Sunday, December 9, 2012

A Cup Of Tea For Me

     So it's Sunday night and I am watching Miracle On 34th Street and am very content. I have my tea next to me (Earl Gray) and all my cards are done, and I've even wrapped some prezzies! Interesting weekend as I got to hang with some folks last night and found the delights of kissed caramel vodka. Was very yummy, and I even had some hits off the pipe last night. I can say I truly enjoyed the night. I was barely on the usual social networks all weekend but when I was I left a bunch of pics and thoughts that I hope people like or can relate to. Thing is, I like them so it's all good. 
     I bought some sweaters and of course tomorrow it's going to be warm! I tell ya it's the way I roll man. It's the bring an umbrella with you and it won't rain syndrome. LMAO I was out by my in-laws also yesterday so I stopped over to give our sponsor money to my brother in law, as my nephew was participating in an event to raise money for the mission he is going on in the summer. Yes a mission. I have no clue. My hubs and brother are not overly religious and we know I'm a witch (but open and sympathetic to all religions) so its odd to hear this. Yet I like it, shows that my nephew is developing a sense of community, as well as a sense of caring and helping others. Good for him. He is a good kid, as is my niece, I mean they are kids and get in trouble as all kids do, but they are good hearted and that matters so much. Kudos to bro and wife for raising them that way. 
    I mentioned tea in my title and well, of course I am having my nightly mug or cuppa one could say ;-)  Tea just appeals to me. You can have it iced if you are warm and of course with or without milk, my preference is with milk. That's how I always had it with my Mom. Growing up my mom and my Nona and I would have a cup of tea and some cookies every day. Mom would ask about school, as she readied dinner for later when Dad got home. How bourgeoisie can you be? LOL It was wonderful and every time I drink  a cup I get this feeling that I'm re-connected to her somehow. She passed her love of tea to me. Oh sure I enjoy a good cup of coffee very much, but something about tea touches your soul. It's the ritual I think. Even at work, even with teabags, I still fill my mug with hot water and let that warm my mug then empty it put in the teabag then add more hot water. I do have some loose tea, I would like more! I like strong tea so I often leave my teabag in my cup until it's empty. I can go through at least 6 cups in a day at work. That first sip calms me then I'm good to go! There is a tea service that one day I would love to own. I mean I would love some funky tea kettles and love the artsy look but as for bone china my choice is a pattern no longer produced. It's by Royal Albert called Moonlight Rose. It's just gorgeous. The rose pattern is in subtle hues of blue and lavender. They have another pattern that is SO popular over here in America called Country Rose, but I much prefer the former. It's different. I can see it in an antique Welsh cabinet in my dining room, hahaha. I read too much Jane Austin :-)
     Speaking of reading....I read that many classic books such as Catcher In The Rye and To Kill A mockingbird are not going to be allowed in school any longer. This upsets me greatly. Mockingbird is still one of my favorite books (and movie) it teaches humanity and treating people as people and not by how they look. I mean will they take out Animal Farm, or Lord of The Flies, The Bell Jar or any of the other great books that may contain non pc writings but teach so much and open your mind to thought and question. Books are meant to make you wonder and dream, and question. They can make you cry or get angry and it's a wonderful thing. As a matter of fact, I came across some of my old books from when I was about the ages of 9 - 12. I am sending a couple over to my friend's daughters as add ons to Chrimbo gifties. I hope they don't think I'm total nuts but I loved these books and I have no children to share them with. The stories are good and I have no clue if they will seem stupid and simple by todays children's standards. I have one for my nephew as well. Reading is important to me since as an only child I found my friends in the people in these books. I took their adventures along with them. Okay I go overboard maybe but I think you get what I mean. I hope they like them too :-) 
     I am still not eating much but maybe with my new work schedule as of tomorrow I can at least have dinner at a reasonable time. I'll be 9 - 6 now much better. As I write that I glanced at the clock and it's almost 11PM so I am signing off to try and sleep. I only slept about 4 hours last night, was up until almost 6AM my time then I must have fell out as next thing I see it was just after 10AM, so I'm trying to catch a few extra winks.  I will say then as always, Ciao For Now

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