Friday, June 22, 2012


     Hey all, ever just have a day when you can say that you nailed it!!  I feel that way today. I was just so on the ball if I do say so myself.  Look, I don't fish for compliments at work but I know what I know and today I just got the chance to prove it. I was on my own for several hours and it was non stop questions and issues and I thrived on it.  I love being busy, I love having to help my reps out, it makes me feel fulfilled as a supervisor. I'm lucky to work with good people and a company I enjoy. 
     Ooh the caffeine kicked on that paragraph eh?  lol  I am in a good mood, I am actually looking forward to the gym in the morning, ask me why?  Why Mary?  Glad you asked. I get to wear my new work out clothes.  LOL   How deliciously female of me ;-) HAHA This past week like I had mentioned was a sould searching one for me and I have made the decision that I will not fight what I can not change and instead focus on what I can.  I don't like not being able to help but sometims you just can't so move on.  I had a few awesome chats with two people quite dear to me and they were great conversations and emails.
     I have so many things I would love to talk about, like stevia, is it really good for you, like my rant on clothing manufactures, fat friendly seating, so may things but I'm going to say flat out one thing. I am fat, I am okay with being fat. I like myself (more & more as of late) I am losing weight becasue of health not becasue of looks. 

     I look forward to a good weekend and I hope you all have one also so as always check on Sunday night for the wrap up or perhaps even the odd Saturday post.   So Ciao For Now


  1. If you can't change it, try manipulating it......;-)

  2. If you can't change it, try manipulating it......;-)
