Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I Swear To Tell The Truth Tjhe Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth

     Note: this is a bit heavy but read through and then there is something that you will laugh out loud at later LOL (I'm such a dork)
     I am a terrible liar, I can fib when its for a good reason, like hiding a gift from someone or things of that nature, but malicious lies and telling lies to those I love , nope, I suck at it, my face gives me away every time.  Thing is I sometimes keep things to myself for this purpose. As of late life has had it's ups and downs and I so try with all my might to keep it on the up when I talk with my friends. They have their own crap to deal with, but I must admit that sometimes I have to stop myself from emailing or calling those I hold dearest because I dont want to bring them down with what I'm going through. Yet another part of me really needs to hear their voices. It sounds so needy when it's told like this but its not that kind of needy. It's not the oooh tell me I'm fab, or that you love my friendship, or I'm so dear to you, its deeper than that. There are only a few people I would dump this on and I'm afraid sometimes to do this because they are not near me, and may just wonder why the hell am I calling them. I can't explain it but since they are far from me I sometimes just need to know that I can hear their voice or read their words. They are so much comfort and they don't even know it, but I do feel guilty as I feel I'm putting too much on them. Like I said they have their own loves and hell I'm nosy enough about what they are doing and how they are to begin with.  Yet I want them to tell me if they are sad or have problems and use me to vent, I love them and want to help if I can. Sometimes just knowing you can talk with someone that will never judge you, will be honest with you, and you trust is all you need to feel better.  I sometimes feel I'm losing touch with them but I DO KNOW that's in my head NOT THEIRS!! I'm pretty self reliant though so I'm getting through day by day. My mood in honestly a good one!! I wish I didn't eat when I'm stressed though, I'd be a size 18 if that was the case HAHAHA  I have to say though last week I was having a day and a half!!! It was horrible and I got a note from one of my friends who is in this grouping and it made my day and was so needed.  I find that the thing with these type of friends, you can wish to chat all the time, be with them all the time and even though you aren't;  sometimes it's like they JUST KNOW and do something to make you feel better.  I really hope I do that too. No one has ever told me, but I really really hope it has happened.That I have made them feel better.  WHEW!!! thats was deep eh? 
     Well after all that here is something friggin hillarious!!
     Okay I go to lunch today and get a grilled chicken salad and I park under a shady tree. I start to eat and this guy in a Jeep pulls up next to me. I'm like really (!!??), right next to me while I'm eating?  Because you know, fat people love to have others park next to them while they are eating. ;-)    I realize it's the only other shady spot, so I forgive him and go back to my salad. Now I did notice that he had the top down and the doors off his Jeep. My hubs used to have a Jeep Wrangler and it was fun driving like that. So I'm all chomp chomp on my salad and I happen to glance over at him and I see him, shall we say, giving himself a bit of afternoon delight!  OMG  the man is jerking off, wanking, choking the chicken, WHATEVER you want to call it, right next to my car!!!  All I could think was thank the Gods I had the top up on my car and the air condition on so my windows were closed. I couldn't believe it, he had his gentlemen's sausage just hanging out and he was oblivious to his surroundings. So I put my car in reverse and left him to, shall we say, enjoy his lunch hour!   Now I know you are either laughing or cringing, but this was not the first time this has happened to me. I must have that kind of face!! HAHAHA
     Well peeps I am going to end it here as I think I have thoroughly worn you all out with my rants.  Tomorrow morning is the gym. I have to go for bloodwork next week to check my white blood cell count again as it was high last time. Hope it's normal this time 'round. Then again there is not much normal about me ;-) 
Ciao For Now one and all

1 comment:

  1. And you didn't wait to see if there was a happy ending !!! Shame on you !
