Sunday, December 2, 2012

Another Weekend Come and Gone

     Hey all, here we are on another Sunday evening. It's been a quiet day, filled with Christmas cards and music to write them buy. I am done now except for my handmade ones. I have about 6 of them to make left, as 2 are done. I had to send out a message to friends on FB to get the addresses of several people, since I once again have misplaced my address book. I know I know, why is it not on my computer? Well it is but the video card on it is dead and hubs hasn't fixed it yet so I am without the addresses PLUS some have moved since last year. I have them all back though and I'm putting them in my phone. I know some by heart I will say. LOL
     Well let's go back to the origins of this blog, my losing weight. I got on the scale this afternoon and to my surprise I have lost almost 8 pounds in a week and a half. Awesome right? More odd as I have not been purposely trying to lose anything. I find myself not hungry really. Oh the thought of all the goodies that happen at holiday time sound very tempting but the actuality of the ingesting doesn't  appeal to me. I am very thirsty though, and have many cups of tea at work, and ice water is always in my tumbler on  my desk at work. I have bruises still from my fall and my thigh is hurting. I can't explain it, it's like an ever present charlie horse. Like the muscles are twisted and when I stretch my leg I feel them pull. Of course with all my back pains and aches lately the attempt to the gym last month petered out and I have not gone. I have though started doing very beginner yoga. Someone told me about it, and gave me the beginner DVD. It's a lot of isometrics, and its not a lot of lower body moves yet which is good since I'm still having pain there. I have a doctor appointment on Tuesday to get some meds to help with the pain, you know, happy pills HAHAHA  Otherwise I am okay. Just that there is a lot of stress going on right now, but as always it's something I must handle, and handle I will. This weekend was good so I am optimistic. As others are going to the doctor also, thank the stars!!! :-D
     I want to do something charitable this year. More so than normal. I'm talking like actually handing out gifts or food to those who have nothing this year. I am not rich by any means , but I have a home and clothes and a car and thankfully, at least for now, a job. It just seems right, KWIM?  I need to go to Target also in the next few days to get some toys for the Marine Corps "Toys For Tots" it's a good cause and it's right in the office lobby LOL
    Getting back to the weight loss. I think I will continue this yoga and as I get stronger I will do more of it and take the classes at my gym. I kind of like it but I am cautious of the ones where they have you kneel on your elbows and things like that. Hell I am a human weeble and I doubt I could even do that. If I did I can pretty much figure I will roll out of the room as no way I can bend like that. Although I have been known to bend in odd positions through out my life and even liked them !! hehehe  I'm so naughty.  What? Like this is news? ;-D 
    Well peeps, I am going to take a long hot bubble bath methinks, then some tea then bed! Tomorrow is another full week of work (the slave drivers LMAO) So as always,  Ciao For Now

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