Thursday, June 14, 2012


Was talking with the hubs today and long story short, it was mentioned to me that I am wordy. I know this, I can turn a simple yes/no question into a soliloquy! I have tried, I really have but I just can't seem to keep things short! Which is kind of amusing when you realize I myself AM short. I also get jealous about those I care about, something else I can't seem to change, but hopefully its amusing and not annoying. I also don't lie, I have a terrible poker face. Now I'm not talking about fibs, I mean telling lies about people that can hurt. In this day and age of social interacting it's easy to lie about yourself also but why? Especially if you ever want to meet these people, they will see you are not 5'6" tall and a curvy size 14 (my dream lol) it has taken me years to accept and like who I am so I am fine telling you all I am just over 5' tall and a size 24(US)! Yes a short round chick. Hello nice to meet you. :-D
     Today, my hubs was home from work also and I envisioned a fun filled day that really didn't pan out as hoped. We never got to the movie I'm STILL wanting to see, but we did get a few things on a jaunt outside early this afternoon. He wouldn't go with me to the doctor for him and so tonight as he is feeling miserable because of his itching I'm finding it hard to be sympathetic. So of course it was another argument, which I'm getting sick of. We are fine now and he's promised to make an appointment but I swear, if it was me I'd be in NYC at a top hospital saying fix me!
     I need to get myself back into a healthy routine as well, where some people can't eat when stressed in just the opposite. I eat carbs like they are going out of style and to be honest I don't want to get on the scale until at least Sunday. It will be fine though as I actually do get on it, must start eating the way I should again with OCCASIONAL treats like I have been doing. Not my recent actions. It's just my life and I need to control it.
     We called my Goddaughter today for her 13th birthday and speaking with her it was like an adult was on the phone. It's like in 2 years she just grew up! I said to hubby that I wondered if I was like that at 13, but I'm thinking I was. Was a long time ago though lol. You know today was the kind of day that I REALLY wanted to go talk and have a drink with my friend as he is one of those people who just makes you feel like you can accomplish anything. He has the most positive effect on me plus he's funny as all get out!! I miss him! I miss all my dearest friends always really. I even get teary at times when I think of them. I'm stupid that way but when I'm with my friends I'm at my best!!
     Sorry guys I was away, something happened and I have to go,  so I will continue this another time soon. Ciao

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