Thursday, June 28, 2012


     Today on facebook an aquaintance of mine posted a picture of a painting she had done. It was a stone angel she named Eli. Looking at this painting I was moved, the face was serene, kind and seemed like he was listening to a friend or a child speaking to him. The look was very calming. I made this exact comment and she thanked me saying I was the first one to get it! I was pleased that what she was trying to portray did indeed speak to me. That is the beauty of art in a nutshell. It is an expression that the artist puts forth so that you can feel it as well.  Look; I am by no means any art expert. I do have the artists that I like;  Monet, Van Goth, Seurat, Waterhouse, and Lichtenstein being but a handful of them. I have no rhyme or reason as to what I like - I just do!!  As you can tell from those I listed they are all over the charts as to the styles of their works. Art does speak to me, I admire those who are blessed with this talent. I can hold my own in a game of pictionary but I am no artist! That doesn't mean I don't have an artististic mind - I do- but bringing what I see or think of, down from my brain, past my arm, into my fingers and on to canvas loses everything in the translation. I do sing, write stories and poetry but to be able to draw is sadly not my forte at all. One I dream of having too, isn't that always the way though. 
     I tell you one of my best days ever.  I was meeting a friend in Manhattan for a day of enjoying the time together catching up and just enjoying a dear friend's company and we went to MoMa (Metroplolitan Museum Of Modern Art). I had such a wonderful time, all the fabulous pieces of art that were there hanging on the walls and then the sculptures to top it off, talk about a fabulous place!!! We walked into one room and it was filled with Monet's Waterlillies. I almost cried I was so overwhelmed. The paintings I had only seen in books or online were right there in front of me. I saw the colors he used blending and the subtile changes that occured because of that.   Now here is something to think about. Afterwards we went to Gordon Ramsey's restaurant and I again saw art on my plate in the way the food was presented to us. (Plus it was fabulous of course) Art doesn't have to be on canvas ;-) All being said, that day will live on forever in my memory as one of my BEST DAYS ever! To be able to share that experience with your friend, someone you care about, and can laugh with, well damn if it wasn't a close to perfect as I will ever come. It was a true first experience for me between the museum and the restaurant.
     My friend that I was with is also a fine artist in his own right. His style again is very different but it touches me.  Art to me is something you see with your eyes but it touches your soul! Something about it catches you and leaves its impression on you. It brings your emotions out and makes you feel alive.  Music which is another art form does this as well. To me life would be unbearable if there were no art or music in the world. Shakespeare wrote: "If music be the food of love, play on"  I say if music be the food of love, stuff yourself!! LOL  Enjoy the art around you, from the street art and graffiti, to the museums in your town, appreciate what the artist wants to tell you. Listen to all kinds of music, even things you don't normally listen to, ask around to friends to see what they like. If you don't feel it, keep going as you will indeed find something to your liking. 
     Wow can you tell when I'm really into something  HAHAHAHA  Oh peeps it's been so busy at work but I alwasy do try to swing by and leave you something to read.  I see blogs all over websites and I know mine pales to many of them but I am a flighty chick.  Do you remember the song from the Sound Of Music that went How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria?   Well let me tell you, I so identify with that song.....I had a conversation once with a friend and when I was done talking he went "What?! I don't understand"  my answer was "Listen!"   He burst out laughing and said I was hard to understand but funny. I remember thinking "What's wrong with that?"  Peace out peeps, you each stay beautiful in your own way.  Ciao For now

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I Swear To Tell The Truth Tjhe Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth

     Note: this is a bit heavy but read through and then there is something that you will laugh out loud at later LOL (I'm such a dork)
     I am a terrible liar, I can fib when its for a good reason, like hiding a gift from someone or things of that nature, but malicious lies and telling lies to those I love , nope, I suck at it, my face gives me away every time.  Thing is I sometimes keep things to myself for this purpose. As of late life has had it's ups and downs and I so try with all my might to keep it on the up when I talk with my friends. They have their own crap to deal with, but I must admit that sometimes I have to stop myself from emailing or calling those I hold dearest because I dont want to bring them down with what I'm going through. Yet another part of me really needs to hear their voices. It sounds so needy when it's told like this but its not that kind of needy. It's not the oooh tell me I'm fab, or that you love my friendship, or I'm so dear to you, its deeper than that. There are only a few people I would dump this on and I'm afraid sometimes to do this because they are not near me, and may just wonder why the hell am I calling them. I can't explain it but since they are far from me I sometimes just need to know that I can hear their voice or read their words. They are so much comfort and they don't even know it, but I do feel guilty as I feel I'm putting too much on them. Like I said they have their own loves and hell I'm nosy enough about what they are doing and how they are to begin with.  Yet I want them to tell me if they are sad or have problems and use me to vent, I love them and want to help if I can. Sometimes just knowing you can talk with someone that will never judge you, will be honest with you, and you trust is all you need to feel better.  I sometimes feel I'm losing touch with them but I DO KNOW that's in my head NOT THEIRS!! I'm pretty self reliant though so I'm getting through day by day. My mood in honestly a good one!! I wish I didn't eat when I'm stressed though, I'd be a size 18 if that was the case HAHAHA  I have to say though last week I was having a day and a half!!! It was horrible and I got a note from one of my friends who is in this grouping and it made my day and was so needed.  I find that the thing with these type of friends, you can wish to chat all the time, be with them all the time and even though you aren't;  sometimes it's like they JUST KNOW and do something to make you feel better.  I really hope I do that too. No one has ever told me, but I really really hope it has happened.That I have made them feel better.  WHEW!!! thats was deep eh? 
     Well after all that here is something friggin hillarious!!
     Okay I go to lunch today and get a grilled chicken salad and I park under a shady tree. I start to eat and this guy in a Jeep pulls up next to me. I'm like really (!!??), right next to me while I'm eating?  Because you know, fat people love to have others park next to them while they are eating. ;-)    I realize it's the only other shady spot, so I forgive him and go back to my salad. Now I did notice that he had the top down and the doors off his Jeep. My hubs used to have a Jeep Wrangler and it was fun driving like that. So I'm all chomp chomp on my salad and I happen to glance over at him and I see him, shall we say, giving himself a bit of afternoon delight!  OMG  the man is jerking off, wanking, choking the chicken, WHATEVER you want to call it, right next to my car!!!  All I could think was thank the Gods I had the top up on my car and the air condition on so my windows were closed. I couldn't believe it, he had his gentlemen's sausage just hanging out and he was oblivious to his surroundings. So I put my car in reverse and left him to, shall we say, enjoy his lunch hour!   Now I know you are either laughing or cringing, but this was not the first time this has happened to me. I must have that kind of face!! HAHAHA
     Well peeps I am going to end it here as I think I have thoroughly worn you all out with my rants.  Tomorrow morning is the gym. I have to go for bloodwork next week to check my white blood cell count again as it was high last time. Hope it's normal this time 'round. Then again there is not much normal about me ;-) 
Ciao For Now one and all

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


     I have to vent right off the bat as at this moment I as so angry i could spit. Look I am not perfect and I mess up BUT I alwasy try to do my best at work, I listen, get things doen fast and help if something needs it but tonight, a lady calls is to ask about her spouse's pension and other thing as he had just passed away 4 day prior. We get them to the people they need to and if not we need to find somesome else to help in the meantime. Well its was after hours and the person who would normally have taken this was gone already but others were there. Lonf story short (too late LOL)  they refused to take the call. Against policy. I was furious so now this poor woman has to wait another day to get a call back. Come on people, can ya try to help a little. I hate when others are not willing to help out in a situation especially one like this. There is a bit more to it but I am not at liberty to say. Suffice that it was not right in ANY aspect as far as I am concerned.  You know it's funny, if I was as diligent as I am with this in everything I did, I would be on top of the world instead of hiking up the side of it :-D
     Whew I had to get that off my chest, thanks :-)  Otherwise it's been a great day, I was so busy here and the time flew by and I like feeling that I accomplished something. The day though was picture book perfect, the weather was just gorgeous and humidity was low so we all teased that we wanted to have school outside today. LOL  I did go out at my lunchtime to read my kindle. Oh man, those 50 Shade of Grey books.  I got my friend started on them too and she wrote she can't put it down its so good. I can't either, its just such a great mix of sex, and intrigue (although its easily guessed intrigue), and wealth and yachts and S&M and Europe and family. I just immerse myself in them. I admit I am very arroused when reading and that is good and bad LOL  My mind wanders to delicious things that I have done and now things I want to do!! hehehe men give it to your ladies to read, and ladies go read it!!
     Well I wore my new dress today and everyone was complimenting me and I admit I felt pretty. Look I am who I am, short and fat and I am so cool with that but I noticed that my tummy looks so much flatter than it used to and even though this dress is snug on my I didn't feel like I was huge in it. Unfortunaltey due to the fact that I wore a shrug (short jacket for those not knowing) with it since I dont like going sleeveless at work you couldnt see where I have an actual waist starting. LOL I am also short, so the dress is a maxi dress on me where I am thinking it should be just above the ankle on normal height people :-D 
    You know what else? I am finding I like so many more things now. I like wearing my seatbelt and not having it slice into my neck as much as it used to, I like having room between me and my steering wheel (again a short leg issue - sheesh!)  I am not sure I will ever say I like going to the gym but I don't hate it so that's a good thing. I had forgotten how much I liked the taste of raw veg, my new favorite is green pepper slices and hummas. I like my knee not hurting me anymore, although I am still cautious about it on stairs and speaking of I like taking them instead of the elevator at work.  I am not about to run marathons and I still get out of breath walking to much but this too shall pass, each day, more and more, and I LIKE ME!! To be able to say that amd mean it is the best feeling. Wow too much self love there Mary back up!! I know, I heard you all think it. wink wink
Well I like you all too!! I like that you take your time out of your day(s) to come read my blog. I like that you leave comments and share your thoughts with me. Come and tell me what you like or don't like, I am interested. 
     Well peeps, until I have one topic to discuss, I am going to keep this short and sweet like me ;-) so I will say as I always do, Ciao For Now

Monday, June 25, 2012


     So I went shopping yesterday as I mentioned in yesterday's blog. What I didn't say was that it was almost more frustrating now than it was before. See when I wore a larger size I knew the clothes I wanted would be there as I wasn't in the popular big girl size. NOW I am in the popular big girl size, 2x if you are wondering, and so many of the nice things I saw yesterday were not there!! How odd to be in this situation.  My dream of course is within the year to go to the mall, to the regular stores that carry up to a size 18 and even GASP!! a 20!!  I know they have them! I remember going into Macy's women section and buying clothes. Now I believe Macys does carry some things in a size 24 but nothing I really want unless I'm going out dressed as my Nona. I do not work in the type of office where I need to wear a suit so my clothing needs are more along the lines of smart dresses or nice slacks and blouses. I really need to get with the lady here at work who is a seamstress and get some funky things made for me. I could get the material and have her whip up some awesome skirts and blouses too maybe.  I have a decent fashion sense, but here in the US  unless you go to Torrid or Lane Bryant the big girl items are lacking.  If anyone knows of stores for cool big girl styles please let me know, even over in Europe as Im sure I could go online for them and if not there is alwasy Ebay LOL
     I go on other websites and see these ladies in outfits that are colorful and stylish and lots are made or they are wearing dresses as blouses or skirts (that last one confuses me I admit) I just dont know where they get them so add this to my jealous list which goes boobs, then clothes then jewelry. You know all those material things hahaha  Thing is I'm short and round.  I do not have huge boobs (sad face) and most of my weight is in the belly area, I have often wished I could just push up on my tummy and add the fat to my chest. I knwo it's not possible, and even if it was the amount of fat that would be transferred would make my boobs so large that you could set up a buffet on them!! So, as we all do, I go with what I got! I like my clothes and I am so excited about my dress and since I bought the black shrug I can go online and look for other dresses I can wear it with. I have several looks I like, here are a few of them:

The blouse and the sandals (in black) I bought. The dresses I tried on looked good but I cant find the one I bought LOL  I would love more off the shoulder and peek a boo blouses  I will in time I suppose. Well These are basic styles and i could flood this page with sooooooo many things even more lovely and sexy. Oh lets not go into the sexy.  I bought some new hose that are just divine and that corset I bought remember that?? I am within reach of wearing it.  I ADORE sexy undies and know when I get into a size 18 I am going to have the proverbial slut drawer of panties, bras and corsets. I can't help it I love the feel of silk and lace. LOL  
     Well peeps I know this blog has not been the most exciting especially for the men who read it and I will have to think of a story to make it uo to al of you.  Yes all this talk of silk and lace has given me to saucy thoughts, that and the book I'm reading  HAHAHAHA    
    OH - one last thing!!!!  I found out today that I really am not capable of just giving a yes or no answer, especially if asked multiple questions at one time ;-)  teehee.  So with that I say my usual Ciao For Now

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Waxing, Thoughts, Sun and Accents

     Weekend wind down is here. It's been a good weekend and I am going to admit my mind wanders often and memories flood my thoughts. I find myself smiling when I think of the last few years, so many amazing things I've discovered and learned. I've experienced new things that I've never known before and I not just liking them.... I LOVE them!  I want to experience more. Greedy aren't I?  LOL  I just enjoy meeting people and going to new places. That's one reason I am beside myself with excitement about going to England next year. It's honestly been a life long dream for me. 
     This actually leads into something I was thinking about as well especially after my drive today. This man started to speak to me in a parking lot where I was getting some grooming essentials and of course with this weather I had the top down. He had parked next to me and commented on my car. He was telling me that that's what to be driving on a day like it was. As he spoke I noticed he had an English accent. He could have kept on talking as much as he wanted  LOL  I love accents and English is number one. I think it's built into us gals in the US, we adore all UK accents. hahaha  I had a boyfriend years ago named Donal, he was from Ireland and god I loved listening to him speak, plus he looked like Bono from the 80's only with Blond hair. hehe  One of my 2 blonde beaus, I prefer darker hair.  :-D  He was sweet and I believe he went back to Ireland last I had heard years back. I like to do accents but I really wish I could speak more languages.  I have been told I have a NY accent but I don't hear it. I know I speak American but I've neutralized my inflections over the years as I worked on phones for a long time. Put me back in Brooklyn or Queens though and it all comes back in buckets!!! Yo!!! ;-D  Added plus is when I do go to England I will be able to understand the people there. (I hope) 
     I went a little overboard in Walgreens this afternoon. Some new make up powder, I have lots of make up from Urban Decay and Stilla, Sephora, etc, but I do love L'oreal for my finishing powder so I always get it there. But I needed talcum powder, shampoo, so of course I see things that I must have. Make up remover pads, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc PLUS I restocked my travel sizes and by the time I left there I spent 80 dollars YIKES. I am so careful about my grooming though, being a big chick I always try to look presentable and CLEAN!! There is such an un-fair stigma that fat people are sloppy about themselves and I'm not. Went to get a pedicure and got my eyebrows waxed this afternoon. I wax other parts too (shy smile as I look south), but that gets done at home as I don't want to scare any salon technician LOL  Lately I admit my clothes have been looking a bit raggedy but it's  just that they are getting too big. So today I went and got a new blouse and a new dress. I LOVE the dress, the only thing is that it's sleeveless so I also bought a shrug to wear with it. I have two other dresses that I am bringing to the dry cleaners tomorrow. I bought a pair of wedge sandals to wear with my dresses. Like I said, time for me now! 
     I mentioned the dress is sleeveless, and I know that some women have no qualms about that and go sleeveless all the time even with fat upper arms and MORE POWER TO THEM!! I just don't feel right, so I never wear anything like that unless I am home or in a place with friends indoors. I know its silly of me but when you are fat you don't want to give anyone any change to make fun of you.  You would think that doesn't happen when you are an adult but it does.  My skin has grown thicker as I have gained more confidence in my size and frankly I don't care what unkind things people can say to me.  OOOOHHH I'm fat, really?? I would never have known thank you for pointing it out to me, but unlike you I am not rude to strangers or friends. It's odd that folks throw that around as an insult, but they dont say you skinny this or you brunette that or any other physical attribute insult, at least non I have heard. It's so dumb  but it is what it is!
     I hope you all had a great weekend, I am about to go give myself a facial so I'm going to say Ciao For Now All 

Friday, June 22, 2012


     Hey all, ever just have a day when you can say that you nailed it!!  I feel that way today. I was just so on the ball if I do say so myself.  Look, I don't fish for compliments at work but I know what I know and today I just got the chance to prove it. I was on my own for several hours and it was non stop questions and issues and I thrived on it.  I love being busy, I love having to help my reps out, it makes me feel fulfilled as a supervisor. I'm lucky to work with good people and a company I enjoy. 
     Ooh the caffeine kicked on that paragraph eh?  lol  I am in a good mood, I am actually looking forward to the gym in the morning, ask me why?  Why Mary?  Glad you asked. I get to wear my new work out clothes.  LOL   How deliciously female of me ;-) HAHA This past week like I had mentioned was a sould searching one for me and I have made the decision that I will not fight what I can not change and instead focus on what I can.  I don't like not being able to help but sometims you just can't so move on.  I had a few awesome chats with two people quite dear to me and they were great conversations and emails.
     I have so many things I would love to talk about, like stevia, is it really good for you, like my rant on clothing manufactures, fat friendly seating, so may things but I'm going to say flat out one thing. I am fat, I am okay with being fat. I like myself (more & more as of late) I am losing weight becasue of health not becasue of looks. 

     I look forward to a good weekend and I hope you all have one also so as always check on Sunday night for the wrap up or perhaps even the odd Saturday post.   So Ciao For Now

Thursday, June 21, 2012

What The Heck Was I Worried About

     Well peeps the temporary bridge is in and it feels a little weird I admit. My dentist is fabulous and i had not one iota of pain the entire process, just a LONG process it was. I was there at 7AM in the chair by 10 after and left the office at 10:20AM. I couldn't for the life of me feel the right side of my face. I looked ridiculas as half my face was falling down. By the time I got to work it started to loosen up but still wasn't moving.  I am looking forward to the permanent bridge that I will get on July 19th. This temporary one is not perfect and one of the teeth look a bit odd. Now me being me I took a photo of me to which my hubs called me a chipmonk as my fae was swollen (I know hard to tell with my face)  I love smiling and seeing teeth though instead of spaces.  I will get one on the other side next year and then have my perfect smile back!!   I have a pic , of course I have a pic it's me!! Hello!!! haahhaha  Here you are:
I know it looks so stupid, D'OH!!   
      So it's almost the weekend and I am debating heading out to NY. I want to go to Manhattan ("the city") and try to see Harvey on Broadway and or any show on Broadway. I love theater and the last show I saw was  Godspell in February and before that was La Cage A Folles, both treasured memories. I used to go to the theater al the time. I miss it so much. 
      I am really not going to have a long blog tonight apparently as I really have nothing very interesting. I'm such a bore!! Tomorrow is the Hot Dog Olympics at work so I'm sure tomorrow night's blog will be better  LOL   so until then Ciao For Now.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Summer Everyone

     It's officially summer, as of 7:06PM east coast time. WhooHoo   I tell you the weather today and tomorrow are making it feel VERY much like Summer.  Right now at &:40PM it is 91 degrees that feels like 97 degrees and it's nighttime!!
I so need to buy some nice summer skirts and blouses, and sandals lets not forget sandals. hehe
     I personally will be celebrating the Solstice tonight , it's also known by names such as Litha or Midsummer. The later of course immortalized by Shakspeare of course. The sun is at its highest at this time and now believe it or not the days will start getting shorter.  Most folks alters (those lucky to have one) decorate them with flowers and fruits to signify the abundance the earth is giving us at this time.  It's time for fun and acting childlike and be free. Think how we have so much outdoor fun in the summertime. Just being outside makes you feel happy. Laying in grass eating a juicy piece of cold fruit, going to the beach and watching hte sunset over the waves;  just glorious for sure. 
This is also the time of the return of the Sun God and the death of the oak King. I have seem pagents performed within circles honoring the Gods. It's very moving to watch. Depending on your pagan ideology the Goddess is know carrying the Holly King which was conceived during Beltane (May 1st) he will be born to take the place of the Oak King later on in the year.  I love how my religion is in sync with the earth. I try to always, every day to say thank you for what I have and relish what others often miss.  I had taken a pic of a dandelion flower, its a week but its so pretty, it deserves attention as much as the large roses that bloom, each having its own beauty!  Sadly I only have a small mainly cerebral celebration, marked by my candles and incense burning. I used to have a prorper alter and will so once again. All my things are packed away but they will come out at some point I'm sure
     I am signig off early tonight as I have a dentist appointment at 7AM tomorrow morning. I am going to start the process to get my bridge done. I'm a little nervous about it, but I'm sure it will be fine!! If you've had one I'd love to hear about it from you and compare notes so to speal :-)  So as alwasy i am saying Ciao For Now

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I Don't Believe It!

     I am going through friggin' carb withdrawls (AGAIN!!!)  I did this last year and here they are and I just realized. I have been in the oddest of moods since yesterday and it makes sense. I know this will pass and thats the only thing I am centering on right now. I tell you honestly I don't like it but the only way to stop it is to keep at it or have carbs and I am NOT having carbs! Not now anyway, maybe in a month or so and very few even then of the "good carbs!"  
     When I started this blog almost a year ago I had illusions and delusions that by now I would be farther along then I am now, come the exact date of the year anniversary which is July 5th I will be a solid 50 pounds at least and I plan to have lost the 9 I gained back so that total wil be 54.5pounds gone.  Not too shabby but I would have been happier with at least 20 or 30 pounds more added to that. I didn't really excersise in the beginning and had I done that the total would have been highher I'm sure and of course my faltering has not helped me but I trudge on.  As Dedo states "There will be no white flag above my door" :-D   After speaking with Jo-Ann last night I realize my struggles are hard yet I am not looking to lose over 250 pounds but I am looking to lose over 100 and I must do this on my own.  I don't want surgery, the only surgery I will want is to tighten and firm me up. Which oddly enough my doc said that since I haven't yo-yo'd large amounts my skin should be pretty good in that area as long as I  excersise. Also of course I want boobs!! That may sound silly to you all but I want the boobs!!! I used to have my over full C almost a D cup. I will get them I will!! lol
     I don't know if it's the carbs or the pull of the Earth getting ready for the Summer Solstice but I have been so freakin' needy and want re-assurance in all aspects of my life lately.  I know that those around me are not there as my personal nursemaids or staff. They are family and friends. As of late I feel like I've been putting too much on them and I am sorry for that. I think I'm afraid of becoming something not that pleasant to be around as I lose weight, and I want those who know me and love me just say that I'm still me but in a smaller package :-D   How funny, that by fearing you will become something unpleasant you actually run the risk of becoming the very thing you fear.  I guess what I'm saying is hang around and I promise you will like what you see in the end, mentally and physically. 
    Tomorrows blog will be a lot lighter and more fun, I promise, as I've alrady penned some of it!  Oooh what has she got up her sleeves you ask?  Ain't tellin' (until nxt blog that is! BWAHAHAHA) So peeps, Ciao For Now  

Monday, June 18, 2012

NUMBER 300 - Whoop Whoop!!!

     I can't believe it, with yesterday's blog I hit my 300th post, wow!! Thank you all so much for staying with me and reading all my boring posts hoping for the few not so boring ones :-)
     Well happy Monday one & all and you know as Monday's go this was a good one. Lots going on at work, with those there and it mirrors some of my friends outside of work. I hope it all works out for all of them. I'm not saying whats going on as I do respect privacy. I feel good as today was 100% back on track for me food wise, tomorrow is the gym. I had a grilled chicken salad for dinner and just finished it so I will not be hungry when I get home tonight. It was good and cost so much less since I made my own. What I spent buying the groceries to prepare my salad was less than the cost of one ordered in to work AND I will get at least 2 dinners and 1 lunch out of it. Now we all know that one good day of eating does not make for many accolaides BUT I'm not looking for them. It is a statement that I am reporting, I am keeping my promise to myself.  I was speaking to a good friend today who was very encouraging with out even trying to be, and number one what he said he would do if I didn't stay on track was enough to keep me honest again, but moreover, his soft words of encouragement, saying I looked good and I've worked hard; made me feel revived so to speak. I get encouragement from the hubs of course but he isn't always as strict as I need him to be. When I am dead serious (not fudging for special occasions I mean) I get very regimented. it's almost like a boot camp and I do not deviate from what I have planned out, I need this, I always needed a firm hand to guide me along and this is no different. One major difference today,  is that I am drinking ALL my water. I already see that change, meaning that I have gone to the bathroom 7 times today. In the past few weeks if I went there 2x a day it was a lot, so this is a good thing. Plus I'm getting excersise just going to the bathroom as it's on the other side of my floor. ( I am sure you are so interested in this! LOL)
     Hey!!  I spoke to Jo-Ann today, and we may be meeting up within the month, I would love to meet her. She isnt really doing anything for her weight right now and was telling me that she is going to have gastric bypass done in 3 months. She has had tests in apprehension of this. Apparently you also need to go to counseling for a little bit. They want to make sure you are sound and know the risks she told me. Makes sense. I personally don't want to do it, I could though,  as anyone with 100 pounds to lose or more can, but I'd rather do it slower and with out the complications this type of surgery could have. I do not have any medical issues that would warrent it, I mean my heart is good, BP is good (with BP med for now, Dr. is sure next year I won't need it - I hope I hope), no other health conditions. So I'm doing it the slow way.  Jo-Ann informed me that she has had 2 heart attacks, which I never knew about. She said she hates to admit it since she is do heavy but I told her she could tell me anything. She may actually be the ony one who nows my weight. LOL  At her heaviest she weighed in at 446 pounds and she is now 422 at 5'6.5" tall. So she thought long and hard and decided that for her the risk,the surgery was worth it, and her docs I am assuming are in accord. I wish her all the best luck ever!! I know she will then lose weight so much faster than me even though she weighs more than I do, and I told her I hope she buys some cool outfits that I can buy from her when they get too big.  She thought that was thr funniest thing and it was nice to hear her laugh as the conversation had gotten quite serious. I wish I was her height, 6 1/2 more inches would make a big difference in how my weight shows on me. I am a shorty though and to be honest I kind of like it! As for Jo-Ann, I am sending her all the positive energy I can and want this to work well and safely for her!!     

Switching gears here:
     I am curious as to what you all think.  On my other blog I re-blogged a post that said to send me 1(+) creepy compliments in my ask box anonomously.  All in good fun and I know there will be some odd ones.  Later this afternoon though, I received not a compliment but a statement, and a rather vulgar one at that. Now those of you that know me, know I don't get ruffled and it takes a lot to shock me. I have no problem with sex talk or innuendo from anyone, I rather enjoy the saucy banter BUT this one was more than the usual "I want to Fook you, this was very blunt. So of course I answered this ANON publically on my page with my usual sarcasm. I was told not even to anser it but I had to, you see it was like a challenge to show that I was not thrown off by this. I wasn't and I responded and got a high five from my manager in what I said!!  I love sex , and as long as you agree with your partner, I say do whatever you want, I dont care if you make popcicles of your bodily fluids, but I tell you if this person was trying to shock me.......nope - ain't happening....buzzzzz.. thank for playing , here is a copy of the home game, off with you.  I guess I was just wondering your take on what they did, maybe I dont let things that should shock me, shock me enough.  LOL
     Well peeps, what's coming the next few blogs. The summer Solstice is coming up and you know I will have something to say about that. HAHAHAHA Lots more too but I will not tell now, as I dont want to give away my upcoming blog ideas. I will though say, as always, Ciao For Now

Sunday, June 17, 2012

On The Road Again

     Well how do peeps it's been a while? I almost logged in on Saturday as good things happened but I figured I'd keep it for tonight and dammit to hell if I forgot how I wanted to post it. LOL I think the bleach is seeping into my brain (Now thinking Monty Python - My brain hurts! haha)
      My weekdays off were spent cleaning and then trying to find clothes that I liked. The former got done the latter not so much. I am between sizes and that sucks, so my choice is buy something too small and look like an overstuffed sausage or buy something loose that will be too big in a  few months. So I'm waiting for the 4th of July sales in a few weeks to see whats available. 
     These past few weeks for me have kind of made me feel a little a failure. I have been to the gym only a handful of times and have been eating crap. So of course I can see it in my face, I've put weight back on. Remember I was going to get on the scale today to see how much, and well I did and its close to 9 pounds!! Holy shit!! But it proves how bad I've been and I admit that I am embarrassed by it.  Still last Monday at work a woman who hadn't seen me in a long time (she works on another floor) told me that I've lost so much weight so at least it's still noticeable. How shallow does that sound? Look my weight is not linked to how I think I look. That's a totally separate issue but it IS connected to my health and that's whats important. After the realization that I can't help those I love if they don't want to be helped I am now saying fuck it!! I am putting me first again. I need to be my top priority! I hate how selfish that sounds and its not my nature but it must be done.  I was able to get to Target and buy some new work out clothes, I mean its one thing to be comfortable when working out and another to look like a slob! They are by Champion and yes they are not the Adidas ones I was looking at but since they will grow too big on me I couldn't see spending the cash on expensive work out clothes just yet. I do love my Sketchers though although I feel a bit like Herman Munster in them as they are so high and curved LOL  I literally bounce walk in them and you really can feel the pull when you wear them. Plus I got them on Ebay for $40.00 so they were priced right. Listen to me being all money conscious, it's almost comical. Especially since I just got a new laptop (on sale really great price). 
     I put a post on another blog of mine in regards to two people being trained in the same job where the larger lady had experience but was treated horribly over the "normal" sexy young lady who had NO experience. I in no way am belittling anyone, but some facts just are what they are. Being fat more times than not is cause for discrimination. I found out that this happened to me personally and you know what? It hurt A LOT!!  I'm not talking plump, I'm talking about when you lose 50 pounds and realize you still have at least 75 more to go. It fucking sucks, it's hard to do (case in point my recent faltering) and it's easy to get very discouraged, especially when by no one else's ideas but your own you start to feel inferior. I get scared and then I think why the fuck bother.  Then I leave my pity party and continue on. It will always be this way and no one knows my mind but me as there are thoughts I even feel embarrassed to discuss here, even though I have the anonymity of the blog, it's painful and I don't want to anyone to think I'm asking for pity.  It's so funny, last night I was just out and although everything at home is fine I was just feeling antsy and I wanted an ice cream cone from McDonalds. They are low in points on weight watchers. I don't follow weight watchers but that was the excuse I gave myself and all the way there I kept vacillating should I get it or not. Well I decide yes (I know I know) and I go to order it only to find that their machines are broken, no ice cream or shakes available. I drove off quietly laughing to myself. The powers that be decided it for me and yes I could have gone to another one but I didn't. I thought real hard and realized I didn't want one and it was just filling a void I had at that moment. So I drove off smiling and thanking my Goddess for putting that out in front of me. I felt like I got a shove in the right direction from the universe itself. I realize that sounds so trippy but I stand by that and yes I believe in things like that also. I am an odd duck but I'm worth knowing.
     You know I also want to make a promise to myself right now that you are witnesses to. I promise that even though I will falter I will never give up, I will push through and do what I must do. The end result will only benefit myself and therefore benefit those I care about. That is a win/win in my book. So there ya have it peeps. I'm signing off now and will be back tomorrow, so as always I say Ciao For Now!


Thursday, June 14, 2012


Was talking with the hubs today and long story short, it was mentioned to me that I am wordy. I know this, I can turn a simple yes/no question into a soliloquy! I have tried, I really have but I just can't seem to keep things short! Which is kind of amusing when you realize I myself AM short. I also get jealous about those I care about, something else I can't seem to change, but hopefully its amusing and not annoying. I also don't lie, I have a terrible poker face. Now I'm not talking about fibs, I mean telling lies about people that can hurt. In this day and age of social interacting it's easy to lie about yourself also but why? Especially if you ever want to meet these people, they will see you are not 5'6" tall and a curvy size 14 (my dream lol) it has taken me years to accept and like who I am so I am fine telling you all I am just over 5' tall and a size 24(US)! Yes a short round chick. Hello nice to meet you. :-D
     Today, my hubs was home from work also and I envisioned a fun filled day that really didn't pan out as hoped. We never got to the movie I'm STILL wanting to see, but we did get a few things on a jaunt outside early this afternoon. He wouldn't go with me to the doctor for him and so tonight as he is feeling miserable because of his itching I'm finding it hard to be sympathetic. So of course it was another argument, which I'm getting sick of. We are fine now and he's promised to make an appointment but I swear, if it was me I'd be in NYC at a top hospital saying fix me!
     I need to get myself back into a healthy routine as well, where some people can't eat when stressed in just the opposite. I eat carbs like they are going out of style and to be honest I don't want to get on the scale until at least Sunday. It will be fine though as I actually do get on it, must start eating the way I should again with OCCASIONAL treats like I have been doing. Not my recent actions. It's just my life and I need to control it.
     We called my Goddaughter today for her 13th birthday and speaking with her it was like an adult was on the phone. It's like in 2 years she just grew up! I said to hubby that I wondered if I was like that at 13, but I'm thinking I was. Was a long time ago though lol. You know today was the kind of day that I REALLY wanted to go talk and have a drink with my friend as he is one of those people who just makes you feel like you can accomplish anything. He has the most positive effect on me plus he's funny as all get out!! I miss him! I miss all my dearest friends always really. I even get teary at times when I think of them. I'm stupid that way but when I'm with my friends I'm at my best!!
     Sorry guys I was away, something happened and I have to go,  so I will continue this another time soon. Ciao

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hump Day Hizzah!!

     So I start my mini vacation and I find myself waking up at 5AM  WTF?? So I decided to head over to the gym. I'm back of track and not a moment too soon. My muscles are letting me know I have been bad in taking care of them.  I finished and showered then chatted with a friend for a while and then my day needed to start, so off to the shower I went.  I went and got my PLants and THEY are pink  LOL (bit of a joke there for someone) I went and got dinner and also bought some whipped cream vodka and as good as it is I still fall back on my rum and coke, I have had some lovely cocktails in the last year but I don't have the ingredients at hand but rum is always there :-)
     I write things, this blog, short stories, poems and I found one I wrote a while it was raining. Now I am going to post it here as today was actually very non eventful, hope you like it. I will be back tomorrow and I have a few things planned for you guys. 


Crystal raindrops fall down my window
tracing patterns of eclectic beauty.
For a moment my vision is blurred,
thoughts run together in my mind,
Crazy thoughts....a desired madness
that makes me feel sane.

The rain cloaks the earth in a purple gray haze,
people wishing for the sunlight to appear.
Yet the rhythm of the raindrops is calming.
It is a beat that seems to come from within,
a strike of lightning energizes the air,
giving me power to go on.

We draw from the earth, its rhythms are ours,
yet we forget to love her and let her struggle.
I've often felt much the same.
Struggling everyday to rise up to normal,
realizing now that you can't fight nature.
To go against your own is a path to destruction.

So I go daily in my duties,
my physical body doing what I must,
yet my thoughts are free to go
to places that I label as desires.
As simple as a being with friends,
and as complex as an entire new life.

The rain now mixes with my tears,
as I feel both happy AND sad,
and in the crazy way of life they are often for the same reason.
I want to run out and play in the rain, fall to my knees in the mud.
Damned be whats proper..what about whats fun?
So with a sigh ..I get up to go back to my duties.
Suddenly I turn..the door knob in my hand,
I walk through the door, feel the rain on my face.
I fall to my knees.
I am happy!!!!!

Well there ya have it peeps, so until next time Ciao For Now

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

All Better Now

Well not really on that hubs skin issue is the same but I am better in handling it (for now lol). Feel like my ol' self tonight. I am writing this late (or early ad time zones go) because I am off for the next 3 glorious days!!! Hubs home on Thursday so rare week day adventures. I'm thinking a movie! So many out that look good! Will let you know. Went to the gym this morning after not going for a few weeks and boy I felt it! It's a good pain though. Okay even I find that hard to believe lol no pain is good but my muscles are clipping for me and that's why they hurt :-D I'm going to get lots done in the house and want to get some pretty ants for the yard. I'm so boring tonight peeps and I'm sorry about that but tomorrow night's blog shod be good. Let see what the Round Chick gets into tomorrow haha So until then. Ciao for now

Monday, June 11, 2012

Welcome To My Mind, Watch Your Step

Hey peeps, I must say I am still kind of settling in and I am having stomach cramps. I do want to say though, that as I knew I could, my friends all came through and helped me smile today. I hate not smiling for my friends, they deserve my best. So the day is ending much better than it began. Aside from tummy issues I am feeling pretty much right as rain.  I really have been so busy at work, & nothing really is jumping out at me to put pen to paper tonight.  On my other blog I put a pic of a lovely nude larger lady. Her breasts are large and inviting and I wish I looked more like her. My tummy has gone down but my top has also. Luckily it is the same as it was back in February so hopefully the weight will come off in other places.  So tonight I am putting up a poem I wrote, well back in February  LOL   Good month I guess :-D
Its not dirty but its feelings and ones that I hope we all have. 

I come to you, always a bit shy in my wants
I know they are obvious, and I act on them
Yet I want to unleash inner demons and desires
I want to engulf you, and you devour me!

I feel that my offering is slightly lacking,
I wish my breasts were rounder and softer,
My belly a bit smaller yet you look at me,
I see your desire rising and you accept me as I am
You make me feel my imperfections are perfect
A rare gift for certain

I want you inside me, I want to taste you,
To bring out your animal needs then to hold you
in comfortable silence and the caring that only
for that moment we two share

I await you like the flowers await a warm spring rain
You bring me to bloom with an intensity that rivals any prior to you
I feel comfort, and caring, along with laughter and fun

Go dark & deep, use me to your needs
Then gently take your fill
One body ending at the start of the other
building to a climax like never before and never after

Your mark is there and worn willingly
You never asked for it to be placed there
I would never assume so much as to make an unwarrented claim
it is unwritten and understood. The reality is a treasured exhistance
and the moments like this are intoxicating,
Laying calm in the background
until allowed to rise again

     Well there ya have it, makes no sense you say?  Well hello I'm Mary, have we met?  Bwahahaha  I often make no sense to anyone but myself ;-)  I write of dreams and romance and sex and play and exploring, and new adventures and pretty much anything that comes into my head.
     I realize tonight I am a bit bizarre but I embrace the "un normal" As I have been told I am indeed a Nutter lady! :-D    So until next time (and a more benign blog) I say Ciao For Now

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Let's Wrap This Up, Shall We?

     Today was a good day after a volatile night on Saturday. I had an argument at home and my feelings got very hurt. I know that I don't have the high paying job of some but I'm good at what I do and they like me and to hear I should not consider it as anything major it hurts. I'm paraphrasing as I don't want to bore anyone but please don't ever tell anyone what they do for a job is not important because they are working and in this day and age here in the US that alone is great news. Too many out of work to snub ANY position.   ANYWAY......
     On to better things, I think my biggest fun is that I am off this week from Wednesday on. I so need this break. I was going to go to NY but I think I am going to stay home and do some things around the house since I will be alone and not have to work around anyone. By that I mean I can clean what I want when I want, I get so much more accomplished this way. I am very much a "if we haven't used it in 3 years we don't need it" kind of person and out it goes. I will do a day trip up to the mountains for some clean air LOL 
     Today was a good day though. I got up early and went to the gym, finally worked on my closet, man I need clothes  lol, and then we went out for frozen yogurt. Was so yummy and tonight I am very settled in front of the television. Right now it's the Tony Awards ( I so love the theater) at  9 it goes to the season premiere of True Blood and then at 10 is the season Finale of Mad Men.  I have my bag of 98% fat free popcorn all ready. LOL
     Not a lot went on this weekend really so I am going to keep this one short, so go read all the older blogs you may have missed. There are some good ones from Memorial day weekend  hahahahaha
Take care all of you and of course Ciao For Now

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Saturday In The Park

Well peeps I am writing one of those rare daytime postings. Lol. This morning hubs and I were late risers and I wanted one! Now I am indeed a tea gal but for some reason in the morning I want coffee. I am out of my Keurig K cups so off I went to Dunkin Donuts for some caffeine. It is a new store and from the line in front, one would assume they were giving everything away free. Well I was in line and this very large woman came up behind me. She bumped into me and said "pardon" as I looked and replied no worries I had to look at her more. Not for her size ( she may have been a few sizes larger than me ) but she was very pretty! There were some younger girls nearby who were looking at her and I and were snickering. These little annoyances could not see the beauty of another human who looked different from them. Sad!! We made chit chat as often happens on line. She complimented my hair and as we chatted she said here comes my fiancée. Well peeps this God of a man walked up (think David Beckham) It was great to see the young pups starring at him and I'm sure wondering why he was with her! I can answer that. She was very pretty yes but she was also nice. Her man smiled as if knowing what I was thinking. He went so far to say "too bad I was married" (guess he saw my ring) that he had a friend he would find me interesting he was sure. There names are Suzanne and Brian. They're getting married in November. The lines were long remember we chatted a little more then I got my coffee and said my good-byes. I was so happy to see and meet a couple that society probably would not understand. A beautiful man and a fat woman. A couple who see with their hearts not only with their eyes. I just wanted to write this to remind people that we all like to look at pretty things but what we consider pretty is a very personal choice and should never be put upon by what others think. How wonderful to be a free thinker, kudos to all who are!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Oh What A Night

     I swear it must be a full moon, it's not but I think some folks are getting an early start.  I just spent the better part of an hour to try and explain a work policy to a person who was just not getting it.   Ah well - bless-  if it wasn't for these types I would not have a job. So try and see the positve I do, why I just wrote like Yoda talks I have no idea   LOL  
     Okay this blog was almost titled "Those Were The Days My Friend" as the other day some one posted a picture of me from when I did Rocky Horror, I played Magenta "a domestic"  and seeing that photo brought back some intense memories.  I started doing this when I was 19/20 and I suppose I was "finding myself" to coin a phrase. I had dated but not a lot and often because of my weight felt very out of place.  I loved going out to dance but usually was never asked to join any of the polyester clad romeos who all thought they were Tony Manero getting down with their bad selves. No biggie as my girlfriends and I danced together. Of course as the night wore on all my Brooklyn princess friends were dancing and the guys were wondering how to get them out of their tube tops.  Hey I could have worn a tube top as well, yes it would have looked more like an inner tube top but I looked decent enough in my wrap around skirt and huck a poo blouse (look it up on Google lol)   I was about a size 16 then and how ironic that its the exact size i'm trying ot get back too. Anyway I digress.   Fast forward to the onset of New Wave music  all these cool bands and all of a sudden "normal" or the idea of it was blown out of the water. I loved this music it was free and fun and I could dance alone if I wanted  lol   I had the rubber wrist bracelets and lace gloves and electric purple eyeshadow, yes I was stylin' 80's way. It looked good on me if I do say so.  Then one night Rocky Horror was suggested, so we went and I was hooked. All these people dressed up as the characters and performing for us before the movie and DURING the movie. People were shouting at the screen, it was mayhem at its best and I loved it.  Then I became friendly with the sister of the fan club and she played Magenta and wanted a break. I came one Halloween as the part and she said I looked good  and did I want to take over for her on Fridays at midnight?  Did I ever!! So there I was performing  in front of the cities cast aways and new wave fanatics and curious tourists. I felt so alive and it was then I was introduced to things, that perhaps a bit seedy, were a fantastic learning experience,  acid and ecstasy were some of these along with meeting my first drag queen ever. I was amazed at how wonderful his/her make up looked and we became fast friends, still are. Then there was a 7ft drag queen named Miss Kevin, a legend around the theater. I remember doing a scene where we were looking out at the audience and the girl in the second row was giving her boyfriend a hand job. I mean where do you look?? RIGHT!! Starred right at them until her efforts came to fruition LOL   A new world of sex opened up for me as I found out that missionary and blow jobs to be blunt were not the only things out there. I was taken to an S&M club on several occasions and no I did not participate but it did turn me on i admit. The control and submission and the trust between the two parties. I was impressed really.  Of course I started to experiment with my own boyfriends and the ground was laid for me. Well more than the ground was laid  but this is a rated R blog for now  hahaahahaha.  I liked the non vanilla and am gratefull for the experiences I had and with whom I shared them.  It was during these times that I was kissed by a girl for the first time. I was standing in the street, it was about 3 AM we had just finished and were getting ready to go home. we had partyed hardy and i was just standing there and this girl I knew came up to me and started to chat. Next thing I know she is kissing me and putting her tongue in my mouth. Well I responded and it was a really nice kiss. Yes good times indeed :-D  I survived it all and am relativly well adjusted. I do not burn crosses in yards or odd things. I am a Wiccan, yes, but I read and write poetry, love theater, music, arts, yes I have tattoos but again that's art. I learned never to judge anyone and to be kind to people that get put down upon because they dont fit in. I think that's what made the entire experience wonderful, it was like all of us felt like there was something missing and each of us found a bit of what we needed here. It was like a freaky all out breakfast club that met up at 11PM until about 3AM every Friday and Saturday nights. I learned some very solid lessons and regret none of it, not what I did or performed as life is meant to be lived and enjoyed. I wasn't just existing them.  Yes I, more settled but I'm still that person in my heart and I hope in some of my actions as well.   Here are a few pics of me from my performances,

hahahahaaha   Well there you have my walk down Rocky Lane , so until next time peeps I say Ciao For Now :-D

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Musings From The Round Chick

     In this day and age with places like Facebook and Tumblr and so many others we are in touch with people from all over the world. This for me is amusing to see just how many people and I will say mainly men here, are attracted to bigger women. It's like all of a sudden the fat closet has opened up and out they came. Like the clown car in the circus just more and more all the time.  Now I know this is not really the case as there have been men who have liked a larger woman in all the years gone by as well as now. It's just that now there are places to go to express this, and to look at these lovely ladies. To comment, to flirt with and to save pictures that they post.  I have always been a flirt all my life. I'm a terrible one but I don't lead anyone on with false pretense or promises. I see pics these other ladies post and they are totally nude and look lovely, some have ink and some do not. I must admit that some of them are just the perfect combo of weight, height and ink and they are just drop dead gorgeous and I am quite jealous of them.  Not saying that I can't hold my own, actually I really have to move around a bit and stretcth in odd directions to hold my own sometimes, LOL but these women are younger and more shall we say perky than myself. Kudos to them for letting it all hang out and kudos to the men and women who are attracted to them. It just proves the point that there is someone for everyone. Beauty is inded in the eye of the beholder. I will say, that sure I like getting messages telling me how pretty I am and that I look great. What person wouldn't want that? Thou it is only recently this is occuring. With the onset of these websites I, in my over 40 years (hush to those now saying 40!? You know what I mean) are getting these from men half my age. It is very flattering and they dont stop even when I tell them my age. I enjoy the flirting as long as it stays harmless but occasionally you have to put someone in their place since they get a little too raunchy. I don't post nudes online yet I still get asked to, the answer is always the same....NO!   I am flattered but no thank you and if they are totally rude and base they get a polite fuck off from me. I am there to meet like minded people and chat and post pics that I like. 99% is just all this now its that 1% that just go over the line that irk me.  I admit I get jealous when others message those I know, hey back off ladies HAHA but then I have to think clearly and say wtf are you doing Mary? You own no one, you are being dumb!!  I think im too protective, as I dont want anyone I know to get hurt somehow, I mean I know I WOULDN'T HURT THEM and the thought that someone else might, really gets me upset. But I am not the intersocial web Avenger and I try to keep it cool. Those who know me. know me well enough and I think I am usually forgiven LOL   I like that I can get myself down into a size 16 and I will be thought of as sexy and cute, and hell, here I am at a size 24 and I am still thought of that way. My love to those who saw me that way when I was a size 28. Size should not deem sexy or pretty, every person has a beauty all their own and should be applauded for being comfortable in their own skin and if they aren't should be encouraged to do so. Not shamed by stupid society perfect views, that's not reality.
     This technology also enables us to meet lots of people. I have met people from places like England, Australia, and even other states here in the US that I would not have had the pleasure of knowing if this social aspect of the web had never formed. This blog is pure example of that, I mean the newest place I see here is Nigeria and that just is so so awesome.  I would love to speak with all of you who read  my blog, what's it like in your country, your towns. How different and how alike are we?  It boggles the mind. I wonder if Alexander Graham Bell thought on the day he called Watson that one day we would be talking and surfing the web from small hand held devices, or Marconi looking at the radios and seeing these little ear buds and small ipods, what would they think indeed.  This is a great big world but technology makes it a bit smaller, cozier. Cheers to all of you, my readers, my friends. I can open up on here and you still come back and i thank you for it. I know sometimes my blogs make no sense then again some do. Not sure where this one falls LOL    it was a thought in my head that was floating htere and I tried to make some sense of it here. i hope I accomplished that. So until next time, Ciao For Now

Monday, June 4, 2012

Hello Monday, Bye Bye Weekend

     Well peeps I am 2 for 2, this weekend was also really good.  I left work at about noon on Friday and got to NY by 5:30 as there was some traffic but all in all was a decent drive up. It was nice to get to my Dad's at a regular hour and daylight at that LOL
      Well first my Uncle is doing better but he wil have to go to re-hab but its better than it could have been by far.  So that was good news.   So Saturday morning I got up and it was a nice morning, made Dad his breakfast and I got showered then left to meet an old friend for coffee. We had a really good time and talked about a lot of things that needed to be talked about. He is one of my ex's and occasionally he would get a bit suggestive shall we say when we had spoken and I told him that after 20 years I'm flattered but not interested in him in that fashion. He has family concerns and I know he wants to be a good husband and I also know its making him very sad that it looks like its not going to end happily for him but I explained that I am there for him to talk to and as a friend, he understood and said he was sorry if he overstepped the line but that time makes you realize sometimes of what you had and let go. I dont know if he was trying to butter me up but it was nice of him to say. He also said I was the type of woman that a man would want to come home to.  I was taken rather aback but again also flattered. So we left the coffee house with him knowing that he has a friend who will listen and encourage him and I left smiling that I had that effect on someone, and sad that a friend was hurting and hopefull that I gave him some good thoughts to mull over, that may help him. He's a good man and I hope things work out for him but we needed to talk face to face, sometimes emails dont cut it.
     Then after this I went out to Long Beach Long Island in NY and had a blast. I drove halfway to one friends house then she drove to the beach and I had forgotten how awesome this beach community was. We ate at an outrageous place called Swingbellys BBQ, very reasonable prices and a lot of food. It was deleicious but I ate only half my sandwich and barely touched my sweet potato fries because we had the Mac N Pete which was macaroni and cheese and burnt ends all mixed together it was so rich and delicious. Then we walked it off and headed the few blocks down to the beach where we were lucky enough to catch the start of a vollyball tourny. Yes men in beach shorts playing volleyball on the sand, pencil me IN!! LOL  :-D  was a wonderful time and I so miss the beach and the sea air and just how relaxing watching the waves coming in. You know we spen so much time and money on vacations, but this day was like a mini vaca. The beach is free and just rejuvinating and I am stil on the high I got from the time I was there. I want to go back and soon!!!
     I left on Sunday after getting up early to pick up NY bagles to bring back to the peeps at work. I had the top down and it was great then I got to PA and it started to rain. Yep , luckily the rest stop was close so I pulled in there to put the top up and then headed home. Felt good to get there and collapse in my own bed!! LOL  I was tired, a little sunburnt and more carb laden than I should have been as this weekend slowly ended but I was (AM) a very happy bunny!!  So until next time peeps, Ciao For Now