Saturday, June 29, 2013

Why Bother Blogging?

      I have been asked this question by several folks, and it is a valid question. Why do people blog? Why are we so interested in sharing information to others who we don't even know? What do you blog about, what kind of blog do you have? All of these are again, good questions. I can only answer for me, so I would have to say that, for me blogging is a type of therapy.  My situation is not so different from many others that I would fool myself into thinking people rush to read of my next adventure. Trust me, my life is not that exciting!! LOL Matter of fact I know that many people who read me every day have slowed down or even stopped due to their own personal time constraints. I am not upset, & I fully understand. I'll admit, I like that friends read what I write, but in reality, I am a very basic, ordinary, teetering on dull, kind of gal. I know that not every blog is a great one, or even interesting. I just get upset that when I write something I think is rather good, I don't want anyone to have gotten so bored with my small banal little blurbs that they miss the really meaty blogs. There have been a few as of late, and now they will be missed by many, LOL!! Oh don't shed a tear, I haven't. I don't mean that in a mean or cruel way either, far from it. People have lives, and I know damn well that I will not be part of everyone's day to day living. No matter how much I hound, and pry and beg...LMAO ;-D
     According to my Facebook, I'm a fucking hoot and a half! I post fun pics, leave witty little status updates, but as much as it IS me, it's just a way of filling the loneliness I actually feel sometimes. Oh I am not taking away from anyone or anything on there. I like all the people on my page which is why I don't have friends in the excess of 500 and up. I enjoy the back and forth, I am in a few groups and one is from the town I grew up in, my Dad still lives there. I like catching up with the people I went to school with, relive the memories that made it a great time. Finding out all these years later that I was not the only person who viewed a situation, or teacher, or music or anything else, the same as I did. I am also speaking to those who I knew by name (smaller town in a big city), but not in person. I am also finding out that people are so very kind. A man I knew from all the way back in grade school, contacted me several times about jobs he has seen that I may be interested in. A woman I went to high school with (very sweet woman but wasn't in my "close group") who I have come to know better on FB posted some images to my page because they made her think of me!! I can not tell you how very touched that makes me. Maybe it's because we are all older and not caught in teenage competition, that I can connect with these folks now. We have had our life lessons, we have experienced what our parents were preparing us for. LIFE HAPPENED!! It really doesn't matter anymore who the most popular is, or if that one got fat, lost weight, lost hair, got divorced. We all experienced things that made us realize, hopefully, that people are people no matter the difference in looks, that change happens all the time. Real issues took over, jobs, mortgages, you know, being a grown up! (SHUDDER) 
     Getting back to the question at hand. I blog now to write about what I see and how I feel, I try to blog every day, but in the last few months I have been slacking off.  Not because I don't feel like writing, but because my life has gone into a kind of stasis where every day seems the same. A boring Groundhog's day. With bursts of fun thrown in. Huzzah, those bursts give me the urge to blog. Like I mentioned, blogging is also a therapy for me. look I started this when I really started to try and live a healthy lifestyle. I was doing really good, then I got lazy again. ACK, I did stop myself before I went too badly in the backpedal, but I now have been back on track since January and have lost a solid 34 pounds since the new year. Whoot whoot right? No, I feel bad. The thing is with what I lost prior and now this I am down my original loss of 54 plus 6 more. I know that's great and it is, I am not belittling the loss. I just have so much more to go!!! BUT, I finally really can see a difference in how I look, and I am happy. So as I look to more of the same, meaning going to the gym and eating healthy, I will be blogging, sometimes more than others but I am not promising everyday. I hope that you will join me, and comment and enjoy. Also ask me stuff. I am one opinionated passionate woman. I also am a great devil's advocate. I can see both sides of most things. Which is why you never ask me "What you want to do?" I just want to do something, anything. I just want to do! LOL    So come visit every now and again. Thank you so much for reading and helping me as well. Oh yes you do! So as always Ciao For Now.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Fat and Fab

     Only one letter changes that word, interesting huh? No? Well, fuck, and here I thought I was being profound. LOL
     Lifes been, knock wood, quite decent. Other than not finding a job yet, I'm basically happy. Would like a bit more private time to do things on my own, but where there is a will there is a way! I have to say I have heard from more than one person that my blog the other day about being more noble had people telling me that I inspired them. WOW, that's so cool to hear. I know those who inspired me and I am so happy they feel this way. We are here to help each other in this life. I try to anyway. 
     I just feel happy, why? Cant answer it, I have great friends and feel something positive is going to happen. I can't wait to see what it is.
      Okay I just want to say hi and to tell you I will be back with a real blog, but there are a few good ones back a week or so ago, go ahead, re-read them  LOL 
So take care peeps, be happy and as always, Ciao For Now

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Whew Where Do I Start

     I guess I should start at the beginning, but I really don't remember it all from about a week ago. So lets talk from the inside, things I've seen and read online that have touched me somehow.I've been just doing my thing, going to the gym and it's been paying off. I've lost 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks and 3 of that in the past week. I am pleased with what's going on with me. I'm down a size and on my way to being down another. I need this I need to see progress. I like feeling better. Like I've said in a blog I wrote prior, I am still working on my walking and now it includes my biceps. So I got some barbells in varying sizes. Nothing too heavy as I have very little upper body strength. So at night now I sit with the little 3 pounder and do bicep curls while I watch TV. LMAO  I find it hilarious, but I want to tone as well as lose weight. I'm going to look like one of those guys walking around with the squeeze grips, walking and squeezing. So I am on the couch watching TV, cat curled next to me on one side, and there I am, curl, curl, curl. 20 reps at a time for a half hour show. The switch arms. Been doing this for 3 days, not doing it every day though. Too much, going to do it on my machine days. I was told not to do machines 2 days in a row as the muscles need time to heal. I am going in the morning early to do the demon treadmill and the bike.
     The next thing on my agenda is social media. I read about Paula Deen. One part of me is so very appalled at what she said. I can't imagine in this day in age to be so demeaning of others, then I think but she is from a generation where that was not unheard of and especially in the south.  Now then I get upset again and if you are in the public eye, you need to be aware of what you are presenting out to your followers. Alone in private moments then say and think what you want, but that's wrong too. You should be able to be who you are. Then I read all the remarks against her and they are so filled with hate, for a person who fucked up and said something she shouldn't have.  I go back and forth, and it's understandable. I know people who are "of color" and I hear them use the "N" word.  How can they use it and not me? Is it derogatory or not. If it's a word that deplorable to use, why so I hear it on CD's all the time? It's bad or not bad, it can't be one or the other.  I don't use it, but I don't think the ones who are saying they will "F" this woman up so she can't sit should use it either. By using the "N" word it makes their arguments totally void.  I suppose this segues into my second thought. On facebook I liked a post showing an overweight girl on a leg press machine. It said getting fit for fertility. I applaud her for doing what she is doing to help herself with something she wants to change. Yet reading the posts people were putting made me want to cry. They were saying hey you should push yourself away form the table instead of that machine. Try putting down a fork sometimes. That she looked like a whale. I was so upset at this, this woman is damned if she did and damned if she doesn't. I for one am tired of hiding who I am.  I am Mary, I am short, I am fat, but I deserve the same things as anyone else.  I always say if the worse thing people can say about me is that I am fat then I am okay. I do mean that but you know it still hurts. I won't let anyone see it, so I get a bit out of control sometimes. It's something I work on, to feel free. Not to stay in the car until the group of sexy younglings walks by. I'm working on it. To nit get self conscious when a group of teens is looking at me, TEENS, I could be their mom but I have heard remarks, so I stay put until they are gone.   It's only recently that I have felt better. I am confident in my world, with my friends but these things are the ones instilled at a young age and harder to break through. With help of dear friends who mean the world to me, I feel more confident in the outside world. I actually wore a sundress the other night, that had spaghetti straps. My arms were exposed and I didn't care. I liked the way it looked. I am working on my body but I'm happy its starting to show my efforts. It's taken a long time to really see a difference. It's worth it though. I will get more fit, walk with friends, I will get into that size 14/16.  
     Once again I have traveled the tracks in my mind and the train took a weird journey. thank you so much for sharing the ride.  So until next time I will say, as always, ciao for now! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Random Thoughts For Tonight

1) It was a fiends birthday but he lives in California, so I can't buy him a drink. Would have liked to do so.
2) the ball on my new earring fell off and neither I nor hubs can get it back on. Upsetting, so must go to local ink shop to have them do it...LAME!!
3) did really good food wise today than had a drink after dinner. Why did I do that? Wasted calories!!
4) wish hubs wasn't scratching so much tonight, it's really bothering him and no doctors can figure it out. Makes no sense and is really hurting our relationship!
5) realized I'm actually pretty strong willed when I have been craving pizza and hubs said okay which he rarely does but then I said no. Not worth blowing an entire days calories on one meal. I guess I had the shot as consolation. Lol. It was only a shot, no more than ounce and a half.
6) want my friend to draw me an awesome tattoo, maybe an owl and moon with stars kind of thing. He draws so well. Don't want to impose though.
7) applied for two jobs today and hope one calls me back
8) really want a job, I need cash.
9) wonder who reads my blogs in Russia, you guys read it a lot. Thanks much
I really am just a bunch of thoughts tonight. One from yesterday is making me giggle and a bit nervous. I want to finish phone calls that got interrupted, I want to extend my workouts to at least 2 hours at the gym. If I can that I mean.
 I am looking forward to possibly heading up to Maine in the near future. Happy that I enrolled in an art class for next week, will be nice to interact with like minded folks. It gets very lonely down hear at times.  That's it guys. Not very much tonight. Read the blog before this as it was much more exciting. Lol.  Sweet dreams or good morning.  Ciao For Now

Saturday, June 15, 2013

I lost Another 2 Pounds, And Gained Some Self Awareness

     I weighed in this morning, and yay the scale went in the proper direction, BUT I think that more than losing weight, it's my realizations about myself and even life that I appreciate. 
     I know we all have our strengths and weaknesses, we need to praise our strengths and not hide them. No one would do that you say? Au contraire my friends. I know that there are many who "tone down" their accomplishments, such as a very smart girl who plays "dumb" so guys will like her. Or a person who can sing the shit out of a song and won't get up for karaoke. These are just two I can think of off the top of  my head. We are taught to be humble and not boast, and that is fine and dandy but we also need to be taught to embrace what we are capable of and try to better ourselves. Not to go against another (as we are ALL different) but to better ourselves against the former us. There is a quote by Ernest Hemingway that goes: "There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to you former self." What great words to live by. Look I'm competitive, I don't like that in sports nowadays every kid plays, you should earn being on a team. I don't mean schoolyard games, I mean if you are in a league. Try to be the best you, earn your strengths and in so doing we discover our weaknesses. Now I am not saying that's always a bad thing or that you are a weak person. But lets be honest there are things that we can't do well. Here is another BUT!! Its doesn't mean you can't do them; just don't be sad if you can't do as well as someone else. It's not always a contest. This is something I had to learn.
     In losing weight, which has been a lifetime event for me, I could win a medal in great starts. I'm really good at that. I have gained and lost the same 20 pounds over and over again. In younger years it was easier, I was very active. I rode my bike, I played basketball. Because of this everyone said oh when she gets taller she will slim down. Guess what, I DIDN'T GET TALLER!!! LMAO   So as life got more sedimentary, instead of walking there was my car, I watched sports instead of playing them, I hung out in stead if riding my bike. My metabolism was not the same as my friends. There's that comparing again. haha. So before you know it, I find myself here just on the plus side of 50 and still not fit. Notice the phrasing as that's important. I say FIT! I know many people who the world will point and say FAT, but although they are by society's measures overweight, they ARE fit. America has become so weight obsessed that we for get that it's not just what the scale says. As a matter of fact I have recently seen articles that state a bit of chub can help you live longer. I don't know. I would never judge someone on their weight, since most of my life I have been judged by mine. If someone is happy and has no health issues, then enjoy your life as you want. Not happy about something then change it but do it because YOU want to. I was not happy and yes have issues that I need to change. So I joined a gym, have been counting calories and finally its starting to show. I am pleased and along the way I have noticed that for all my circuit machines and bikes and treadmills that I STILL have a walking issue. Go figure right? The simplest thing to do and that is what I have problems with. I can ride that bike on all terrains the machine offers.  I do the circuit machines with minimal issues but that damn treadmill is like my personal hell! Of course it's the one thing I am striving for, to be able to walk the streets of London when I visit, and of course more close to home, walk my fabulous streets of Manhattan without always looking to hail a cab! So want to discuss frustration!? BWAHAHAHA 
     I also mentioned strengths and I have them. I can drive well, cook very well and bake even better. I love people and am a damn good friend. I love my friends and family with every part of me. I am loyal, fun to be with, and damn I sound like a frigging golden retriever. :-D 
I am worth knowing, although I can go overboard, and I question a lot. I think that's from when I was younger I sometimes felt others were just going through the motions, and I want to be certain.  I am the proverbial work in progress, so many thoughts in my head at all times. I never fully get the chance to say all I want and ALWAYS think the best stuff after the conversation is over. I am long winded at times (proof with this particular blog) but I'm trying. I'm trying Mr. Hemingway to become more noble. 
     So I will end this here and say as always Ciao For Now

Friday, June 14, 2013

Things Happen - What Can You Do?

     Well I am going to go get my ink finished this weekend, and I hope it turns out well. I like the piece but its not coming together quite the way I wanted. Will need to talk with my artist Saturday before we start. Hair must be darker on my fairy, it's too yellow, I need her more defined, since to me she looks a bit too cartoonish. (Is that a word? Lol)  I'm looking forward to it though as I always am. Something about that needle just gets you going. I was afraid I'd have to cancel as tonight my cat got spooked and ran across me and left 4 long scratch marks on my leg right near the ink. It still hurts, but. I washed it and put anti bacterial on the streaks. It's covered with gauze now but will be fine tomorrow and really fine by Saturday I'm sure. I am paranoid. But I'd rather not get an infection in my leg again. Once was quite enough thank you!
      I went tonight to fill out my food journal on My Fitness Pal and was sure I'd be over my calories for the day. But low and behold, I was under. Not by 100's but by 107. I am honest on them, I mean who am I fooling? I will say that I do miss hearing I am sexy. Hubs always tells me cute is so much better. No, a woman wants to know that the opposite sex finds her desirable. I want to know I am thought about and desirable and sexy. I'm not just saying that to have someone tell me. I want them to mean it. I feel it on many days, today was not one of those days really. I had a good although rainy day, lol.  Just not feeling the sexy today. Who knows, tomorrow I may just ooze sexy. LMAO I know, I'm a hard one to keep up with. Not really, I just want to smile, go out with friends, cook lovely meals, get a job....I'm actually smiling right now, kind of laughing at the sexy remarks I made. I'm imagining looking into a mirror and telling myself  I'm a sexy lady, then that song is popping into my head, you know the one... Who's That Lady. Hahaha oh man, it's a trip inside my head isn't it??
      Oh hey, I'm picking up my car tomorrow. It's been a week, pretty fast job. I do hope it looks good. Must do extreme check when I get there. I could have gotten it this afternoon, but the weather sucked so I opted for the morning. I still have no idea how much all this cost the guys I insurance company. It's all electronically billed and paid. Ah technology.  Since the weather is supposed to be nice this weekend, it will be nice to have the convertible back.
My friends daughter, my Goddess daughter and hubs Goddaughter turns 14 tomorrow. No impossible that much time has passed. She has grown into such a lovely young lady. My friends son turned 15. It boggles the mind that two people I love had these gorgeous children (they both have other lovelies at home also) and have raised them right. You read so much about kids their ages and sans the usual pushing of the envelopes by these kids, they are truly good kids.  I'll say it again, and again. My one true regret in my life. Never to know what that feels like, to have and raise a child. I know they are proud of them, hell I'm proud of them and they're not even mine. I happy for my friends, they made these beings - amazing job - well done guys. 💗
      Going to wind it down now, as I hear Morpheus calling out, and as exciting as this blog is - Hehehehe I'm taking this sexy ass woman to bed. So as always Ciao For Now Peeps

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

It's Been Awhile

     So, I've been quiet (on here anyway LOL) and now I've been home since yesterday. A trip to New York is always welcome, but it always is bittersweet. I miss NY and love going back. I will say that thr travel to and from my beloved city this time was not optimum. The northeast was having a hurricane, first of the season. It caused havoc on the roads, with so much flooding. It took me a little over 7 hours to complete a 4 1/2 drive. I went out that night and the wine and hard lemonade helped calm my nerves and help sleeping. LOL Saturday night was a birthday dinner and Sunday was the best as we went to tea at this adorable tea parlor out on Long Island. It was such a wonderful experience, and the owner of the place was so sweet. He talked with us for a bit and explained what they had. Choice of the first pot was easy, as they had Yorkshire Gold as their house tea. We had that then for the second pot we had PG Tips. Thanks so much to my Friend in England who sent me my first tastes of these lovely teas. He has spoiled me. 
     I was decent with my food. I watched and was good with food choices, even forgoing my favorite NY pizza, to have a salad for lunch, I was over slightly on Friday and Saturday. Obviously it was the alcohol that put me over. Even on Saturday with the scones and OMH the most divine clotted cream, I was under my calories. Monday I was very under as driving I wasn't hungry that night. I'm doing better with choices, but I have had a craving for ice cream lately, just a scoop of real rum raisin or chocolate. I will wait though. I am headed to the gym tomorrow morning as it's been a week since I've gone. I actually am looking forward to it. It's going to hurt... LMAO 
     I put on my 3 1/2 heels this weekend and was actually walking in them with no real issue. I used to wear 4 inch back in the day.  Made me feel a little sexy. I have lost some sexy I'm thinking but I'm getting it back. I have though, gained much confidence!! 
     I am tightening my belt as hubs was laid off last week, although he got a fabulous redundancy package, it made me realize that I can do it. I've planned all kinds of projects including repainting my old bookcase. Wonder what color paint I'll look good in. HEHEHE
     Well just wanted to say hi and that I'll be back with some good stuff, promise. Leave me some comments guys. I'm not even getting them from my regular readers, that means you "M" and "T", yes needy, why do you ask? ;-D lol     Ciao For Now

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Fate Plays Funny Sometimes

     Well as I mentioned I had a car bumper thumper, so I'm on the phone with the rep for my insurance, and we were chatting. She was very and it came about some how that I was looking for work, and she mentioned that the company will be putting up a job req. soon.  Basically it is for what she was doing which is what I used to do and was the supervisor over. So she gave me the URL to check starting next week, so I see when the job gets listed, so I can apply. Also yesterday a lady I used to work with about 3 years ago, messaged me in facebook and asked if I was still looking for work. I said yes and she gave me a URL to a job that they have open. I filled out the forms, and then she let me know this morning she spoke with the recruiter who handles that job. I hope to hear soon about coming in for an interview. I also had a headhunter from an agency call me and I was supposed to see him today at 3 but he called and had something come up and so now I see him next week. If the saying, "When it rains it pours." is true, I could use a huge fucking thunderstorm boy! LOL 
     Been to the gym, eating well so I feel better, and I will do my best to be aware of my calorie intake this weekend coming up. I also came to terms with realizations that I knew but hard to accept due to past occurrences. Onwards we go. 
     I was in contact with a dear friend and she was upset by happenings where she lives. I told her that I am here for her anytime. We exchanged I love you's and will talk this week. I used to be the one my friends all came to if they needed to vent or talk or whatever, have a laugh, you know? But I wonder if I've changed that much, that it makes others more silent. I'm not prying, I just like to be part of my friends lives. Okay yea I'm nosy LMAO  (but Im not a gabber or hurtful so that's a plus for me) Go Mary! WOOHOO :-D 
     I am actually going to try to get some sleep. I have been awake at 2 am most mornings and its causing issues. I stay up until about 5 or 5:30 am then fall out. So I wake up about 9:30. NOT GOOD!!  With that, I am saying ciao for now.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Affirmation To Myself and Spirit

     Sometimes it takes a wall to realize what you are capable of. Scaling it can be simple if you don't lose your vision of how you want it to be.  At the same time, everything seems to want you to fail. Pad yourself with those who enrich and love you. Should you fall, there is no reason not to accept help getting back up. Feel the energy from inside you, join with that outside you, and move forward. Even if its so small a step, it doesn't seem like you've moved. You have, keep faith in that. Eventually the results will show. Obstacles are there, and the way you respond to them will either strengthen your resolve, or diminish it. I choose Strengthen!  

So, I call to the powers that be, the energy that's inside of me:

By Fire, Air, Earth & Water
From my path I will not falter
Within joy, there is always strife
Yet this is normal, this is life
I walk my path, a change I'll see
My resolve renewed, So Mote It Be!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Cherry on the Sundae, so to Speak

     It has been a flurry this past week. It's now 2am on Sunday morning, 2nd of June. I expect my next installment will be tomorrow night. Today will be filled with cleaning, gym, and who knows what.
      Where to start, not easy as the week was a blur. I acted stupid and childish and my friend sweetly reprimanded me, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate that. He doesn't mince words, and I admit I deserved it. I was happy that he knows he can do that, I appreciate the honesty. It was just part of the week that consisted of writing a new budget for myself, going through old clothes to see what now fits. Making a call to the homeowners association,  paying bills, losing at Candy Crush Saga, making one of hubs favorite meals tonight oh yea, and having some man run a red light and hit the front of my car.
     I had a green light and turn arrow, so I am driving and don't you know, I guess it wasn't the right color red for him because he went right through his light, and bam!!  I now need to wait for Monday to have my claims adjuster come out. Car is drivable, but the front bumper is pushed away, there is a dent in the metal above it, and thankfully it didn't get my hood. No clue what it will cost. I have his insurance info, and called to leave his rep a message. No way I'm paying anything to fix my car, he ran the red light! He needs to cough up some dough. Obviously I'm angry, but no one was hurt at least.  I know I'll get a loner car, just wondering what it will be.  
     Peeps I'm losing weight I can feel it but today I felt jut the opposite. I feel so weighted down, and it makes me cranky. I'm not stupid, but around some people on the phone at least, I feel like a empty headed lady. I need some good conversation. I'm starved for it really. I think I just figured that out.
I'm mean go to a place and talk, about everything, about nothing, what makes you smile, your thoughts and sharing my thoughts.  I enjoy  the look a person gets when they are talking about something they are passionate about. It gets you caught up, it opens your eyes. It's been a while since I've done that.  
     I'll let you know what happens with the claims adjuster on Monday. It's late, going to try and sleep, so ciao for now