Monday, July 29, 2013

Where To Begin?

     I suppose I'm going to just say it. I am incredibly randy, have been ALL day! Lmao. Okay now that I've stated this, I can get on with my regular blogging.  I am happy to report that since I've been back in VA, I have lost the 4 pounds I gained in NY plus an additional 2.5! It felt good to look down and see the scale move in the direction I want it to. I have limited my carbs and red meat intake. This works for me. I did get some carbs today. A 12 grain wheat bread that has very good flavor and that's the key. The bread at grocery stores is fine but it's not real hearth baked, hearty bread. I'm happy that many stores DO now carry a small sampling of these. I go to a store called Whole Foods Markets. They have a wonderful supply. God I love bread. 😀
      It's cool though to have your steering wheel return on its own. Lmao. I had a guy yesterday pull up next to me, he said " Miss, I just want to advise you that you should sit further back from the steering wheel." I let him know that I'd love to but my feet won't reach the pedals if I go back anymore. It has nothing to do with weight though, and everything with height. My inseam is 24" I'm bloody short!! He meant well, was nice of him I guess.
      It's getting ready to storm and we just had some very loud thunder claps.  Oh man the lightning behind the clouds when I was driving was intense and beautiful. Very energizing. Love thunderstorms.  I get excited by them, I actually have so much energy that seems to be running through me. I think that's why I'm super randy. I just feel like one big exposed nerve. I know the holiday is coming on August 1st and I tend to get this way prior to holidays. This one is called Lughnashad. It's the first harvet celebration. Young wheat is cut and the first harvesting is done. You celebrate the earths bounty, make corn dollies and bake bread. (Ah pagan carbs lol) I love it and soon after will come Mabon, in September. The second festival. I will go more into detail as we get closer to the 1st of August. I need to get candles, making my corn dollies for my alter with can husks that oddly enough the store gladly gives me for free. Getting some tomorrow,  then need to dry them out. Hope the sun shines the next few days, or herself will have a soggy dolly. Hahaha
      Well lets see, weight info - check.  Mindless carb banter - check. Pagan festival semi info - check. Still randy - check!! Hehe. ANYWAY. That's it for now peeps, been writing some poems and will be posting them soon. So until next blog.  Ciao For Now.

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