Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Witching Hour

     Hello again and hope everyone is good! I'm jumping right in and just commenting that my leg is swollen! It's the same leg (right one) that hurts in my hip and butt since I took that fall last week plus it's like the feeling is lessened on my calf area. I'm in a odd way and yes I called the dr about it and going to see him. I mean lets face it folks, when I fall, regardless if how funny it can be, I am not 50 pounds hitting the floor, not even twice that so gravity is not kind in this respect. Where most may pick up, dust off and carry on, I take a little longer to recoup!
     Well tonight I was driving home and the DJ was talking about how every snowflake is different in all the millions of snowflakes and that so are we. Exsestential (spelled wrong)aside that's just cool as fuck!! Not one duplicate, how fabulous is nature ? I mean no one else has your finger print. It is yours unique to you. I like that and in a world where we mimic so we fit in its nice to be reminded that we were made to stand out. I try to do this, I try to be my own woman so to speak. I like to think I have a unique view in things, that my answers are not so contrived that folks can plot out my moves for me. A woman of mystery lol but then again I pretty much wear my heart on my sleeve so maybe it's not contrived at all, more that I am an open book so you can see what's coming. Be your own person - thrive in your uniqueness.
     Short and sweet tonight guys, just like me. Lol
So I am saying goodnight this gal is tired. Ciao For Now all

1 comment:

  1. And contrary to popular belief we do not bounce when we fall nor are we anything like Weebles.
