Saturday, December 29, 2012

Normal, not me NEVER! LOL

     Well as you all know I had a long hospital stay, drove myself, and friends nuts with my self pity, but now is the time to look towards a new year with lots of possibilities and new adventures to have. 
Yes a Happy AND Healthy 2013!! 
      I have to tell you all just how odd things get sometimes, here's the scenario. I have a 104 fever, hubs takes me to the hospital, they decide to admit me and the man who comes down to tell me about HIPAA laws, (privacy acts) which I know, since due to my job I am HIPAA certified! Well this guy says something to my husband that I didn't quite get. Hubs answers him and I realize he spoke Japanese to mu hubby. Now as a side note, let me state that hubs is teaching himself Japanese, through books and anime (yep anime). It is half his heritage. Up until this point I hadn't realized how much he has learned in so short a time. This guy and my husband talked in Japanese for about 10 minutes straight. This man had lived in Japan for 15 years and spoke it fluently, and except for a few words, hubs was doing really well. I was impressed to say the least. Figures it happened, was kind of funny really. 
     Well I am a week out of the hospital and my leg is a weird burnt color and peeling like crazy. It's still warmer than they would like. I mean what the hell bacteria got into me??! But I do have to say I am getting better, as I am noticing I can sleep better. The only thing is that my IV meds make me nauseated and I have to rest after each treatment so I don't YAK! I have an appointment next Thursday with the doctor and I'm asking all of you to cross your fingers that they will take me off the IV. I don't care if I have to take pills and stay out of work (although I'm on FMLA unpaid leave) as long as I can get back to being untethered from this damn pole.  I said I wanted to be a pole dancer but this in not what I had in mind. LOL
     You know, it's interesting, I called my Dad today as it's his 85th birthday. He asked me if I was sure everything was okay, as he thought I wasn't as exuberant about Christmas as I usually am. Very astute I must say, Dad doesn't miss much at all. I assured him all is well but i know what you are thinking. Why not tell him. The reason is simple, he doesn't handle bad news well. In a way we are the same in that he feels helpless and it frustrates him, I do the same thing. As I have become an adult I see many of his traits in myself - skeery!!! :-D
     I still have gifts to wrap and send out overseas. I am hoping to get to them this week if I am able to venture out. I want them to have the prezzies. I also want to get to NY to see my friends there and give them their things too. I know they are fine with it and I am too, just that I love giving things. I got some surprise gifts this year that I did not expect. I am so touched that these friends sent me these lovely things. I was so absorbed with the thought that no one misses me at work, and I didn't matter that I got super needy. But thank you gals for all you sent, for my owl earrings, lovely French chocolates and for my tea for one Royal Albert in Moonlight Roses, a favorite pattern I have mentioned. Those and the bad jokes & calls from my friend "Across The Pond" made me realize that I am thought about and loved and I love you all back guys.  MUAH!! Big wet sloppy ones for all of you!HAHAHAHA Yep it's all going to be fine and better!!
    Well I'm off to watch the Christmas special of Dr. Who.  geek that I am :-D    So I will say ciao for now

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