Tuesday, June 12, 2012

All Better Now

Well not really on that hubs skin issue is the same but I am better in handling it (for now lol). Feel like my ol' self tonight. I am writing this late (or early ad time zones go) because I am off for the next 3 glorious days!!! Hubs home on Thursday so rare week day adventures. I'm thinking a movie! So many out that look good! Will let you know. Went to the gym this morning after not going for a few weeks and boy I felt it! It's a good pain though. Okay even I find that hard to believe lol no pain is good but my muscles are clipping for me and that's why they hurt :-D I'm going to get lots done in the house and want to get some pretty ants for the yard. I'm so boring tonight peeps and I'm sorry about that but tomorrow night's blog shod be good. Let see what the Round Chick gets into tomorrow haha So until then. Ciao for now

1 comment:

  1. So prettt ants ?? Are they pink ants with bonnets or stripey ants ??
