of the band.  HINT HINT lmao They were cool!!   Yesterday (Saturday) was a long day. Left early to go to Long Island for a surprise birthday party. It was a blast. They had a cowboy theme going and everything was country (not MY favorite at all but hey, not my party right?) They did an amazing job, from cowboy hats, bandanas, to country decorations and even the can cozys (the neoprene covers to keep them cold) were shaped like cowboy boots.  The home was outstanding. It was so large with a massive pool, and yard. It came complete with a bacci ball court and fire pit. The pool was heated, and I sat there with my pants rolled up dangling my legs over the side. If there were adults in the pool I would have put on a swimsuit and gone in.  Alas it was just the youngins, so suffice to say I sat watch as the water splashed up at me and cooled me off, UNTIL!! They started racing and then I felt this wave wash up and my pants were soaked LOL But damn if it didnt feel real good on my bottom. Soon I was wet halfway up. I could have cared less. This was to be expected. Plus it was so hot out that I dried out in no time. Good people and good food. OMG speaking of food. The birthday cake!! Was a work of art. It was too awesome to eat. Since our birthday boy likes, country music, a good cigar and a cold beer, the cake was made to reflect this. The daughter of the homeowner decorates cakes as a hobby. HOBBY!? She did a job better than many bakeries I have seen. Check this out!!
Isn't that wonderful? It was one layer of chocolate cake, of one vanilla, then the cigar, bottle, cowboy boots and hat were made from rice crispy treats and covered with the fondant. Just amazing, hobby? This could be a career!
     I didn't eat too much, and I even was very honest on writing down my food. I came in under my calories this day. I had no lunch, so that helped, and I even had a small slice of that amazing cake. 
Today I went to dinner with good friends and we went with Italian seafood. This place is very very good. I had an amber ale, then shrimp with cavatelli pasta in a sauce. I ate maybe 1/3 of my meal. Brought the rest home for dad. No way I could finish it. Even half would have been too much.   We had cappuccinos and dessert. I had a lava cake. Ate half but unfortunately I was over my calories tonight by 67 calories. NOT terrible.  Still under 1400 for the day. I am looking forward to getting back to the gym when I get home.  WAIT! WHO said that? LOL  I will say that tonight on the way home, my food wasn't agreeing with me too well, I felt a little sick to my stomach. It passed. but I'm taking that as a small reminder to myself that the food tonight, although delicious, was a bit too heavy for me. I am both dismayed, and delighted by this.  Dismayed because I love Italian food, things like chicken Parmesan, or lasagne. Tonight's sauce was in line with say, a vodka sauce. But it seems like my body, which is not used to this anymore is telling me easy does it sister. We will revolt if you eat too much. I am glad my eating habits are changing, and it seems to be a natural occurrence, but flip it again, as I love food, I love to eat it, cook it and most of all share it! I love to watch people eat and enjoy it, especially if I made it LOL Similar occurrences with fried foods and sugar wrecks havoc with digestive system if you get my drift! HEHEHE I know it will settle down and even out again in time. It keeps me honest which is good for me right now. I also am happy with the smaller size I am wearing. I am doing this so I can get off high blood pressure medicine, not for my looks. I want to get fit. It's like this, I am Fat!! I'm okay with that, I am not ugly, or a freak. I am a human being and a nice, kind, pretty, and freakin' hilarious one at that!! If you don't want to look at me, don't. Or want to shy away from me, go ahead, that's your business. AND your loss! I'd be lying if I said it never bothers me, but 97% of the time I am cool with it.  I have also realized that pizza does not bother me, so I have come to the conclusion that Pizza is a food of the Gods!! bwahahahaha (Knew it!!!!!)
     Well I look around my room as I type this last NY blog (for now) and my case is packed, the clothes I'm wearing tomorrow are on laid out on my chair. I just need to shower in the morning, feed Dad breakfast and get out on the road, hopefully by 10AM.  Will stop on the way home to get food for dinner, cooking something easy. I will have a weeks worth of laundry plus I need to see what surprises I will find at my home. Dishes in the sink, towels on the floor, stuff like that. Then sink into a hot bath and then bed. Hoping that someone calls me in to interview SOON, as I have heard nothing from anyone. Not even to say thanks, but no thanks. Sigh......   Ah well, we go on forward, ever persevering :-D
     It's been a really nice trip this time, I look forward to more. I want to see more friends, get in the city, go to dinner or whatever. I will be back soon New York, you can count on that!!!
Well it's Bedtime For Baggins, until next we meet, I say Ciao For Now

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Best Laid Plans

          Oftentimes you plan an evening, and you don't get to do exactly what you had planned, BUT what you did end up doing turned out even better!! That was tonight. Oh we went to the same area. It's called the Nautical Mile in Freeport Long island. It's a strip comprising of about 6 blocks, two sides of the road, and lots of restaurants and bars. We were going to go to one called Rachels, very nice, a bit more upscale in setting, (and prices), no outdoor seating but a huge open room with glass walls to see out to the water. We got there, and since it was a weeknight we did not make reservations, and we were told about a 45 minute wait. My friend and I looked at each other and decided no. So out we go and decided to go into a place called Otto's. Like every restaurant on this strip they were hit hard by Hurricane Sandy. Some buildings were totally demolished but human beings are resilient and they all rebuilt. Otto's though was only partly done. The inside was not finished, we looked around it and it will be really nice once it's done but the outside bar area was in full swing. Big bar in front, facing the street, with a band area as well. Outdoor seating on the back deck called us in. We got a table right next to the water and were greeted by a friendly fellow who we found out was named Chris. Chris was very sweet, he knew how to compliment and flirt just enough to make you feel like a friend. I like that in a wait staff. We ordered our cocktails and viewed the menu for eats. If I had to classify Otto's, the word dive comes to mind. It's a calculated dive though. meaning it's meant to be casual, and enjoyable and comfortable. The seats were roomy, the tables had space between them and the atmosphere was beachy, like so many of the places here. Why not it's right on the water!  We sat and chatted when an announcement came over that they were now serving Mount Gay rum. It was a new thing for them so they were going around giving out free drinks. Not little samples either, these were proper rocks glasses of this golden goodness. Never one to pass up rum, we both took a freebie. Soon after our drinks arrived, so it was two fisted drinking to start the night. RIGHT ON!! The fare was limited to only about 12 items for a main course, not sure if this was because the place was still under renovation or just that way. I opted for the fish and chips. I was pleasantly surprised. It was a large piece of fish, cod I believe, and it was lightly battered, not heavy or greasy at all. These were not proper chips, not the steak fries that would normally be part of this, but they were crispy and again, not greasy at all. I ate about half only. Then while we were eating the music started. The bass player started a riff for a few minutes, funky and fine, then the sax came in, then the drums and guitar. They were really good. Bluesy, R&B and Funk was the theme. Think Tower of Power meets Al Green and George Benson. It just added to what was becoming an ideal night. Even the weather was good. It was hot, but not as humid as the night before, and the breeze off the water had that salty sea air smell that I just love! I wasn't taking chances though, I wore very little make up and no eye make up. Hey it's a beach area, I wasn't the only one. I will admit without my hair straightener, my hair was starting to look a little Diana Ross with a natural. LOL It was fun.  Then we ended to night going to a place that is known for its gelato. Yes I indulged, and it was worth every calorie!! I had planned for this and ate light the entire day so I was only over my calories by about 300. The day before it was so hot I barely ate and was under by 400 calories so I call that a draw LOL   I am in my room now, looking through pics we took and deciding what to post. Tomorrow though, too tired right now. Want to sleep, as tomorrow is another shopping day. I had no luck the other day, but my friend told me the store I want to go to tomorrow, has lots of capris, which is what I'm looking for. So it's Bedtime For Baggins. As always Ciao For Now

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

It's Bloody Humid!!!

     Okay so my second day in NY was decently productive. I drive out to the Island, unfortunately did not find the capris I was looking for, but there are other stores. Lol I did get some wine for Saturday. I got my dad (skinny ass that he is ) the pastries he likes from a bakery out that way also. Since he doesn't drive he is limited to the neighborhood. If course when he goes to Manhattan he has multiple choices. So I left him in the living room ( or lounge as some of you call it) and I headed up to my bedroom. Blessed air condition, you make me a much nicer person. 😄The heat is not bad, it's only 79 degrees F same as earlier. It was nicer then, as there was a nice breeze - But now the humidity is at 91%. Yuck, yuck and YUCK!!! I've already downed one liter of water since I got home an hour ago and am working on the second one now. I was concerned about eating too many calories on this visit but in truth, I have been way under both days so far. The summer is the best time for me to diet as I don't even want to eat much. When I do, I want fruit, iced tea no sugar, yogurt. Things like that, lighter fare. So I bought some fat free Greek yogurt and blueberries, raspberries, watermelon, and peaches. Oh and raw honey to sweeten the yogurt. I know you are all on the edge of your seats right now! "Oh she bought RAW honey" I know, I'm thrilling bwahahaha
     I did have a nice visit with my neighbors here, love going over there. They have the cutest yorkie terrier, and poor baby was so hot. He went downstairs to rest on the cool tile. I mentioned to them that my friend got his dig a paddle pool and they thought that was a great idea. They are going to get one for Spike. Hard plastic though, as I also mentioned my friends dog ripped his. Hehe
     I am supposed to go out tomorrow night to the beach and its supposed to rain all day. Boo hiss. So no beach. Friday looks promising though 😄 I am enjoying NY. I ALWAYS do. It's home. Hopefully will be up end if August/ early September. Always a joy and always fun.   Well I am now waterlogged, having drunk a liter and a half of water in under 2 hours. I foresee a 3am bathroom run. So I am saying Ciao For Now

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

This Used To Be My Playground

     This is the song I hear whenever I come back home. It says to forget your past and then realizes that's not about to happen. How can it. How can you forget your past. It has what made you who you are today, and is what you pull your strength from for your tomorrows. I just read a post online in a group I am in about my hometown. Its from a woman (older than me I am assuming) who posted a letter that her mother wrote. It talks about the area when it was all farms and not many homes. How little by little, horse drawn carriages were replaced by trolleys, then buses and trains. It was very easy to picture the images in my head. I have lived here since 1962. Of course, I don't remember the early years that well, but from about 4 and up I have vivid memories. I truly enjoyed my childhood. Oh not that there wasn't grief, of course there was, but I never really got into any big trouble. I loved my parents and they loved me. Still do. My Dad seems to forget that I am a grown woman as he tucks the hundred dollar bill into my hand when I leave to go back home. "Just some pocket money" he always says. To refuse him would be an insult so when I am here I make sure i clean, and fill his refrigerator with food. I spend more than that 100 dollars but it doesn't matter at all. The same way he feels good doing that is how I feel about making sure he's okay. I like hearing him tell me "Mary Lee, you gave me too much", and I look down and his plate is empty. Too much? I'd say perfect amount. It's the same game every time. We know our places well. Many of mine are the same ones my Mom had, the feeding, the cooking. I cook under pretense of cooking to bring home to my hubby, then make enough for a small army.  Well used to I should say. I don't cook that much anymore since his new neighbors came a few years back. They cook for him, like an adopted dad. I am glad to be in NY and will be hear until next Monday. 
     I want to explore tomorrow as well as grocery shop. I may take a ride out to Long Island and see if I can find some clothes. I want to get some capri slacks for this party on Saturday and perhaps an nice pair of sandals too. We have the same stores that they have here, for us bigger gals I mean, but sometimes I find different things in the ones here. Demographics I guess. One thing I really need is new jeans. I have one pair that fits and that is getting loose on me. The others are ridiculous and hang off me. I want to get maybe another 2 for now. So many plans and it will be great if I get one of them done hehehe
   I just found that NY has opened their first Ice Bar. I may have to check that out. I have plans Thursday night and the weekend but Friday is free.  Ice Bar anyone??? LOL  They give you gloves and parkas. Sounds like my kind of place :-) 
    I brought my camera too this trip. I want to take pics of my old stomping grounds so you all can see what it looks like. God I love looking at pictures. I love seeing peoples expressions and try to imagine how they are feeling. I dont need to know them either, yea I know, weird! ;-) 
    Well peeps, I had a little libation, a glass of wine, so I am feeling quite cozy and comfy in my air conditioned little corner of the world. Face timed with hubby and spoke to my friend, watched some TV with Dad so its been a quiet but good night. So until next time I am saying Ciao For Now

Sorry No Blog Today

     I am getting ready to head to NY last night I was packing my case and taking a bath so I can just get up and go. Lol. I will post one later tonight.  Ciao for now peeps

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Only I Would Vacation When It's Raining

     Well not a vacation really, more of a gut feeling visit. Okay let me explain. My dad is pretty good shape wise, he eats well, and still goes to the gym wice a week. Now that being what it is, he still is 86! I can see he is winding down, and I can't explain it, but I got this heartbreaking pang over the weekend, I had a weird kind of anxiety attack and just felt that I need to see him. It was one of those deep in the gut feelings, and I know it's silly and means nothing, but to me, I have to go. So I am leaving on Tuesday an will be returning the following Tuesday. I am going to a party on Saturday there that I wasn't going to originally, so that's nice. It's going to be hot, he has no air condition, I will be in my room a lot, I have air condition in there. Lol  so I am making plans while I'm there. I will be going to the beach, most days show a predicted 30 to 50% chance of rain. It's the same here really so no biggie. But I will see the ocean, I need to feel the sand, and smell the sea air. Ironic since I can't swim, but I love the water.  So yes, I will be blogging from the Big Apple next week. Think I will mosy into Manattan too. Maybe. Lol
     We are taking a proper vaca in August. My friend confirmed it yesterday, so we are leaving on August 15 coming back home August 22nd I think. It will be great to see them. Just a chill vaca, they have a pool to relax in, we will to to dinner, and of course seeing them, I couldn't care if we do nothing. I just want to see them.
     I bought a tankini bathing suit, I aren't worn a suit in a long time, but I think this will look good. I ordered online, but I was able to order as separates so it should fit well, everywhere. Hehe.
     I had nice chat again with my friend and she took her dog to get sheared for the summer. She is a golden retriever and just so adorable. Not my friend, the dog. Hahaha. Speaking of dogs, my other friend bought a paddling pool for his. This doggie, is a Welsh Terrier. He is such a cutie pie. I have a feeling we will ave a dog within a year. Hopefully.
     Tonight is a slow one. Spent most of the day cleaning my car. I went to the gym early, then came home, washed and vacuumed my little pony. 😀So of course tonight we had a huge thunderstorm! C'est La Vie
      So I'm taking these bones into a nice warm bath, with some nice smelly girls bath stuff and then it's bed for this round chick. So I say, as always, ciao for now.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Waiting For The Fireworks

     As we draw near the end of the 4th of July, I am hearing varying sounds out side the house. Normally I would be on the deck, but tonight we opted to stay in as it's 85 degrees at 9PM, and quite humid. So I am here on the computer, while I hear the bursts of firecrackers, bottle rockets, cherry bombs, and M-80's going off. The M-80's and cherry bombs are the big ones, and LOUD ones. An 1/8th and a 1/4 stick of dynamite will make you jump and can cause some goodly damage. Growing up the guys I knew would use these to blow up trash cans in the neighborhood. Us girls were supposed to be impressed, but most of us thought they were jerks and went to go watch the family that had all cool sky rockets going off. Then it was off to the park with wine coolers and sparklers to make out with the chosen guy of choice or boyfriend of course. I remember one time my boyfriend Mike and I were in his GTO having a very cool make out session and his friends threw a cherry bomb at the back of his car. I jumped and hit my head on the door handle. I was a tad annoyed. He yelled at them but of course ended up laughing with them. Whats a gal to do? LOL   But as for tonight, I have a nice glass of ice cold water, as I drank too many calories last night, and waiting for the fireworks from MACY's. I know that they have them in DC as well, but I am a New York gal, and for me MACY'S fireworks are the ones I watch. 
     So I am sitting here thinking how fortunate I am. I have been shown great kindness recently and I always wonder why. Lol how odd since I like to do things and buy things for people (although cash flow is not optimum at the moment for what I would love to do) yet when done for me I still feel unworthy.  I remember one time I was at a restaurant in Manhattan with a friend. It was an upper scale business ( for me that includes most places that don't use plastic cutlery lol), but this one was legit. I had finished my first course and wasn't sure if I should keep my fork. I asked, and was met with an amused response of they will bring you a new one. Just one example of a kindness to me that I love, yet have trouble believing I did anything to deserve it. I know I know, people are just doing the same as I like to do. I understand that, yet to this day I have a harder time being the recipient, than the giver. I'm not a slacker to finer things. I know which fork to use, and also which side to serve from. I see so many things I want to get for people and just can't right now. It breaks my heart too. These are good people and my friends. They should have all good things.  
     I realized something, and I did mention this to someone the other day.  It's not that I begrudge anyone anything, but lots of times it's because it's not me something is happening to.  I do get jealous. I can't control situations, but I so want to be in them. Lol. It's the only child thing again. I feel like I missed out on something really special, not having any siblings. I don't want to miss out on anything, especially if it involves people I care about. My closest of friends. It's not a vicious jealousy, if that makes any sense. 
     Here it is almost 1am and again, I am not tired. My sleeping patterns are so far gone. At this point I'm tempted to just stay awake and go to the gym at 5:30 when they open. I like that time actually. No one there and I can stay on the machines as long as I want. Get in a good work out and be back home by 8. It's funny, this weight thing. If you read yesterday's blog you will see where I wrote I ate quite a lot of calories yesterday. So out of morbid curiosity, I weighed in this morning. Low and behold, I LOST a pound and a half! How? It baffles me. So I recorded it and today I am happy to report I came in under my calories. Drank lots of water also. Need to go get more fruit tomorrow. I love berries, all kinds and have been putting them in my yogurt for breakfast. Or even lunch sometimes. I'm getting used to making better choices, trust me though, I will devour a creme brûlée or an eclair in a heartbeat. I'm just choosing not to. Not right now anyway. I'm back on track so to speak. Yay Happy Birthday America, I injested too many high calorie carbs to celebrate you, but now the party is over. Back to business as usual. Speaking of that, I applied to 7 p,aces so far tis week. Anyone want to take bets on how many get back to me, even jut to reject me? We shall see. So until next time my peeps, I am saying as always, Ciao For Now

Happy Birthday America

     Almost an hour into the 4th and I have already heard firecrackers going off. Lol  Seems Mother Nature will smile on us with some sun, instead of rain as originally thought for the festivities that will dot the land all over the US today. My in-laws just got back from vaca so I'm going to call and see what they are up to. We have no definite plans sans one. Get rid of the skunk smell under and around our deck. Hubs had seen a pale skunk one early morning a few months back and we thought it was gone, as I never even saw it and he hadn't seen it again. Well this afternoon I came home and opened my car door, and OMG!!! I was greeted with this sour odor of SKUNK! Cough cough yak yak. Horrid smell, so I tell hubs and he went tonight to get a sprayer to use to spray the area with de-skulking stuff. I hope it works. So there is today's later highlight. Lol
     It's about 1am and I was so naughty - I drank too much vodka. It was whipped cream vodka mixed with diet root beer. Tasted like a root beer float. Root Beer is my favorite soda drink, close followed by Birch Beer. Similar taste actually. But I only drink diet at the moment. Truthfully I rarely drink soda at all anymore. Tea, coffee, water or iced tea are my choices as I'm going to the gym a lot. I mentioned to a friend that I had stopped for coffee on the way and he told me water or green tea would be better. Water of course we know but I wasn't aware of the green tea. I found an interesting one at Starbucks, it's. green tea with ginger. It's good, and can drink it without any sweetening at all. I want to branch out but not sure which to get. I know they make it with all sorts of flavors, like lemon, pomegranate, etc., but what brand is a good one? I guess I may buy a few and experiment. Getting back to what I was saying, 😀 I'm quite drunk right now. I have had way too many calories today and was over my limit with the booze. My gym is closed today for the holiday but Friday I'm going to really give it my all.  Even hubs said my extra chin is going away. He doesn't notice stuff like that usually so it was nice to hear.  He's scratching right now, I can hear him in the dark. It's frustrating, and I know he's beyond frustrated too. See though, if it were me, I'd be at every doctor I could find, he's tired of them, he said 8 was enough. I'm like what if that 9th one is THE one. But you can't force someone.
     I feel good though, about me. I got a haircut and check this out. My hairdresser bought me an owl cuff bracelet. I had put it on Facebook because it was just so cool looking and she bought it. Just because. WOW, I was gobsmacked. I want to get her a little something as her birthday is coming up.
I bought red lipstick!!! How do you like them apples! I never wear red lipstick, but I'm going to try it. Going to have a play day soon and get myself all purdy. Hehe.
    I just came by to say hi, I'm happy, my friends are wonderful, my hubs is a love, albeit a scratchy one, and I like being naughty. Lol oops wait she can't end there! Okay fine....I have a sundress I bought the other week. I was having a big fuck it I'm fat day, and didn't care that my upper arms were bare. So I wore this the other night to get a cold drink at Starbucks. Had the top down and it was about 8 at night, sun was out still but I tell you. I loved the feel of the air on my skin. The skirt part was on my knees so my legs were bare and I was wearing flip flops. I loved it. I've been naked outside and I love that too. If it wasn't for the fact that I sunburn so quick and mosquitoes love me, I'd be naked in my yard as much as I could be. We have fence, don't fret now. Lol I love being naked, always have and this was as close to it as I been outside in awhile. Going to do it again, because I caught my reflection in the glass door of my house and the reflection looking back at me, wasn't bad at all!!!
      So there ya go, hahaha.   So until next time peeps, ciao for now