Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Sometimes Ya Just Don't Fell The OT

     Well Its almost 7PM and I am going home. Im just not feeling the OT tonight. Day has not been bad and I think I figured out what I hate about our employees. It's the demands. As most humans, if you ask me I will help you , if you demand it, my back goes up! Yes Of course Im going to try and get you an answer and yes I know how to get this and if i don't I will find out but please when I say I'm getting you the number do not say give it to me in a tone that makes me feel like a servant. I'm an employee just like you and oh wait YOU called ME , do not take that tone unless you are role playing Christian Grey with me.
    Still in a funk a bit, was talking with my friend this morning and he said, welcome to his world and you know he was right, Respect went up, I am going bonkers and I truly hand it to him, he does it proud.   I need to call my sis or at least text her tonight too., need to get to NY to see her soon!! For my reader peeps these are two of the people that keep me almost sane. LMAO
    OMG  today at work I had a sumptuous lunch of steamed chicken and broccoli (smirk) and it came with an egg roll, so I offered it to a co-worker. He asked what? I repeated it and he burst out laughing,  he thought I said, Do you want an A hole?  I was crying!!! He ate it, the eggroll I mean!! hehe ;-D
    I am leaving work now  but i have put in for at least an additional 16 hours for this upcoming weekend. I do like the check this OT brings and hey, Im all for earning my living, just wish it was a little more earning KWIM?
      Well until next time which I doubt will be tonight as Im getting into my second Bill Bryson book, I know me, I will own them all LOL   Until nexttime - Ciao For Now

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Oops I've Done It Again

    Canceled my weekend I mean. Luckily dad got away with only about a 13" snowfall, but a friend of mine on Long Island got a little over 2' a total of 26 ". Well it is winter. Plus I hit offered more OT, so yes I am going to work as much as I can. Doing my part to prove not all fat people are lazy :-D
     I'm not doing much anyway, may as well make some cash.
     Not much tonight, I'm not in the mood to sit and write. Hope you all have a fab night or a good morning lol. Ciao for now.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Gah! I'm Bloody Tired Of Worrying

        I'm worried every month that I will pay my bills, I'm worried that hubs won't get a job, I'm worried the little blotch on the ceiling in the back of the dining room is the START of a leak that can be patched in the roof, and not the final stages of a cumulative effect that has reached maximum behind the scenes. Now I have my dad to worry about. NY is about to get pounded with a snow storm that will, if goes as expected, be one of the top storms ever since they started tracking theses storms in the 1800's. It's not Finland or Lapland, but NY. Snow is supposed to be pretty and make Central Park look like a fairyland, not cause buses and airports to close.  The suburbs where my dad lives, is inland so no tides to worry about, but electric can go out. He has wonderful neighbors who will watch out for him, I know this. One reason I'm not making him come here to live, but still, fuck, he's MY Dad. He worried about me all my life, now it's my turn. I worry about him, I love him. He could trip without lights, lots of stairs in the house. I'm a worry wort I know, but still, please don't fault me, I love him, he's my Daddy.
      I've been in a slump all weekend, gee could you guess? Lol I know life has issues and I'm trying to change them for the better, but it's hard sometimes. I did rework my resume and will upload it to linked in tomorrow and several agencies I know of. All I'm asking for is even 10K a year more, that would help so much. Doesn't seem like much but yeah it would take away so many financial burdens. Odd thing is, after all my balancing, and robbing Peter to pay Paul, my credit score went up. Lmao beats the hell out of me too. But yay, felt good when I saw that. I tell you, if I could go back in time, I'd tell myself 2 things....stay at that size 16/14 and pay all your bills on time to keep your credit good. It's so important.
     Hubs today has been sweet, trying to get me to laugh, he even went food shopping. He already said he won't be able to get me flowers for Valentines Day.  He sent me a photo of a huge bouquet of roses, saying he wished they were real. He's a good man, yes he should have been looking for work way before he did, but he's sorry about it. I am angry at that, I have a right to be don't I? But I'll get over it, I am mostly, just frustrating as I more than stated in the last blog. But I'm waking up every day, so new things are possible. I gave myself a nice facial this afternoon, as I felt, I've been ignoring my skin. Bad Mary!
    So peeps, herself is still in a bit of a funk, but I already see me coming out of it. I just would love one day of nothing to worry about, not one care in the world. Not soon, so as my sis told me today, put on my big girl panties and deal with it. I dud, they have little double decker buses on them, cute indeed. Lol so hope all is right as rain in your worlds and until next time, ciao for now.

Mercury Is In Retrograde

     This throws me off. The planets and stars effect us, it's not "witchy" it's scientific fact.  On top of that though, I suppose being a Wiccan, I may be more aware of it. Meaning I can see that certain things happen during this time. Mechanical things sometimes will be wonky. Choices seem difficult and squabbles can occur. For me it's the later. I find myself in a raw mood lately. Emotional beyond even my normal amount. I am finding myself angry at things and people, not really for no reason, but things I normally would shrug off are eating at me and I find myself truly annoyed. I'm holding things in though as it's not the time to discuss these issues. I'm not fair right now, I feel victimized by certain things,  and even though I really want to discuss it, it would not be good for anyone right now. No one has really done anything to me, but too much is left unsaid, I want to know real reasons, real answers! If this confuses you then good, it's not you I'm upset with. Lol
      I must say a group I find myself in on Facebook has been very good for me. It's no one I know, so I can be very open. Share ideas on a different level. To be perfectly truthful, right now I'm feeling if I facetimed with people everybody, no one,  but my sis in Long Island, would answer. That's okay, I really have nothing to say, but a real friend is someone you can just say hi to then be quiet with as well. I'm not reaching out or suggesting anything or being needy, and yes I'm stupid perhaps for saying it but damn I said I was in a raw mood. Someone tell me a fucking joke - please!
     I'm grabbing overtime tomorrow, then going to the craft store to get some red and pink paper to make Valentine cards for a few of you because,  well fuck,  I love you and even though I'm a crazed shrew at the moment, I want you all to know this.  I can't sleep, I should be, but I can't. Think I'll make some tea, meditate a little, try to calm my ass down. I'm really very lovable, dammit I am! I'm fucking adorable, so if you're feeling off kilter a little just keep saying, Mercury goes back to normal on Feb. 11th. Until then, remember my friends I love you, everyone else I truly appreciate you coming here and ready what I write. I will keep writing, I just can't promise it will always make sense. Until next time. Ciao For Now

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Can You Believe This?!

   So now I not going to NY tomorrow night. Damn damn damn! But better safe than sorry though as  it's calling for snow up there this weekend. So I don't have that much vaca that I can waste my days being snowed in at my dad's , with no wifi, tv I don't have to share, no craft items. Gillian had a better time than I would. So we've pushed it all forward a week. Now that Sunday is Super Bowl, but I don't care much for American football, so no big deal. My negroni will have to wait for me. Lol
     Not much today, except that I had some calls that just make me roll my eyes. One guy today had a hard time when I asked him for his date of birth. I know he was young when it happened,  but really?
     So I am giving everyone a Mary break, okay stop applauding. {smirk}. I will be back, I'm thinking Sunday night. Ciao for now peeps.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

To Go Or Not To Go

     Well it snowed today, and I was so grateful for the guys at work when we left tonight. I don't have a snow scrapper so I asked them if they would get the snow off the top of my car. I hate when I'm driving behind someone who doesn't do that. Two of them ran and got their scrapers and brushes and cleaned my car off in a few minutes. I felt like a queen, lol. It was nice of them to help. They're good guys.   So snow is playing hide and seek this weekend and making me question my trip. I so want to go. I want to see my friends. Plus the place my friend and I are thinking of going to has an old time bartender type place. He loves old cocktails. They have an in house burnt orange vermouth. I'm dying to try his negroni. And they have duck that looked divine on a show I watch on Food Network. I think I'm going to risk it as I'm off that Monday so I will be driving in daylight and not on a weekend, when everyone is rushing back home. Well I just worked that out on here didn't I? Hehehe
    I'm also starting a new food regiment. I'm going to do the larger breakfast, medium lunch, small dinner plan.  Hitting the gym at least 3x a week. I lost weight in England, gained it back over the holidays, and have now  lost it plus a few more. My evening dress is now loose on me. Yay. One main thing was all the walking I did overseas. Proof that for me at least, it's getting my butt moving.  So taking this time for me. I want to have fun with my friends, hit the wineries with my sister  and visit the cool stores and shops out on that beautiful North Fork of Long Island NY. I want to explore Manhattan with my friend when he comes to the states. Dance again at the clubs, let my hair down.
     It's also time to look seriously for a new job, I'm nit challenged at my job, I'm training people and they move on. It's frustrating and although I can't leave and look, no reason I can't take a few hours here and there to interview if I have to. I have vacation time I must use from last year, so I think this is a good way to use it. :-)
      My cat is starring at me, she wants treats again. She is a rotund kitty, we've been cutting her treats down and of course she acts like we are starving her. Her and I have both been altered so we both have that belly hang. BWAHAHA she's so cute though, and my god foes she love the hubs. We will be in bed and she will literally walk over me to get to him. Furball that she is. My friend at work just had to put her kitty down, she was crying at work today. I felt so bad for her. I got all weepy along with her. She brought me some food that she had, I offered to pay her but she said no. One of the foods was a bag of treats that had catnip inside them. Ever see a cat on catnip. OMG it's funny as fuck.  So basically these cat treats are the feline equivilant of pot brownies for humans.  More you eat, the higher you get, the more you eat. It's a vicious cycle. LMAO
       Little witchy me, likes to open my witches cupboard and take a little Valerian Root powder. Sprinkle it on the carpet and Harley- Fang ( my cats name, long story) loves to roll around in it, and rub into the carpet.  I even keep her fresh catnip in there. I have been known to make a tisane with it as it's very calming to humans. I also have small jars that contain other herbs and oils. Nothing like eye of newt lol but things like mugwort, lavender, camomile, sabbat & esbat oils for anointing candles and myself. I heard a joke one that vegan witches use eye of potato. Lol
      Yeah I'm a strange little round chick, so many thoughts in my head you would never imagine. Well some of you might give it a good guess. Well I suppose I have decided, I'm going to NY this weekend. Whoohoo! So here's to no snow thus weekend, well not any measurable snow. I'm headed to bed, my evening cuppa us long finished. Going to sleep later tomorrow morning, as I took a bath tonight so I won't need but a quick shower to wake up and refresh. Sweet dreams or good day for whenever you read this. Until next time, ciao for now.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Turn Off The Lights Sweet Darling...bit vulgar for a lady

     Okay, I'm in a better mood, coming home and seeing the kitty's eyes peeking out the window as I pull into the parking pad made me smile. Had some trouble eating as my mouth hurts like hell. So ended up eating sugar free pudding for dinner. Banter between us was minimal tonight but weird of course as the night went on. In the movie Shrek 3 a kid asks Shrek to Do The Roar, so at this point we are upstairs in bed watching Castle. Hubs get up to get a tea from downstairs, he comes back in the room, I say Do The Roar. He proceeds to pull his shorts off and moon me and farts. Do the roar indeed! Men, you love farts. I yell out stop, you're getting farticles in my tea. He says I Wouldn't Talk Bubblebutt. So I reply I do not have a Bubblebutt , I just have a fat ass! He then gives me a rather fun spank across my butt. I'd like to say the rest of what happened is private but it was a good episode tonight and he was into it. So I just sat my fat ass down and watched the show , thinking of the spank hehehe.  20 years together, he still makes me laugh. I don't know how this is going to go, or when a job will come for him. I just have to think about the silliness we share, the memories I have on my desk, my own resolve. Just wanted to say hi and not be bitchy. Sweet dreams guys, until next time ciao for now

Yeah I'm venting today

     Today is a good day to leave me alone. Im sure I will be okay tomorrow but I'm just annoyed at things . I'm training someone today and I hate not having my desk to myself, he's a nice guy but I like my desk to be just so. Im getting annoyed that hubs still hasn't gotten a job, I shouldn't I know,  but i mean, not even one interview?? He's sending out all these resumes he says. People next door were having a fight in the street last night around 1:20 AM,  yelling and screaming at each other -  classy right? LOL
     Im on edge and everything is rubbing me the wrong way. I am tired of not living up to decent standards, I need so many things, normal things, a freakin bed that doesn't stick me in the hips. A kitchen that is up to date with a stove that I can use all four burners. Until Hubs gets a job none of this will help.  I have updated my resume and well lets see what happens, maybe I can get something else. I have vacation time I can use to interview. It's just getting to me, I cant wait for NYC this weekend, Bohemian Beer Garden in Astoria is sounding better and better every day LOL . Any place really thats not here.
     My friends birthday was today, we sent flowers and she took a picture and I am not happy with the flowers. They sent so many unopened blooms. Im sue their thought was that they will open up, but you know as I do, those blooms will not fully open. I wanted it to be such a nice full color full presentation as the picture had. I may call to mention this and maybe I can get her another little something in addition. I'm glad she liked the vase, I tried to pick one I thought she might like. The balloon was just for a giggle. It just bugged me. I have a little something for my friend when I see her as well. My dad gave me some of that "Walking around money I mentioned so I used it for a few nice things, also mailing to another friend as I can ship it now priority and make sure he gets it.
    Plus now I HAVE to get that damn bridge done, I filed my tooth but its still sharp  ACK!!!!  lol Ah life - it keeps you on your toes.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Pity Party Or Bitching, Your Choice! LOL

   I came into work today to get some OT and catch up with the emails we are getting at work, so I get to my desk and my director asks me to take calls instead, fine no problem. The first call of the day turned out to be from the most pompous, condescending "A"hole you can imagine.  All he did was yell at how he hates the company and he never gets any satisfaction, now, he did make a few valid points BUT how he was so miserable on the phone I just wanted to disconnect the call. I need a new job! Its messing up my cherubic demeanor I swear to Goddess.
   people often tease me here that I have so many things on my desk. There is a reason I promise. I have some post cards I got, my first oyster shells I ever ate with a dear friend on a fun night in the city, S&P shakers from the same friend from his plane trip, another set from a friend and her daughter, another mug from an other England friend reminding me of my travels, a fairy handmade for me, collection of owls, one given by my sister,  a mug from hubs with a rose saved from the birthday bouquet from my UK besties. I have these because on days like these I need them. I look at these and think of the times they represent and the people that they bring to mind and I feel better. I have another section on the far end of my desk that has a Bamboo plant, Dr.Who tea kettle and my hubs photo. I know it may be silly, but , well thats me. :-D here is a look see

     Well Im on lunch right now and I had to just come an vent a little. Ive been working 11 days straight with the OT I've gotten and please dont get me wrong, Im happy to get the opportunity for extra hours, but Im getting tired. Its hard to explain to a person who works hard labor like lifting boxes or doing construction, those jobs are physically demanding but sometimes dealing with idiots and getting yelled at by callers, so much more than you would expect, takes it out of you to the point where you just can feel yourself snap. Im going to stay overtime tonight but not working the full weekend again, just Saturday.  I'm headed to NY soon and I can't wait!! a day out on Long Island and then headed into Manhattan on that Sunday. So there you have my bitch fest.  Sorry but I needed too. So until later  I say Ciao For Now

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Oops She Did If Again

     I'm talking OT. I worked early today and I'm working OT tonight so today I will be at work 12 hours.  I'm also working on Saturday.   The next week in NYC and I took a vaca day so I have a full weekend to play. But I don't think I'll blog tonight. I'll be home late. By the time dinner is done I'm going to ho sleepy time. Lmao so retread any you missed and I'll be back tomorrow.  Ciao for now

Monday, January 12, 2015

Life It Changes

     Yes herself has finally realized no matter how much you want to keep things the same things will change. Hopefully they change for the better and if not they at least serve as a learning experience so you do not repeat your offenses.  I will admit there is a bit of me that hates change, I am very constant in what I like, in some cases to the point of being obsessed about it. I do dwell in the past sometimes, and yes I know its not always good, but those memories, well, they make me smile. I feel instantly better and in times like now, when things are a bit hard on me, they give me a small release of tension, a mini vacation from the daily grind if you will. I am not sure I can change this, not sure I ever will want to.
     The secret is not to let it get in the way of evolving each day, as we all should do. I know I am not the same person I was a year ago,  better or worse for it, hard to tell sometimes. LOL  I see small nuances that let me know I have changed,  Very recently I was informed of something that a year ago would have really gotten to me. I got a familiar twinge but let it go. It didn't come easy but it did happen. I let it go with the realization that no matter how I felt (feel) about it,  it was (is) what it was (is). Nothing I can change there, nor do I have the right to even try. I have the right to change me but not anyone else.
      Those I love I would never want to change, I mean I love them for who they are. That's not to say that I don't get upset,as I'm sure I upset therm sometimes. Thing is I can always discuss things with them. I am known to beat a few dead horses but eventually I learn. I know things change and situations change yet please dont hold it against me if sometimes I wish things were like a year ago or even years ago. Its just that I treasure experiences and I always want to continue them but as things around us change, those experiences sometime will only be a memory going forward. That's alright now, Im realizing that patterns change into more comfortable times, closer in many ways. But I never want top get too comfortable as thats when things can fade. I want to have some fun shake ups in future times to come,  to refresh, so to speak my experiences with my friends.
     Its now quarter after 6, I'm getting ready to leave work. This has been a rough start to hopefully a smoother week. Worked straight through the weekend, cooked last night when I got home for the coming week. Hubs did the laundry - bless.  So I will possible come back later,  and until then,  here's to change! May we always experience good change, and find a little extra change in our purses too
:-D  Muah Ciao For Now
     Well it's now almost half 9. Dinner has been consumed, cat has been worshipped to her liking, now just chilling waiting for Castle to come on TV at 10:00.  I'm sitting here and I open a envelope from my dad. I had called him last week to let him know I wasn't coming up due to the opportunity of OT this past weekend. Plain white envelope, I open it. It contains $100.00. The note says  just some walking around money for you. I'm a grown woman, we have some hard times at the moment but this just had me breakdown. Hubs got somber too. I want hug my daddy like I did when I was a little girl, he's still helping me in his way. Still trying to take away my hurts.  I know my hubs is blaming himself and well, there is a bit of truth to it, but I'll not dog him. We are in this together. We will get through it that way. But well I am personally hurting due to thus. Oh not in superficial ways, like oh dear I am using st.Ives body wash instead of Molton Brown, more real ways. Not using charge cards, cash only. Not so much as hurting but really cutting back. I so want to go out to a nice restaurant, hoping we can on Valentines. We stopped trips to Outback, or sushi place. Even the kebab shop. I'm cooking for the week but I love to cook, I'm not crying really, just natural things are now window shopping. I guess the hardest thing tonight was that I cancelled my American Express card. It served me for a few months, caught up the slack so to speak but it has to go. I'll get a new one at another time. I'm not helpless, I'm not weak, I will get through this. God, I've survived a blood clot in my lung, uterine cancer, some weird infection in my leg, so yeah, this is child's play. When I'm flush again, I have some people I am truly going to spoil. I budget really well now, as I've mentioned before,  so this is a very good by product of this penny pinching experience. Those of you who know me, know I plan wisely to do special things for special people. I'm fortunate to know a few. Hehehe.
Ah peeps, I'm with the hubs, Harley-Fang the wonder cat, enjoying some tea, watching my tv in a dry  warm room. Will sleep in a somewhat comfy bed ( we need a new one lol) and go to a job in the morning. At the end of the day, I'm a pretty rich gal in what matters. So again I will say, night night and ciao for now.

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Woke up to 3 degrees F, that's freaking cold! Not a whole lot today. Oh I do now how a breakfast gathering before work OT on Sunday. All of us who are working decided today let's start in a fun way. Whoohoo, she's on fire folks! Lol
    Not really going to write much, hope everyone has a fab Friday and a funky weekend. Ciao for now.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Well, Best a Laid Plans Of Mice And Men

     Well, seems this gal ain't getting to the Big Apple this weekend. Work has been crazy busy so our director actually offered unlimited OT this weekend. I can use the cash so I offered to work Saturday and Sunday. I'm going to do at least 4 hours a day. It's working on emails. It's easy peezy, so I will bring my iPod, plug in, turn on and tune out as I knock out email after email. It's boring, but easy OT for certain. I called my dad to let him know, he was disappointed but happy that I will be going up the weekend after.  
     Just hoping the weather holds out and doesn't give us snow when I want to head up. OMG yesterday we got snow. It was supposed to be about an inch, but turned out to be more like 4 inches. Let me tell you, some people have no clue how to drive in snow! Problem also was since they weren't expecting that much they didn't pre treat the roads properly the night before. The toll road I take in to work, normally a 7 minute drive ( I live 5 miles from work), took me an hour. Really an hour, it was crazy. It is pretty tough. Hubs came out with me a brushed all the snow off my car. Oh my car did so well. But I know how to drive in snow, very little keeps me from driving.  It's bitter cold out so nothing is melting, snow will stay awhile. When I left for work this morning it was 8 degrees out , or -13C. Brrrr either way. I need a scarf and hat. I finally broke down and got gloves last year. Little at a time. Lol 
     Checking in to say hey. Still congested, so doubled up on the mucinex tonight, just finished a nice cuppa, so I'm off to bed. Stay groovy peeps, until next time - Ciao For Now

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Early EARLY morning thoughts

     Spoke too soon about getting sick.  Of course I now have slight chest congestion combined with raspy breathing and sneezing. Taking the day tomorrow to give one more day of rest.  Nipping this as soon as possible. NYC on Friday.  Ah, what you going to do but roll with the punches. Right?!
     So here I am, sitting up in bed, as it's more laborious to breathe lying down. Just looking through the IKEA website, book marking things I like, wish for, and need. We have an Ikea Ektorp sofa in the living room that I would love to retire down the basement. Along with hub's chair. We have a nice credenza down there with a 46" HDTV flat screen. I want to mount the TV on the wall and eventually get 2 small lamps and assorted knick knacks for the credenza. I may try my hand at making a runner to go across. Simple strait stitches, so I should be able to pull this off. My sewing machine sits gathering dust in the store room, so let's see how I muck through it. Lol I want to get a new cover for the sofa. Thinking a nice soft tan/brown. Neutral shades as I have a handmade bowl that I picked up years back from the potter. It's all shades of browns, tans, and creams. So pretty and one of a kind. Taking my palette from it. I can envision the room so clearly in my head. Fresh coat of paint. Some throw rugs to soften the room. The nesting kidney tables would look great down there also. My friends have these cool "sheepskin" throw rugs and I do believe those would look perfect in the hallway from the big room, leading into the laundry room.  That's the nice thing about IKEA, if you're willing to put it together, you can cut some costs. I'm very willing. Lol  You all know my kitchen is my bug-a-boo, again, I see it oh so clearly in my mind's eye. Hubs and I already have picked out new plates and bowls. My pretty Pfaltzgraff tea rose collection will go into the hutch in the dining room. Also taking a corner hutch from my Dad's in NYC. He doesn't want it and it will go great in my kitchen. I am going to refresh it with a little help from HGTV. It's going to house my Moonlight Roses tea cups and saucers. I have 3 sets of tea cups now, and 2 butter plates. I have a tea for one set also. That and a cup & saucer were Chrimbo gifts from my extended family in Long Island and England. One day, when this is done, I would love them to see it. I smile when I look at them. It's just such a lovely pattern. So many ideas in my head,  now we just need to both be working to get this started. Hopefully we will get a tax refund again this year. That would be lovely. 
     Hubs made dinner tonight as I was feeling quite rough. I truly appreciate when he does this. He's a good cook too. He made this ground minced turkey with mixed veg. Served with brown rice and salad. Very tasty and he made so much. We have about 3 more nights dinner in the freezer. It's almost 1:45 in the morning and he just brought me tea. I'm loved. :-D.   By him and my close friends. Don't speak to them (friends not the hubs. Hehe) as much as I'd like but I'm not concerned. I will speak with them soon enough, seeing one this coming weekend. Maybe get to FaceTime others at some point. Not much going on, so I'm a bit boring. Lmao I put a pick on Instagram tonight that said, You don't meet people by accident.  I agree. They are in my life for beautiful reasons. I need honest people who can tell me when I'm an arse yet still love me. I will do the same for them. 
     Well peeps, I've rambled on enough. So I'm going to finish my tea and try to sleep. Ciao For Now. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

So This Is Already Better Than Last Year

     I'm crossing my fingers, knocking on wood, anything I can do as not to jinx myself. This is the first year I have been relatively healthy over the winter holidays. This season I've had sniffles, minor tummy issues, even as I type, I'm a bit achy, but nothing I can't handle. The past two seasons I was in the hospital, so to find myself just chillin with the hubs on the first day of the new year, is very pleasant.  Watching The Tudors on BBC America, ah those crazy kids. Having now gone to the Tower Of London, and heard the truths it's interesting to watch now. I digress. ( me digress? lol) just saying, I'm enjoying my first day of 2015. Quiet calm day with hubs, some lovely cuddles and late breakfast. Spoke to a few friends, thinking of others. Looked at Facebook, saw posts and comments from friends on my pages and others. Put a few pics up.
     Already set up the weekend after this one. Looking forward to having tea with my sister. Once I'm better financially we will head into Manhattan and have it at the a Ritz. She is always up for something cool.  There is a speakeasy bar, one of those must see in NY kind of places, we have plans to go there in the Spring. A few shows too. I'm planning on living life and this year starts it. Want to meet new people, try new things. Small part of me wants to live back in NY. Work and travel into Manhattan and experience it all. My dear friend overseas, showed me the excitement of "the city" I miss it. I want to go there more often. I can't wait until he comes over again so we can explore the city and just have fun and laughs. He's got that type of personality, lives life fully and enjoys his fun.  Funny the rare few close friends all have that zest for life. I used to shine that way, the past few years, dulled me a bit, but I'm ready to shine bright again.  I have high hopes for 2015. I wish all my dear friends individual lives shine brightly as well. Happy New Year to you all, and to all of, may it be a great one.