Monday, December 31, 2012

Auld Lang Syne

     "Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot, And Never Brought To Mind. Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot, And Auld Lang Syne."  A simple Scottish poem set to music that has become the epitome of a New Years song. I looked it up and it means "Old Long Ago". Makes sense to think on whats gone before us in the year that's leaving, also to remember those perhaps no longer with us. "We'll take a cup O' Kindness Yet for Auld Lang Syne", so we raise our glasses at midnight and give each other hugs and kisses and good wishes for the year that's coming.  As I get older I can see how New Years Eve has changed for me. What once was an excuse for a huge fun time with lots of drinking and drugs, (yes mainly pot, but some others made there way in back then), is now a time of reflection and self growth. That does not mean that I don't enjoy a good party, I most certainly do and always will, but if I don't go to any I am not bummed. This year hubs and I were invited out to what would have been a great night. Some friends have this huge hooka and we all were going to partake and have some drinks, and laughs, but since I am still not 100% I am staying in tonight. I just finished my last treatment IV for 2012. LOL I figure if this is how the year is starting it's just going to get better. It's only half ten here, yet a few of my friends have already seen the New Year in, I love watching the clock chime in all the time zones, seeing the year coming across the globe. New start, like a rebirth of sorts. 
     Unfortunately this last IV dose has given way to tummy issues as it often does so this will be shorter than I thought it would be, and plus me jabbering on does nothing to cure a hangover, so I want to leave you with this sentiment I found online. It was written by an Englishman named Neil Gaiman, it goes as follows:
May your coming year be filled with magic, and dreams, and good madness,
I hope you read some fine books, and kiss someone who thinks you are wonderful, 
And don't forget to make some art - write or draw or build or sing or live as only YOU can, And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.
     Hopefully you will have lots of surprises in 2013, and cross off items on your bucket lists and don't forget to play as well as work. Know that you deserve to be treated with love and kindness and that it's not bad to win but when you lose to do it gracefully and to learn from it. There is so much to do and we never know when the clock will stop, so live as fully as possible. I wish you all peace and a Very Happy New Year.  

New Years Eve

     So here it is, it's almost half 6 on New Year's Eve day!  I have been up since 5. The allergy to my meds is slow to subside. I took 3 benedryl capsules yet I still itch , and on my hands yet!!!! I tell you this, I have an entirely brand new respect for hubs, and can now understand the torment he goes through with his skin allergy. It's so much worse than what I have, and I just can't imagine how he deals with it!
      December 31st, it's cold here, but no snow, and what we did get the other day did not stay around for long. I love the snow. When I was younger we used to go snowmobiling! What a rush it was. I think I'm going to look into it as soon as my infection heals. I have no idea what it costs now!
I am spending the eve very quietly, just me and hubs. Oh a couple we know invited us over for a New Years Hooka party, but I am not really up for that. Took a rain check though! Lol
     I will be back later but I wanted to wish you guys who are hours and even a day ahead of me a very  Hsppy AND Healthy New Year!!ciao for now

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Normal, not me NEVER! LOL

     Well as you all know I had a long hospital stay, drove myself, and friends nuts with my self pity, but now is the time to look towards a new year with lots of possibilities and new adventures to have. 
Yes a Happy AND Healthy 2013!! 
      I have to tell you all just how odd things get sometimes, here's the scenario. I have a 104 fever, hubs takes me to the hospital, they decide to admit me and the man who comes down to tell me about HIPAA laws, (privacy acts) which I know, since due to my job I am HIPAA certified! Well this guy says something to my husband that I didn't quite get. Hubs answers him and I realize he spoke Japanese to mu hubby. Now as a side note, let me state that hubs is teaching himself Japanese, through books and anime (yep anime). It is half his heritage. Up until this point I hadn't realized how much he has learned in so short a time. This guy and my husband talked in Japanese for about 10 minutes straight. This man had lived in Japan for 15 years and spoke it fluently, and except for a few words, hubs was doing really well. I was impressed to say the least. Figures it happened, was kind of funny really. 
     Well I am a week out of the hospital and my leg is a weird burnt color and peeling like crazy. It's still warmer than they would like. I mean what the hell bacteria got into me??! But I do have to say I am getting better, as I am noticing I can sleep better. The only thing is that my IV meds make me nauseated and I have to rest after each treatment so I don't YAK! I have an appointment next Thursday with the doctor and I'm asking all of you to cross your fingers that they will take me off the IV. I don't care if I have to take pills and stay out of work (although I'm on FMLA unpaid leave) as long as I can get back to being untethered from this damn pole.  I said I wanted to be a pole dancer but this in not what I had in mind. LOL
     You know, it's interesting, I called my Dad today as it's his 85th birthday. He asked me if I was sure everything was okay, as he thought I wasn't as exuberant about Christmas as I usually am. Very astute I must say, Dad doesn't miss much at all. I assured him all is well but i know what you are thinking. Why not tell him. The reason is simple, he doesn't handle bad news well. In a way we are the same in that he feels helpless and it frustrates him, I do the same thing. As I have become an adult I see many of his traits in myself - skeery!!! :-D
     I still have gifts to wrap and send out overseas. I am hoping to get to them this week if I am able to venture out. I want them to have the prezzies. I also want to get to NY to see my friends there and give them their things too. I know they are fine with it and I am too, just that I love giving things. I got some surprise gifts this year that I did not expect. I am so touched that these friends sent me these lovely things. I was so absorbed with the thought that no one misses me at work, and I didn't matter that I got super needy. But thank you gals for all you sent, for my owl earrings, lovely French chocolates and for my tea for one Royal Albert in Moonlight Roses, a favorite pattern I have mentioned. Those and the bad jokes & calls from my friend "Across The Pond" made me realize that I am thought about and loved and I love you all back guys.  MUAH!! Big wet sloppy ones for all of you!HAHAHAHA Yep it's all going to be fine and better!!
    Well I'm off to watch the Christmas special of Dr. Who.  geek that I am :-D    So I will say ciao for now

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Don't Be So Rash

     Unfortunately I can't help it as my medicine has done just that. It's giving me a lovely blotchy red rash on my legs, hands and chest. I was thinking about my hubs and the itching he does and while speaking with a friend today he mentioned the same thing.  It's terrible but I have my benedryl so I'm dealing with it. 
    The days are all melting into one as when you don't do anything it's just passing hours. This to me is the hardest thing to deal with. Oh sure I love a lazy day, one where you have no work or no plans, but when that's the constant even days like that get so fookin' boring. I would so much prefer to be doing things so that when I veg out it's because I'm tired from things I've done. I did venture out for Christmas to go to my in-laws and even though it was wonderful to see them, it made me so tired. I was very surprised at how taxing just showering was. I wrapped my arm in a plastic bag so I wouldn't get the PICC line wet and the water felt so good just falling on me that I didn't want to get out. I washed my hair and used the last of my Molten Brown on my body and it made the bathroom, (and me lol), smell so good.
     Today was a phone day as about 5 people called in a row. I loved it. I would love to Skype more, I facetimed with a friend last night who just got an Iphone5 and never had done it before. We laughed so hard, she is like a sister to me. She had the best story that I must share, she put it on Facebook so I don't think she would mind, her son (age 7) had used her peppermint body wash to take his shower and when he had come downstairs he announced that his penie smelled like a candy cane!!  BWahahaha, you have to love kids and the things they come out with!! :-D 
     I have a Dr. appointment next Thursday so hopefully they will take out the PICC line and let me go back to being untethered and then back to work!!  I miss working, I do like what I do :-) 
     Well I really am boring right now so I won't keep that going and bore you all also so here is where I will say, as always, Ciao For Now

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Chrsitmastime Is Here

     Well since the world did not end, (Did anyone really think it would?), here I sit. None the worse for wear really. I have my PICC line in, my antibiotics administered 2x a day, and truthfully energy levels at an all time low but I am here. I admit this infection was bad, worse than I thought it would end up being and of course my stubborn system is resilient to most antibiotics so they had to change the "blend" 3x before they came upon this one. So as I assimilate back into normality I find myself so behind in Christmas preparation. I was ahead of the game, I had 96% of my gifts bought and in hand the week after Thanksgiving. It was smooth sailing, and then...DA DA DUM!!!!! just under 2 weeks in hospital pushed it all back. I had apologized to those I felt so bad about not getting their cards and gifts to in time as all had the same response. "Shut up, don't be daft!!" LOL  They are right of course, but years of holiday shows and movies put these images in our heads. Of course everyone putting up pics of their decorations make me a bit jealous in a Martha Stewart kind of way. I want to show my tree and all the neat ornaments and retro balls that I would be hanging on it. I finally can say I am now resolved that this is NOT HAPPENING!! Not this year anyway. So I will send out the prezzies when I can, and those receiving them know that I love them and wish them nothing but all the best. At least I got my dad's cards done, whew!!! That in and of itself is a Christmas miracle.
     Ironically enough, everyone was like oh you will be out for Chrimbo, not realizing that I celebrate the Winter Solstice or Yule if you will. I arrived home that very night actually and as the hubs lay sleeping, and I was enjoying a cup of tea, I looked over at the lamp in the corner of the room. Hubs had bought Christmas lights and strung them around the lamp as a surprise for me. I could have cried, it touched me deeply. This, I realized is the whole thing in reader's digest version. The feeling that I felt looking at those lights, hearing him snore gently, and to be back home was as much a celebration as if I had done a Yule alter to pay homage to the Holly King. I did silently offer prayers of thanks to him and to the old Gods to guide us through the night and to herald the coming of longer days and to when the earth will once again be reborn in the Spring. This too is Christmas, for those who believe, a new birth to bring life back to the world. Nature is my religion, feelings inside guide me. I am so grateful to the ones I love. My family and friends mean so much, and if I dote on the fact that things are not there in time it's just that I want them to have what I got for them. I will see my in-laws on Christmas day and that is fabulous. I will call my dad and have a nice chat. I told him next year he's coming to us for the holidays, he just says "we'll see".  LMAO
      I did miss my office party but what are you going to do? I will be out of work until at least the 1st week of the new year then it's up to the dr.s to see if I can go back to work. They are just scared that if I go back to soon I may relapse. My hubs wants me like the boy in the plastic bubble. He is so afraid of me being near any germs. I told him that to remove all germs is not possible and I mean I have almost 3 weeks worth of antibiotics in me right now, not temping fate at all, but that's a lot of antibiotics, so I should be fine. 
     I had a dream one night in hospital and I had gone to sleep kind of pity parting myself (BIG surprise lol) about not being able to prepare for Christmas. In my dream was both my Mom and my Nona. My mother told me that is okay and all would be fine and not to worry. I remember waking up from that dream with tears on my face. See Mom and Nona were my nucleus in regards to Chrimbo. We would stay up all night cooking, and baking. We would light a bayberry candle that burned in the sink all night. We would drink spiked egg nog and just laugh and yell too but that was all good. 3 generations of women each telling each other what they are not doing right. HAHAHA So much food for a lot of family coming to eat Christmas diner. New Christmas corsages on our coats. It is engraved in my mind and how great that I can relive those time over and over. They are both gone now but I always think of them the most this time of year and its a gift that I open every year with relish!!
     If I keep going I am going to turn into a soppy sausage and start sprouting how I love all my friends so much and want to be with all of them and hug and kiss them and just feel them, flesh & blood in my arms. So before I do that ;-) I am going to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy yourselves and the love of family and friends and in the spirit of the season I am not signing off with my usual, but I will copy from one of the best Christmas stories ever and channel my inner Tiny Tim and say "God Bless Us All, Everyone"

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Too Much Pity Time On My Hands

     There was a song in the 80's with that title by a band named Styx, I dug it back then and it makes sense to me right now. This is DAY TEN!!! 10 that I am in the hospital. I look around my room and I smile at the little pink teddy bear my hubs gave me, yes a small child's toy but there were a few nights I held that poppet very tightly. 
     I don't know what it is about me? Do I have a "boy who cried wolf" air about me? or am I just a drama queen that when something like this happens people don't take it seriously? I had (have)a really really really serious infection, I ran 103.8 fevers for 4 days. Had to up the intensity of my antibiotics too, I got nothing but texts from work not one phone call. I know they miss me (I hope so LOL) but texts are so cold. I got not one card either, they are all close to the hospital, would have been nice. Didn't even get flowers from them. Just the obligatory ones my company sends out but nothing personal. Not that they are expected but I guess if it was a reverse situation I would have had blooms and a card sent out their way in a heartbeat. But I will see them Christmas hopefully as they always have us over which is appreciated. There is the issue I think. I guess since I can go overboard I think others will a bit too. Just because I am on facebook as a major diversion to boredom and pain does not mean I am not ill. Most times I was on but not on. 
     I guess I just had a hard slap to let me know I am not that important in the grand scheme of the earth. It hurt. I don't expect 24/7 undivided attention but a call or card would be nice, not like this was an overnight gig. I still don't know when I'm getting out of here. I can tell you I have a PICC line now. They put it into me yesterday afternoon. It goes in your upper arm and around your heart to the big vein that's right above it. I have it because when I leave here I will still be on IV medicine. Pills are not strong enough. I am on morphine for pain and I have no clue what they will be sending me home with for pain. I don't know what I mean.  I read what I wrote and it sounds like I'm a big baby who appreciates nothing yet that's not what I'm trying to say. I love my friends so much and I guess in my mind I see things so NOT reality. I live in Mary world I guess and lately its been very lonely here and I just need a fuckin hug. (poor hubs I hang onto his hand when he has to go at night, I hate watching him go home, then of course I call him 10 minutes later once he's home) I just one needy bitch at the moment and I'm sorry but I can't help it!!
     If this offended anyone I didn't mean to and I love all my friends as much as I ever have but they take my blood pressure every 4 hours here and I need to vent so it doesn't go too high  :-D

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Still Here

     Bit weak at the moment, but I wanted to stop by and say hi. One because I know some of you come here all the time and I want to have something. Other is I need this to keep my pressure down. I have been here for 4 days now. I actually got a text today from my manager - one line - how R U?  Told her about my fevers and cell counts and sent pictures and I got back "OUCH poor Mary.   No when are you coming back or what are they doing for you. 2 people commented on my page and these are new people not those I know for years, my co worker who I sit side by side with and have for 4 years.  I know people have lives and its holiday time so I guess I'm just being a big fuckin baby. I know it feels like I'm whining but I am not really. I guess I expect things I shouldn't but I'm just going by past experiences.
    To those who have been there. I say bless. You help me through my day with calls and emails. In going to be here at least a few more days so keep em coming lol
Hubs has been running around doing it all and he's been wiping tears, helping wash, and even fed me grapes. Wonderful :-).
Just bored guys but ill stop and be better tomorrow. So ciao for now

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Look a NEW Post

     So here I sit in the hospital, yes feeling a little lonely, I got some flowers from work which was nice but every time I text to talk I get no response. I don't get it? Even hubs thought it was a bit odd that by today they aren't enquiring as to what's wrong? Thing is we don't know. All they know us that this is not fixed by a z-PAC , it needs to be administered intravenously. As a matter of fact they changed one of the drugs today as they aren't getting the results they really want. Good news is my white cell count is down to 17k but my leg is twice the size of my other one. It's hot too! My fever has gone down -yay but then just now it was up to 102.4
I don't know what to think, is this where I actually start to be really concerned ? I'm trying to make light of this whole thing but down inside I feel like a little kid who just wants to be held and told its gonna be okay. One friend sent me a bunch of cheesy jokes and they were much needed.
I have no clue when I'm getting out of here, it may not be until next week it could be Friday who knows. Hubs brought me some lovely flowers tonight, they make the room seem brighter not that much can be done to make this look better. Lol
I also called my dad to tell him I wasn't coming up this weekend - a treat and a half let me tell you. :-)
So I wanted to check in in case you wondered where I was. I'm in a hospital bed on the 5th floor - one weird thing that was kind of funny.  For no reason Monday night my left nipple hurt like hell. I'm talking serious pain, I got a shot of morpheine - it got a lot better pretty quickly. Haha. If only it was always that easy. Right? I'm sure I'll be fine but I wish it would hurry up!
Bit sleepy so ill say ciao for now.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

A Cup Of Tea For Me

     So it's Sunday night and I am watching Miracle On 34th Street and am very content. I have my tea next to me (Earl Gray) and all my cards are done, and I've even wrapped some prezzies! Interesting weekend as I got to hang with some folks last night and found the delights of kissed caramel vodka. Was very yummy, and I even had some hits off the pipe last night. I can say I truly enjoyed the night. I was barely on the usual social networks all weekend but when I was I left a bunch of pics and thoughts that I hope people like or can relate to. Thing is, I like them so it's all good. 
     I bought some sweaters and of course tomorrow it's going to be warm! I tell ya it's the way I roll man. It's the bring an umbrella with you and it won't rain syndrome. LMAO I was out by my in-laws also yesterday so I stopped over to give our sponsor money to my brother in law, as my nephew was participating in an event to raise money for the mission he is going on in the summer. Yes a mission. I have no clue. My hubs and brother are not overly religious and we know I'm a witch (but open and sympathetic to all religions) so its odd to hear this. Yet I like it, shows that my nephew is developing a sense of community, as well as a sense of caring and helping others. Good for him. He is a good kid, as is my niece, I mean they are kids and get in trouble as all kids do, but they are good hearted and that matters so much. Kudos to bro and wife for raising them that way. 
    I mentioned tea in my title and well, of course I am having my nightly mug or cuppa one could say ;-)  Tea just appeals to me. You can have it iced if you are warm and of course with or without milk, my preference is with milk. That's how I always had it with my Mom. Growing up my mom and my Nona and I would have a cup of tea and some cookies every day. Mom would ask about school, as she readied dinner for later when Dad got home. How bourgeoisie can you be? LOL It was wonderful and every time I drink  a cup I get this feeling that I'm re-connected to her somehow. She passed her love of tea to me. Oh sure I enjoy a good cup of coffee very much, but something about tea touches your soul. It's the ritual I think. Even at work, even with teabags, I still fill my mug with hot water and let that warm my mug then empty it put in the teabag then add more hot water. I do have some loose tea, I would like more! I like strong tea so I often leave my teabag in my cup until it's empty. I can go through at least 6 cups in a day at work. That first sip calms me then I'm good to go! There is a tea service that one day I would love to own. I mean I would love some funky tea kettles and love the artsy look but as for bone china my choice is a pattern no longer produced. It's by Royal Albert called Moonlight Rose. It's just gorgeous. The rose pattern is in subtle hues of blue and lavender. They have another pattern that is SO popular over here in America called Country Rose, but I much prefer the former. It's different. I can see it in an antique Welsh cabinet in my dining room, hahaha. I read too much Jane Austin :-)
     Speaking of reading....I read that many classic books such as Catcher In The Rye and To Kill A mockingbird are not going to be allowed in school any longer. This upsets me greatly. Mockingbird is still one of my favorite books (and movie) it teaches humanity and treating people as people and not by how they look. I mean will they take out Animal Farm, or Lord of The Flies, The Bell Jar or any of the other great books that may contain non pc writings but teach so much and open your mind to thought and question. Books are meant to make you wonder and dream, and question. They can make you cry or get angry and it's a wonderful thing. As a matter of fact, I came across some of my old books from when I was about the ages of 9 - 12. I am sending a couple over to my friend's daughters as add ons to Chrimbo gifties. I hope they don't think I'm total nuts but I loved these books and I have no children to share them with. The stories are good and I have no clue if they will seem stupid and simple by todays children's standards. I have one for my nephew as well. Reading is important to me since as an only child I found my friends in the people in these books. I took their adventures along with them. Okay I go overboard maybe but I think you get what I mean. I hope they like them too :-) 
     I am still not eating much but maybe with my new work schedule as of tomorrow I can at least have dinner at a reasonable time. I'll be 9 - 6 now much better. As I write that I glanced at the clock and it's almost 11PM so I am signing off to try and sleep. I only slept about 4 hours last night, was up until almost 6AM my time then I must have fell out as next thing I see it was just after 10AM, so I'm trying to catch a few extra winks.  I will say then as always, Ciao For Now

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Here I Sit, Here I Ponder

    I am sitting here at my desk at work on a very quiet evening. Phones are not ringing and this is one reason that next week our helpdesk will be changing it's hours to 8AM - 6PM. This has caused me to review my resume as well, as one never knows what the new year will bring. I don't plan on going anywhere but I will be ready should I be needing to take that trip. I mean we will be okay as hubs has a good job but it's nice having the extra income and not having to worry. So here I sit eating one jelly belly vanilla jelly bean at a time until I finish my allotted 10. As I ponder life as we know it.
    I ponder often and think the weirdest shit sometimes, some I even share on here as those of you who have read faithfully know. My soapbox has indents from where my feet have firmly stood while my knees shook as I spoke my thoughts out loud on paper (der?? LOL)
    Hey guess who I spoke to??? JOANN!! My weight loss pal. She is the same she said and she also told me she is hanging on to her weight loss of a total of 28 pounds. I am so thrilled for her, she tries so hard. She wants to break the 440 mark but can't seem to get there, and she said of course Christmas is a hard time. We spoke and I told her of my little tricks I'm doing to keep the weight off during this time of year, and since she is hosting the parties it will not be as easy for her. So we discussed things like making the smaller single pies so not as much left over. Also I told her keep the meats and veg and give away more meat and veg and ALL the carb goodness that I know she is making. But you know what? She can keep or give away whatever she wants, its up to her, as hell I know I will not be an angel, especially since we are having our holiday get together at work in 2 weeks. I mean I will not go crazy, but I know me, a cookie or several will pass my lips but it wont be an entire trayfull :-) Im going to enjoy celebrating but I now realize there is one thing I will stay away from. No not cake or pie or potatoes or biscuits, the one thing I will stay away from (even the low fat version) is going to be EGGNOG! God I LOVE THE STUFF. I have made eggnog custard pie, cheesecake, poundcake but not this year. It is bane to me this year. It's just empty calories, lovely delicious empty calories, and then add the rum to it and (oh god I'm getting all twitchy here) it's just a gift from the heavens!! Rich, creamy, sweet, and the smell is divine. Yea I kind of like the stuff, can ya tell? lmao
     Ahem, getting back to Joann. She has a new man in her life. She says he is funny and kind and he likes her even at her size. I told her she is a lovely woman so stop that "at her size" crap. I know gals who are the society "Normal" size who are complete biatches who no man or woman would want to be near. Size has nothing to do with it and if i am to be totally honest in my feelings, being a bigger gal all my life I feel has helped me develp a more caring personality, that people like and enjoy, at least I hope so:-)   No I'm not fishing but feel free to agree BWAHAHAHA
Oh do you remember the coat I gave her, it still didn't fit but she took it to a tailor who gusseted the back and she is wearing now that the weather is colder. Glad it went to good use. I seem to have this thing for buying wrong sizes over the internet. LOL
   Well peeps I've not really pondered at all but I am sitting ;-) . I must do a few things before close of business so I am saying, as always, Ciao For Now

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

That Kind Of Night

     Guys I am not feeling writing tonight, I don't feel bad but it's been a hectic day and had to deal with some issues that just take things out of you so I am not really writing my blog tonight. Catch up on some you may have missed or even better, leave some comments. I have some new countries that joined and all of you, I would love to hear from you, your thoughts or things you would like to see me write about.     
     I did have a sexual blog written, but I deleted it. Some things you don't want to say too much for fear you will jinx it.  OKAY FINE (I hear you asking lol)  I will give you two of the lines from it BUT THAT'S ALL  hehehe ;-)
1) I want to be all you desire, although I know I am lacking in certain ways, yet you never make me feel as though I am
2) I want to do everything you want to do to me, or want me to do to you. Anything your mind has always desired & dreamed of doing, tell me your deepest inner thoughts!

There ya go, yea I guess it's THAT kind of night.  LMAO
So until next time peeps, as always Ciao For Now

Witching Hour

     Hello again and hope everyone is good! I'm jumping right in and just commenting that my leg is swollen! It's the same leg (right one) that hurts in my hip and butt since I took that fall last week plus it's like the feeling is lessened on my calf area. I'm in a odd way and yes I called the dr about it and going to see him. I mean lets face it folks, when I fall, regardless if how funny it can be, I am not 50 pounds hitting the floor, not even twice that so gravity is not kind in this respect. Where most may pick up, dust off and carry on, I take a little longer to recoup!
     Well tonight I was driving home and the DJ was talking about how every snowflake is different in all the millions of snowflakes and that so are we. Exsestential (spelled wrong)aside that's just cool as fuck!! Not one duplicate, how fabulous is nature ? I mean no one else has your finger print. It is yours unique to you. I like that and in a world where we mimic so we fit in its nice to be reminded that we were made to stand out. I try to do this, I try to be my own woman so to speak. I like to think I have a unique view in things, that my answers are not so contrived that folks can plot out my moves for me. A woman of mystery lol but then again I pretty much wear my heart on my sleeve so maybe it's not contrived at all, more that I am an open book so you can see what's coming. Be your own person - thrive in your uniqueness.
     Short and sweet tonight guys, just like me. Lol
So I am saying goodnight this gal is tired. Ciao For Now all

Monday, December 3, 2012

Food For Thought

    I am determined to get through this Christmas/New Years season with out a ton of weight gain. I would like to get through it with actually losing weight and I believe I can.  Two reasons really. One is partly becasue i am not sure what had gotten into me but I am simply not hungry!! This has been going on for almost 2 weeks. I feel hungry then I get a grilled chicken salad or even a turkey sandwich, I start to eat it and find myself left with at least half that I figure I will eat later. Later comes and I don't eat it. Yet I'm not looking for anything else to eat. It is odd but I'm not forcing it. Someone already said to me that I'm walking around the office better than he has seen in awhile, and it's true, even with my muscle pain (which I am seeing the Dr. for tomorrow)  The other reason is portion control. Since we are going to my in-laws for Christmas brunch it will be easy to limit myself to a couple of eggs or a small sandwich with lots of veggies to go with it. It will not be a dinner meal. So dinner is up to us and it will be meat and veggies. I will splurge on one thing!! I am making a mince pie for us. Hubs and I are the only ones who like mince pies, we like fruitcake too actually lol) so I am making two individual smaller pies. Portions right if there is a full size 9inch pie we will eat it since no one else likes it. I have been known to throw away things too but it is wasteful so the small pies make sense. 
   I also am baking all my cookies at my Dad's house when I visit on the 15th. This way I can leave a lot there, then pack up the ones for work and the ones for gifties for my managers. Hubs doesn't eat chocolate so I promised him I'd save a few pignoli cookies out for him. (An italian Christmas favorite, those and my rainbow cookies) Now those are dangerous. Very time consuming but soooooo yummy.  They are made with almond paste and apricot jam and if you want the recipe just let me know I will post it. They are supposed to be red, white and green to resemle the Italian flag, but I like to add yellow to the 3rd layer so they kind of look like I'm celebrating the Jamaican bobsled team  COOL RUNNINGS MAN!!  LOL   Here is a pic of them
You would want the entire pan but they are rich! I love baking, and I like to make nice cookies for work this time of year. Hubs brings in some of my goodies to his job too usually.       My desk is decorated too now. I put my tree up and you can still see the cards my friend's daughters made me last year :-0
    I am having an unofficial race with my manager to see who gets more boxes delivered. So far its close but I'm a few ahead LOL Either way the gal bringing our packages is play bitchin' at me, she is awesome too!! Well all it's getting close to that time. I need to visit the little supervisors room and then close my systems down, next week this time we will be closing at 6PM, actually home in time to cook dinner LOL So I will say Ciao For Now

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Another Weekend Come and Gone

     Hey all, here we are on another Sunday evening. It's been a quiet day, filled with Christmas cards and music to write them buy. I am done now except for my handmade ones. I have about 6 of them to make left, as 2 are done. I had to send out a message to friends on FB to get the addresses of several people, since I once again have misplaced my address book. I know I know, why is it not on my computer? Well it is but the video card on it is dead and hubs hasn't fixed it yet so I am without the addresses PLUS some have moved since last year. I have them all back though and I'm putting them in my phone. I know some by heart I will say. LOL
     Well let's go back to the origins of this blog, my losing weight. I got on the scale this afternoon and to my surprise I have lost almost 8 pounds in a week and a half. Awesome right? More odd as I have not been purposely trying to lose anything. I find myself not hungry really. Oh the thought of all the goodies that happen at holiday time sound very tempting but the actuality of the ingesting doesn't  appeal to me. I am very thirsty though, and have many cups of tea at work, and ice water is always in my tumbler on  my desk at work. I have bruises still from my fall and my thigh is hurting. I can't explain it, it's like an ever present charlie horse. Like the muscles are twisted and when I stretch my leg I feel them pull. Of course with all my back pains and aches lately the attempt to the gym last month petered out and I have not gone. I have though started doing very beginner yoga. Someone told me about it, and gave me the beginner DVD. It's a lot of isometrics, and its not a lot of lower body moves yet which is good since I'm still having pain there. I have a doctor appointment on Tuesday to get some meds to help with the pain, you know, happy pills HAHAHA  Otherwise I am okay. Just that there is a lot of stress going on right now, but as always it's something I must handle, and handle I will. This weekend was good so I am optimistic. As others are going to the doctor also, thank the stars!!! :-D
     I want to do something charitable this year. More so than normal. I'm talking like actually handing out gifts or food to those who have nothing this year. I am not rich by any means , but I have a home and clothes and a car and thankfully, at least for now, a job. It just seems right, KWIM?  I need to go to Target also in the next few days to get some toys for the Marine Corps "Toys For Tots" it's a good cause and it's right in the office lobby LOL
    Getting back to the weight loss. I think I will continue this yoga and as I get stronger I will do more of it and take the classes at my gym. I kind of like it but I am cautious of the ones where they have you kneel on your elbows and things like that. Hell I am a human weeble and I doubt I could even do that. If I did I can pretty much figure I will roll out of the room as no way I can bend like that. Although I have been known to bend in odd positions through out my life and even liked them !! hehehe  I'm so naughty.  What? Like this is news? ;-D 
    Well peeps, I am going to take a long hot bubble bath methinks, then some tea then bed! Tomorrow is another full week of work (the slave drivers LMAO) So as always,  Ciao For Now

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Saturday Morning - A Posting We Will Go

     Hey Peeps, surprise it's Saturday morning!! Yep about 10:15AM my time and I am settling in for the day. I know! Sounds pathetic right but not really. I was out early and got my grocery shopping done, all my Christmas gifts are bought. I have my blank Christmas cards at the ready to write out and I have a stuffed up nose like nobody's business. So I think I will spend this day addressing the cards, listening to Christmas music and wrapping gifts.  Thing is, I am ahead of the game BUT I am waiting for gifts I ordered to be delivered so until they get here, the ones that I got for overseas can't be shipped. They should all be here in the next week and a half (I hope!) LOL  I am a dork though, I got something for someone over in Europe that plugs in and then after talking with hubs, was made to realize that the outlets are not the same....D'OH!! So now I need to get an adapter, Radio Shack here I come! :-D It's things like that, that I have been known to overlook on occasion. It's a cool prezzie for a youngin' and he must have it!! hahaha
     It's been a crazy few days and I had posted on here the other day but I took it down as I thought it may have been too much. Had some issues and well it's hard guys. I try to do my best and pony up to the bar but at times, I too have moments of major weakness.  I had a sit down and hopefully things will get better, we shall see. I know, rather cryptic, as I'm not saying what it is, but just suffice in that I will get through it! 
     I am going into work tomorrow, NO not to work, but to decorate my desk for Christmas. I LOVE doing that. We already have the office tree up, and my manager's desk is all done. I have my groovy silver tree from last year, with it's big red balls!! That's right!! Hey, at least they are not blue ;-D  {giggle snort} Plus we have a walk through for some people on Monday to show off the helpdesk. 
For those of you who do not know what that is, well basically I work in HR. My company has offices all over the USA and Europe and Asia. My department is ground zero for their benefits, employee relations issues, etc. So we are here to answer all the questions these 70K + employees have. I am one of the supervisors, so when someone is upset or angry, well that's when I get the calls transferred to me. On a basic day, it's quite fine. My reps may need help, and I answer them so they can pass this information on to the person on the phone BUT this last month we had Open Enrollment. This is when the employees elect their health benefits for the coming year. This one was bonkers. On an average day we answered 1600 calls inside of a 8am to 8pm day. That's a lot of calls! :-D They rocked it, good team, and now that it's died down we will be planning our holiday pot luck. A time to relax, play music, and bring in lots and lots of food to share. Not sure what I'm making this year. I'll maybe bake this time, perhaps a cheesecake, or something I've always wanted to try....... a Victoria Sponge. It looks yummers, and judging from the ingredients should be delicious. Don't we all just try to culinary impress at Christmastime? :-)
      Well off to get my cards sorted, and put the kettle on for a nice hot cup of tea. It's 39 degrees Fahrenheit but feels like 33 it says, at almost 11 in the morning, brrrr! lol  So I will say Ciao For Now