Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Eve

     So here it is, it's almost half 6 on New Year's Eve day!  I have been up since 5. The allergy to my meds is slow to subside. I took 3 benedryl capsules yet I still itch , and on my hands yet!!!! I tell you this, I have an entirely brand new respect for hubs, and can now understand the torment he goes through with his skin allergy. It's so much worse than what I have, and I just can't imagine how he deals with it!
      December 31st, it's cold here, but no snow, and what we did get the other day did not stay around for long. I love the snow. When I was younger we used to go snowmobiling! What a rush it was. I think I'm going to look into it as soon as my infection heals. I have no idea what it costs now!
I am spending the eve very quietly, just me and hubs. Oh a couple we know invited us over for a New Years Hooka party, but I am not really up for that. Took a rain check though! Lol
     I will be back later but I wanted to wish you guys who are hours and even a day ahead of me a very  Hsppy AND Healthy New Year!!ciao for now


  1. I'm just glad you are home and I've been laughing at the thought of you making up for all this lost time you need to spend recuperating! Once you're back up and running the planet better look out!

  2. I'm just glad you are home and I've been laughing at the thought of you making up for all this lost time you need to spend recuperating! Once you're back up and running the planet better look out!
