Saturday, March 30, 2013

Friday Night Into Saturday Morning

     So we meet again 😋 it's almost 1am Saturday morning. House is so quiet, I can hear the sump pump in the basement releasing water into the street. Cat is having a starring contest with the door and she is losing. Hubs s snoring and I'm awake. This seems to be the way things have been. Was a good day. Spoke to a friend which is always nice, then had a nice lunch. Ran and got dinner, we treated ourselves and had Chinese.  During this, and I hope I'm not embarrassing him, a good friend of mine drew a pen ink tattoo on his daughter's arm. I'm not talking a doodle here folks. I'm talking full blown, amazing piece of art. I have seen "professionals" whose work was inferior to this. Yea, you say I'm biased, but no. It was that good! I would walk through broken glass on blended knee to get another piece drawn for me by him. I would lie a piece to go on my thigh, same side as my other leg pieces. In time my artist maybe can freehand something to make one long piece. All my ink is special, my owl is special and of course my triple Goddess is but to wear a piece made by a friend is super special. I both respect and envy those who can draw that we'll. it's a gift that he passed on to his  children.
     Then tonight hubs and I ate and had good chat. I have some drinks and posted a pic on Facebook. Well two of my dearest decide to tease me and after 102 comments, we ended it. They were brutal and I couldn't stop laughing. Love them so much. There are more bits, but nothing that can't wait. My head's a bit fuzzy and I'm ready to go to bed. So I will be back on Sunday eve, maybe tomorrow, you never know. As always though, I will say Ciao For Now

Friday, March 29, 2013

Thirsty Thursday Indeed

     I must have drank the equivalent of two pots of tea. I had the worst headache, that of course now, at 10pm, is getting better. Hubs is snoring away, as he is going in early tomorrow (he hopes) lol. I had a very lazy day, but every time I went to bend over to do something my headache pounded, and reminded me it was there.  I did manage to get a few things done otherwise I feel very lazy. I ordered some new shoes to use for daily use, like with jeans or shorts. WAIT I said shorts. Hahaha when I asked a friend what he thought of them he relied "very blue" 😋, which they are. They are called watercolor by Vans. It will be my third pair over the years. One of my favorite were a pair of skips that were black with skulls on them. Fabulous, they were. Why I just wrote like Yoda I have no idea. Lol I also need shoes that can can be used for work then also be used to go out after. Pumps most likely. I'm going to look tomorrow. Here's a pic of the vans, I know they are funky, but I like that :-) 

     Oh dig this peeps and peepettes, that guy I told you about yesterday, emailed me back, as I told him how I felt in an email last night. He was so apologetic, told me he didn't see me as a conquest. I'm really nice, then asked what tv shows I liked, how long have I been married, things like that. Then asked if I can forgive him for assuming things. I said fine, yea sure. I'm not looking for a lover, friends though are always nice. We shall see, but there is no trust, it must be built.
     Funny thing about trust. In my life I have a handful of people I do trust, with everything, nothing they don't know. Only a few I have known a long time, 2 are people I only know about 5 & 6 years, BUT, something about them made me trust them immediately. No idea why, just do, and they know they can trust me. I love to gossip, who doesn't, but I know what to say and what not to say. I can keep a secret really well, and won't steal anyone's thunder. Just not cool to do.
     I'm sitting here enjoying my tea, and my candle is giving off a nice glow and smells wonderful. It's apple scented by Yankee Candle. I need a new one soon, as this one is 2/3rds gone. Every night when I light my candle, I say a prayer for friends who may need them. Things like health issues, or stress or sick family. I burn my incense also but tonight it's jut the candle. I love to watch the flame wiggle around, it's a smaller version of a fireplace. Which I use to help meditate. Staring at the flames, slows heart rate down, and calms you. It's like watching a glowing modern dance. You can get lost in it. Oh I must share this.  One time (at band camp BWAHAHA) I was on a retreat in my sophomore year of high school. We were all the way out on Long Island, more on that after the story. One night we were in the great room all 18 of us. We were going to do a group meditation. So they crimped plastic wrap into a long rope attached by wire to the ceiling. We got into comfortable positions on the huge cushions placed on the floor. They played this amazing zen like music and then lit the bottom of this "rope" (water in a pan underneath of course) well the room was so beautifully lit up from the flames. We all watched as they burned in a rainbow of colors because of the plastic. We were mesmerized for sure, so relaxed that it took a few moments to realize the flames did not stop at the wire but started up that and caught the ceiling on fire. The counselor, who obviously shared our mindset, jumped up and quickly put out the fire. So smoothly, that my thought was she was ready for it. Funny now, but could have been bad. This retreat house  was owned by the Franciscan Brotherhood. Very cool place. Looked like it belonged in England. It actually had hidden walkways to sneak from room to room. I had a great weekend.   Obviously it was a catholic school but by the time I went I was very interested in Wicca so being outdoors was awesome. A place to get in touch with the Goddess in me. Those trees, the animals in the woods, that spoke more to me than any church sermon.  It wasn't until college and a retreat to Montauk Point, that I knew Catholic religion was not my path, but Wicca was. I remember the priest on that retreat with us, held a communion, one girl was hesitant to take the bread that was offered because she was Jewish. He told her to go ahead and take some, she was not going to be damned. That this was the time for sharing, sharing of yourself with others. I spoke to him later that day, and told him my feelings about the whole thing. He told me to follow my heart, that I can choose whatever religion I want, or none at all. That some of the best people he knew never stepped inside a church. I was amazed that he didn't scold me, but understood what I was saying. The room we were in, was the one where we started each day (really early to see sunrise YAWN REALLY EARLY LOL), and it had this floor to ceiling window, well it seemed like it, it faced east. We looked out at the ocean and he said that's the best church there is. I remember feeling very lucky to know him, I respected him very much. He was secure enough in his belief,  that he could accept others as well. WOW, where did all this come from, just kind of flowed out of me. Well I guess it happens that way sometimes. :-D
     I am wide awake and just made another cuppa. I woke up early but then fell asleep until almost half eleven. So of course I'm not tired. I have been thinking of this coming Sunday and what to bring to brunch. I'm thinking Victoria sponge, it's a cake filled with fruit and creme...YUM  Sponges are easy to make. I may ask my sister in law if I can make it in their kitchen so I can just leave it there. I don't have room in my fridge and it needs to be refrigerated. I need to see if there is anything else we should bring. I got the kids cute baskets, for my nephew I got one that has footballs, soccer balls, baseballs, and basket balls over it, my niece's has, flowers and a boa like edging. Feminine like she is.
     I think it's a Netflix kind of night, with headphones of course LOL  So many things to watch. Think I'll go for an old time B&W movie with Hepburn or Stewart, Cagney or Grant, don't you love old movies?  So with that choice I will say Ciao For Now

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I Will Never Get It & Still Get A Chuckle

     Well what a day, where to start. As the song goes, lets start at the very beginning. I had my iPhone charging in my laptop, it had mentioned there was an update, so I update. Then in true Mary fashion, somehow knock the USB out. My phone goes dark. Oh shit oh shit!!! I put the USB back and on iTunes it says nothing about my phone. There is no mention of my iPhone at all. I have the option of going back to factory mode. Then restoring from my back-up. So I do, so far so good. Then back up starts. The end result is I have lost all my music.  Brain fart, I can't remember how to get the music on my phone. Call a friend who wasn't there unfortunately. I did eventually figure it out though lol.  Then I have no apps...ack!!! So now apps are established once again. All is right with my phone.
Yay!! Lol
     Now onto the next issue. I am honest, I don't play people, but I got played today. A person on another site was very nice, divorced with a on. He said he just enjoyed talking to me because I was normal. Lol,  me normal? Nothing sexual, so I'm fine with it. Well today he asks me, so tell me about you. So I reply, married, no children, love ink, music, muscle cars, art, romance and candles, good wine, geeky sometimes, etc. basically me in a nutshell. I mean nuances can't be readers digested, but enough to get an idea of who I am. Well I'm guessing he didn't like the married part as I have heard nothing back all day. Figures, can't people just be friends, my god.
     Well on a bright note, a lady from a staffing agency I am familiar with called me. She read my resume and wants to see me. So I'm seeing her Monday @ 10am. Cross fingers for me.
Little tired tonight dears so I am going to say hello to my pillow.   Here's to a great tomorrow. Ciao For Now

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Really Good Day For A Tuesday

     Tuesdays usually get a bum deal. Really, they get called Monday part 2 or deux as I tend to say. Oh you do have the Two for Tuesdays and the song Tuesday Afternoon by the Moody Blues, but other than that, nothing much.  For me it started decent enough. Got up, went to wee, put the kettle on, usual morning routine. Had to return a call from Cox Communication about my job inquiry. Would be just like me to get a job at a company named Cox!! I called 3x but got the gentleman named Josh's voicemail each time. Left my name and number at the beep and went to shower.
     As I'm at the repeat step of my wash, rinse, repeat hairwashing, I realize that this coming Sunday is Easter. Not like I've not mentioned it about 30 times at least, but at that realization, shit got real!  Okay, did I mail the check for my neice's bracelet? Yes! Do I have my nephews survival bracelet? Yes! Do I have the ingredients for the Victoria Sponge I'm bringing to brunch? Yes! Do I have enough candy? NO!!!!!! So I check the weather on my phone, seeing that it's been just SO accurate lately, see that its about 40 degrees (F) so as I blow dry my hair, my brain is telling me to go for a drive. My back is trying to tell me no, but my brain knows I have heated seats that feel quite lovely on my back. Brain wins!  Get dressed, gulp the last bit of my tea that's gone cold, and off I go.
     Now I live in a part of VA that is very busy, not as bad as Washington DC, but close enough to get the same congestion. Fortunately rush hour is gone and I'm cruising, music turned up. I decide to head out to the west, towards the mountains, okay a little northwest at some points. I am so glad I did. This type of drive is therapy to me. It's now closer to 45 degrees and I open the passenger window to get in some fresh air. I see houses getting further apart and now the farms start. Fantastic!! I see hills and fields spotted with cows grazing and chillin in the sun. Some have calves with them. As I always do when I pass close to them, I call out "hello ladies", and tip my imaginary hat. Yea I'm really silly! There was one cow who was actually laying on a big pile of hay. Like she had claimed it and was making sure no other cow took any. You could imagine her saying "MINE!  MOOve along" D'oh - that's was corny. Lol
     I figure I should go get the candy, the reason for this excursion. By now I'm almost 1and a half hours drive from home. But I am in a really good mood. I go to a grocery store called Martins. They don't have them by us but I've seen them in PA as I've driven To NY. So in I go and I am greeted with the smells of hyacinth and lilies. It smelled so good in there. Of course since I don't know this store I have to go through every aisle. I find some cool things as well as some beautiful strawberries. So I buy a small pint of them and head off to get the candy for the kids. Not too much though, as the baskets I give are second to the ones they get at home. I leave and notice it's almost 3:00 so I start to head home. The drive home is just as nice and I am home before any real traffic. I bought my cat some new food to mix in with her other food. It's for weight management. Yes even my cat is going on a diet. Like me it's for her health not her looks. I think she looks adorable. Okay, she has an apple sitting on a watermelon effect working but damn she's a cutie! She is sounding breathy when she sits by you, like she's straining a little to breathe so it's time to trim down. She stepped on the scale and it looked like 15 pounds. Want her to lose a couple. Good news is, I gave her some new food and she accepted my offering. I get to do it gain tomorrow   HAHAHA I was a bit peckish  actually, so I had the strawberries. They were so sweet, so who ate the entire container? You can't see me but I'm raising my hand. It was about the equivalent of 2 1/2 cups - oink oink! In my defense - that was all I ate for lunch. Turkey for dinner with veg so I'm okay I figure. Have to go see how many calories they were.
     Watched a little TV, talked with hubs for awhile, had some more tea and just about ready to wash my face, brush my teeth, and go to bed. I could have called this blog Mary's Excellent Adventure I suppose. Probably read as a boring day to you all, but if I could only explain how much good it did in clearing my head of rubbish.  I am now able to sort things out easier. Seeing the cows just doing their cow thing is wonderful. A therapy session for the cost of half a tank of gas. Last thing I read before coming here to write this, was on Facebook and the marriage equality bill that is being argued in California. I don't understand, here's my thoughts (wether you want them or not lol)
What the hell scares the opposition so much? Is it that those of them in places of power will loose their funding and in turn loose their power. Which only proves that all they care about is power and NOT people. Which should be their number 1 concern. Ah we'll like I wrote yesterday, who am I? I don't know politics, I didn't finish school. All I feel personally is that if you love another person, same sex, opposite sex, different color, different religion, whatever! You should be allowed to marry them. Just my opinion. So although I started saying good night about 15 minutes ago I got distracted ( I do that sometimes. Hehe) so now I will say Ciao For Now.

Monday, March 25, 2013

I am truly humbled.

     A friend of mine on facebook just read my blog and was sweet to tell me she will be reading it more. I can't express how this makes me feel. I mean who the hell am I? As Arthur said (In the original film) "I'm a nobody from Queens".  To pull from earlier blogs, I learned life from not fitting in. I did enjoy all the same stuff as the other kids, and kept up pretty well, but of course eventually us kids started to learn the ways of the world, and they soon realized I wasn't what the world thought of as normal. I had a larger silhouette than the others. I saw a few people I really liked all of a sudden stop playing with me, and it hurt, but then I realized they couldn't help it. It wasn't me, it was how they saw things. Maybe they were so afraid of being hurt or different, they had to attack someone who was just to show they were normal. I learned tolerance then and forgiveness. I think (I hope) that as we age, we realize that there is no normal. That some of the best things, the best music, art, books, all come from those outside the norm. That's great company, in my opinion. 
     So here I am just thinking of what is it that draws people back to this blog and from other countries to boot? I have to say, I so get a natural high thinking that someone totally on the other side of the world keeps reading my words. I just wish I knew what they were thinking. Maybe they just print them out to line the bird's cages with, but that's okay too. I know several of my friends read it and 2 in particular who read it every day pretty much. I love them and their support, and occasionally I think I do amuse them. 
     When I started this blog I had an agenda that I have kept basically true to, but I have left the path on occasion if something grabbed my eye or my heart. I am getting a little teary right now, I am not sure why. I just feel right now that I am not up to my full potential. I am getting stagnant not working. I actually sat on the edge of the bed for 10 minutes just figuring out what to do.  Oh god I have enough to do in the house and little by little I am doing it, yet it's going to be a while before it's able to be seen by others. In my opinion anyway. I'm in a rambling mood, wish someone was here, it's kind of lonely being here in VA when all my friends are in NY or scattered up and down the east coast. Anyway. Tonight I won't be doing a blog as hubs is only now just on his way home. I will be back tomorrow night with a blog that I am sure will be interesting and one for the books  LOL 
Ciao For Now

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Weekend Comes Again, Lucky Weekend

     Yes that was naughty, and it was intentional. For some reason this weekend I have been so totally randy. LOL I swear the older I get the worse I get. (in the best of ways though lol) It does happen, what's a gal to do? No clue what set me off :-D
     This weekend we were on a quest to find the blu-ray version of Les Miserables. It was no where to be found and I should have realized. It was my fault, it came out on Friday and I was home. I was running errands and figured I would go to Target later that day. So I trot into Target to find none, so off I go to another one and that too is out. Harumph!! So I finally, on Saturday, find it available at Best Buy. So I buy it online and go pick it up about an hour later, as per the instructions. Well I get to the parking lot and BAM!! I get a text that they have to cancel my order. Seems they oversold it and they do not have enough stock. NOOOOOOOOOO! Un happy bunny, so this evening I find myself sans Miserables. Hey I'm a grown up, I can handle it, whimper. LOL 
     I went to the store (which I got teased about on facebook),and got the fixins for our Sunday dinner. I use a slow cooker on Sundays. Love it, it frees the entire day. Which today was spent going through the newest want ads. Also looking into the gardening spots available in the community garden. You can rent a parcel of land to grow veg or flowers for a nominal fee. I wold love to grow my own tomatoes, and strawberries. Perhaps other things too. The offices are closed but after talking with hubs I am thinking there is a waiting list. Now I could plant in the NY house but then I wouldn't be there to take care of it, oh well. Still hope. I did but herbs to plant though. That I can do in my yard, as there is enough of sunlight for them. I got mint, rosemary, thyme and dill. I love trying new recipes and would like to use fresh herbs if I can. My friends daughter gave me a very nice carrot cake recipe that I am going to make for Easter. I will bring it when we go over to the in-laws for brunch (or dinner, not sure which yet).
     I have gotten to the gym, yay! I so need to move more. I pulled my back in the same place, it gives me tinges, but I can deal. Which is why I went to the gym. I need to work my muscles more. Oh speaking of, I had such a Charlie horse the other night, ouch ouch ouch!! The more I move the better it will be. I also have been religious on my skin care routine. I am taking care of me and moving forward be able to move my body better and do for others with a lot more ease. I have positive reasons and that is motivation I need. 
     I know you are thinking, I waited an entire weekend for this?? hahaha Yes it was pretty bland as I figured it would be. Next few will be better, especially when I get ti NY. I will be in the city, Manhattan. With a dear friend, who suggest we need to go have drinks and catch up. Um....okay!!! Then I will be seeing my other dears so I am going to have fun. I am hoping the weather holds up and perhaps a day out at the Long Island vineyards will be in order. So beautiful there, and the wine doesn't hurt. Found out that one of the vineyards I like Osprey Dominion has won awards for their sparkling white against contenders from France. They use the champagnois method and they, like most of the vineyards there, I would say all, have the same latitude as the champagne region of France. So the wine is excellent!! Coupled with sun, spring breezes, fresh farmers markets, and music, it make for a wonderful day out. 
     So my friends, lots to look forward to. I will now say good night and of course, Ciao For Now. au revoir

Thursday, March 21, 2013

What A long Strange Trip It's Been

     Today was a day of movement. Started with the gym this morning early. Then I just ran errands, just one of those days. The highlight was looking at want ads. Still haven't heard from that other job, oh well, guess not. I've been sending out my resumes and have gotten a lousy 2 interviews. Have to keep at it. Think when I go to NY after Easter I will make it a 4 day visit and get some things done there.
     I guess the funniest thing that's happened was last night. A guy who knows one of my childhood friends had requested friendship, so what the hell I said sure. In the 3 years he's been on my list he's dropped by maybe 4 or 5 times on my page so you can imagine my surprise when he messages me on Facebook last night. He asks if he should lose weight and proceeds to send me a photo of himself. He had pants on by I was like, excuse me? Lol he asked if it looked okay, I said it looked fine and said I see you have ink and told him wow I have 11 pieces. He asks if I married, and I say yes and happily. That I got married in 1996. He says he's single, and then it happens. He tells me I'm very sexy. Tell him I'm at least 20 years older, figuring that he must be drunk to be texting this. He say no I am and asks me if he can ask a question. I politely say sure but I have to go as hubby is already snoring. He then asks me what I'm wearing.  LMAO I told him I'm not into where he is going and said thank you for the compliment as it did make me smile. Doesn't happen often and it's nice to get chatted up once in awhile by someone much younger. I then said good night,  and as a laugh told him I was wearing sweat pants and a tee shirt. Said bye bye and with that I disconnected myself. God imagine if I had said the truth, I was actually totally starkers!!!!  Hahahaha yes a 27 year old thinking I'm sizzling , well he does wear glasses. ;-) Tried speaking to our mutual friend today but she wasn't around. Now she is lovely, and more societies version of beautiful. But, well, you know, fuck society!!!
     Tomorrow I am making some of the scrubs I told you about, so I will take pictures to show you. Right now the wind is still strong and I can hear the wind chimes in our backyard. They sound so pretty. I got them in Maine, and in the store, they had them hanging down and I went through about 20 of them until I found the ones with just the right pitch. I so enjoy the sound of chimes.
I am sitting here thinking about putting the kettle on but I'm not fully convinced, so I think I will forgo any more tea tonight and just try to go to sleep. So I will say Ciao For Now and see ya soon

Eye Of New, Tongue Of Bat

     All those lotions and creams we use to stay beautiful. I am a bathroom lotion/potion & also, scent junkie. You know how some people can lose themselves in a bookstore or computer store, well, set me inside a store like Lush or Molton Brown, Bath & Body Works, or The Body Shop, and I can spend the day. I will play with the all the products and be filled with glee. Put me in a store like Sephora and I will need a change of underwear! (Tonight's blog is not about scent, as I do not try to make perfume,  but rather enjoy the scent I find on my own, or given to me as a gift.)
     I always have been this lotion & natural skin care lover. I get it from my maternal grandmother. My Mom was a cold cream gal, but not Nana. She had all these lotions, and perfumes and powders. To this day I still use Coty air spun powder to "finish off" and set my make up. It has a big puff and I love tapping it on my face like a 1940's film star. I only wish I had a proper make up table from the forties and fifties, with a big round mirror to sit in front of to put it on. Like these, with pretty bottles and brushes on display. Lace draped on it. Necklaces hanging on the edge. Can't you picture the starlets getting ready in silk dressing gowns? I just adore them. LOL

     Make up brands have come and gone. In the 1980's I wore Stagelight make-up, it was shimmer and wild colors and god I loved it! Now I like more muted natural tones with an occasional splash of shimmer if I'm going somewhere special. Urban Decay is a favorite now. I remember Nana came home with this new stuff called Oil Of Olay, when I was a kid. She used it religiously and she did have lovely skin.
     Something else she taught me was natural body care. Things to use that you found in the kitchen or hall closet. She showed me that mixing sugar, plain old white sugar, with some olive oil, made a wonderful scrub for your skin to keep it soft. Mayonnaise or an avocado mashed up, could be slathered on your hair to condition and soften it. Olive oil was great for that too. Just take some olive oil, comb it through your hair, then wrap your hair in a towel that was soaked in hot water (being sure to wring it out first lol) leave it for a half hour at least, or even until the towel was almost dry. It conditioned hair and helped with split ends. This was way before VO5 came out with the pricey hot oil treatments. My mom did this in the 40's. (hmm hooked on those years tonight I'm noticing)
    For years now I have made sugar scrubs and relaxing salt baths, using herbs and natural oils. You learn what works for certain things. I have a jar that you will find I mixed Epsom salts, lavender oil and vanilla oil (I made by splitting a vanilla bean and steeping it in Grape seed oil. It's not only relaxing but its soothing to the skin as well.  I may use citrus oils for a wake up type scrub. I will take honey and calendula oil mixed with salt, that I grind very fine, then wet a pumice stone and use to exfoliate my calluses on my heels. I had horrid issues with this and I will tell you, calendula oil is pricey but worth every dime, it's amazing! For tired feet, just fill a foot soak tub with Epsom salts and add some peppermint oil and rose oil. They will feel revived. I have a dream of opening a tea shop for my career, BUT, I would love a home with a room, off a hallway, that I can mix herbs and make lotions. Did you know witch hazel is good as a toner for your face? Helps bring down fever too. That last bit is not documented but again, Nana used it on me whenever I had fevers, and it brought them down. She did not put it on my forehead, she always used it on my wrists and neck. She said it had to go on pulse points. LOL Perhaps she is where I get my "witchy" ways from. Also strawberries mixed with baking soda will whiten your teeth. Honey all by itself is a wonderful moisturizer. I could go on and on.  Amazing to me, that with all the skin care products out there, so many places are using all natural ingredients. Lush is such a place and there are natural skin care products and lotions and soaps at markets like Whole Foods.        
     HAHAHA I have no idea how this blog came to be, I was writing down in my notebook some facial recipes and this blog came to me. Maybe not the most interesting blog, and perhaps sounded like it belonged in the movie "Practical Magic" but there it is!
    I was a quiet Spring Equinox here. Ostara came in with my candle burning and my prayers offered up for myself and my friends. Its just past midnight so the candle is soon going out and this gal is going to try and go to sleep. So until next time, Ciao For Now

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spring is Sprung

     For us here in North America the time of the Vernal Equinox with be 7:02AM on the 20th of March (tomorrow morning) Light & dark are the same, they partner in the sky with the sun taking the lead now. Days will get longer as the sun races across the sky. So many things that you will find on a Wiccan (or Pagan) alter will seem right at home for Easter time, which coincides with this holiday. As a matter of fact the way to tell when when Easter is, is by the spring equinox. Yep, (history lesson time) the Council of Nicaea (A.D. 325) set the date of Easter as the Sunday following the paschal full moon, which is the full moon that falls on or after the vernal (spring) equinox.I actually had to answer that question in high school and I never forgot it. Interesting that I got that one :-)   Getting back to the alter. You may very well see eggs, and yes chocolate bunnies, both which pertain to fertility, along with wildflowers and lots of green. Green candles are usually lit, you may also see yellow or orange to represent the sun. Jasmine scent is lovely but as usual I enjoy Lilac as well. The season is for new beginnings, trees are budding, animals are going to birth to their offspring soon. The world comes alive and warm again. (although with the cold weather lingering it doesn't feel like lol) Try to have ham & eggs for breakfast and some hot cross buns as well. If possible get outside to enjoy the weather. This is also a good time for obtaining new job possibilities, so I will do a working for that believe you me. I have an incense I use from Japan for these holidays, by a company named Shoyeido. The website is - if you want to check them out. If you use incense, I highly recommend them. They have the coolest owl incense burner and I must get once I start work again. Unlike many incenses it is NOT overpowering. I swear some could choke a horse. This one is light and blends with the air.  The entire stick burns too, so there is no waste. It's for balance, light/dark, day/night, we all need this in our lives. Springtime or Ostara is a special time, love the earth, plant a flower, or a tree, give back.  Okay Ostara 101 is over LOL Pics are the incense burner I want (so cute) and a lovely Ostara pic )O(

      With all this newness and joy I have heard of such sadness as well. It does not effect me personally, but it does people I know, so I feel very bad for them. Not one but two people have died and both in their early 20's. So sad, I wish them rest in peace, and peace to their friends and family. Hold those you care about a little tighter people, and never let a moment to say I love you go by, you never know when or if you will be able to say it again. I added this to my blog tonight because the news just added to my own thoughts of myself. I am leaving it at that, as to make mention of any more just seems selfish, like I'm making it about me. It is not about me. I will remember them in my prayers tomorrow when I do my Ostara workings. I also will pray for my friends and their friends. I love my friends and want them to know I am there for them always.
     I am going to give in and head out to Target tomorrow to get candy for my niece & nephew's Easter baskets. I have decided to not do my usual and buy way too much. I mean these are the second baskets they will get. I also bought them each a survival bracelet, pink and for my nephew had it made in the Washington Redskins colors. Cool other little things will find their way in as well. Of course a nice springtime flower arrangement for the home. We are eating there that day so it will be a nice day out. While at Target I really need to look at sheets. I need some for NY.  Nothing grand, but a 300 count sheet would be nice. I already mentioned to my Dad that I am going to get a bookcase for my room there. There is a really cool thrift store called St. Vincent DePaul in Floral Park, and they have really amazing things if you time it right. I mean furniture bought by ultra rich housewives then used for a few months before they got bored and ordered new things. High end re-sale. LOL hey I'm only looking for a bookcase but who knows what I'll find. 
     Well peeps as 11 o'clock draws near I am calling it a night. So until next time I say ciao for now :-D

Monday, March 18, 2013

Apply, Rinse, Repeat

     This blog has nothing to do with tonight's blog, other than I try to do one every night, although I will admit I have been lax in that. Sometimes I have things to say, sometimes I don't. I really can be quiet, no really. LOL
     Tonight we had leftover corned beef & cabbage, it was very good but I am done! It's very fattening and I need to go back to chicken and fish. Although I am about 7 pounds less than this time last year, I still hang my head in shame. I gained, so again I lost, yay but boo on the gaining. The last few weeks have been better than the ones prior. I am now used to the idea that I will get a job, I am not worthless without one. I just need one. I miss the discipline, plus it's such a tease to be home and have all these ideas of what you want to do with your home and not have the money to do them. I hate how my house looks right now. Major streamlining is in order. Hubs hates to through anything out so his areas are so messy. It's like living with Oscar Madison sometimes and then I get frustrated as I have no where to put things. Our storeroom has sneaked it's way into our spare room. Of course there are no food stuffs or nasties ( I wouldn't stand for that) but boxes annoy me too. My room in NY is very different. I am re-doing that also. I have more artwork to hang next trip up. I am also ordering a new bed, it needs it. It's only a full size bed so not too hard to get upstairs. Getting lots of pillows too, I love lots of pillows LOL
     See tonight is one of those nights where I could go on & on about trite issues and be quite boring, much like it's been so far, wink wink. I am quiet right now but I am quite opposite this inside. I am making plans for Ostara, also known as the Spring Equinox. Yep a witchy/pagan thing, as some may say, but it's time for rebirth. ever wonder why there is an Easter bunny and eggs. Yep fertility, all symbols of Spring. Religion can be an odd thing. We hate people simply because they don't believe what I do. To me, ideology is no reason to hate someone. Being mean, dangerous, disrespectful, these are reasons, but who you pray to, or if you don't pray to anyone, is NO reason to hate someone. One of my friends was told she will burn in hell since she is a witch. So wrong, as witches do not believe in Satan or hell. That's a Christian ideal. She is a lovely person and the confrontation was not warranted. I blame Hollywood. It's late  and I am not going to get on my soapbox about religious injustice, not tonight anyway. As there is a collective sigh of relief across the globe as you all read that! LOL I understand, I do ;-D 
     I have an odd feeling my blog is rambling, so for me it's up early to go to the gym, then home in time to say "have a good day" to hubs as he leaves for work. Relax a little while, then shower and run errands. I know, exciting!! Now don't hate. hehehe  So I am going to finish my tea, look at some porn and go to bed. Wait!!! What did she say?? OMG she's drinking tea! BWAHAHAHAHA  Of course I look at porn, I'm old enough. I even got an advert from an adult toy store online for St. Patrick's Day. It was all green dildos and vibrators are on sale. Can't wait to see what's in store for Easter.  Oh WAIT!! I know, all vibrating eggs will be on special! {gigglesnort}  ;-) 
Leaving you with that thought peeps, Ciao For Now.

Way Too Much Corned Beef

     Happy St. Paddy's Day.  Yes I made a lovely dinner of corned beef and cabbage with potatoes and carrots. Of course I made soda bread as well, called my Dad and Uncle too. Happy happy, thing is though, for me anyway, is I am not find of St. Patrick. Oh I like the name, but driving the snakes out of Ireland, I do not like. See that is just a way of saying he was trying to force the Druids and pagans out so that Christianity would prevail. Poor guys just wanted to worship nature and the old ways - but no, Patrick was like, dudes you need to embrace the one church.  Patrick my man, don't think so!
There are still Druids and pagans of all kinds roaming those lands! He was Italian too I believe. Wonder if he tried to make them an offer they couldn't refuse ? BWAHAHA
     The day was a bit gloomy and it matched my mood. Hubs had to work, and I was kind of hiding from the world. I chatted, yes, but not as much as normal; and I watched 3 movies. 3!!!  I was looking at art and put up an album on Facebook of some I like.  I went to The Metropolitan Museum Of Modern Art 2 years ago and just loved it. It was a special day and to walk I to a room filled with Monet's Water Lillies displayed was like stepping into church. I stood in silence for a moment. They were so much bigger than I expected, look and see the brushstrokes, oh and Starry Night by VanGoth was also on display. Talk about brushstrokes, just superb! I am not a critic or one who scrutinizes a painting. I don't have one particular style that I follow, I just like what I like. These that are accepted worldwide to paintings done on sidewalks or buildings. Some would say its a criminal act but how can bringing color and expression to a neighborhood be a crime ?  I wear art on my own body, drawn for me and on me, until I die.
      My thoughts today were these plus of change. Emaling with a friend, I wrote him its odd going back and finding a place once familiar, turned into something new. I embrace change, one had to to live, but the older I get, the more I try to go back to earlier years. Before change. Maybe it's a time when I had no real cares. So many things were new to try. I hate to think I'm becoming jaded, but perhaps that just goes hand in hand with getting older. Even so, I still have a large sense of wonder and hope I always do..
     So we start a new week, I hope this one brings news if a job. I can say though, at least I'm not nutty about not working as I've come to terms with it. Here's to a great week, with great news.
I leave you here and as always I say, Ciao For Now

Friday, March 15, 2013

Well Look Who Decided To Write A Blog

     I know it's not been as constant as I usually am, and the reason of course is that I am looking for work. My days are spent online checking all the agency's and job postings. Had a good interview yesterday and I hope I get this one. Now there are two positions at this company, and one is more than I was making and one is a little bit less. At this point I am not worried about the one that's less. It's all about getting my foot in the door and showing them what I can do. I would like the one that pays more of course but I spoke with the hubs and either one will be accepted if it is offered. Sometimes there are other things to look for instead of initial salary. I will be saving on gas money as this place is literally 4 minutes from my home. I timed it! LOL So that's a huge savings, espcially with the cost of gas these days. It costs me $60.00 to fill my gas tank up. (I do use premium grade though as it's a Mustang and the engine runs better on it). Plus the wear and tear on the car. If I did nothing but use the car for work, I would put just UNDER 24 miles a week. What!?? That's amazing. That's total travel time. Yes I would like to work at this company. 
     Now as for herself, well, I have not been watching my food intake as I should but I still lost. Just not eating right, not getting enough water either as I am still getting over this stupid cold. Outward appearance not withstanding, I am still wheezing and blowing my nose quite a bit. Plus coughing which I hate!!! Do you know what can happen to a lady as she gets older and has a coughing fit! Lets just say, wear dresses and bring extra panties! ;-) bwahahaha
     I am just so concentrated on landing a new job that I am not as up to date on news as I should be. We know I have opinions, but I need to gather my facts before I make any statements.So I am taking the weekend and by Sunday night I will post a rather long blog. My words should be interesting as I will have downed some Jameson's, seeing that it is St. Patrick's Day. It's perfect, it's an Irish holiday and St. Patrick was actually Italian. Plus I look decent in green. LMAO  For an Irish lass I am a huge anglophile. I really believe in a past life I lived in England. I have wanted to go there as far back as I can remember. Now of course the lady who my Mom was good friends with and would watch me after school was from there, so that may have influenced me a little. Yeah, just a little! ;-D x  Well I am signing out as I have to go to the post office and do a few things before I get back here and start to sort through a few things. So Ciao For Now

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


     That was me today boy. If you ask me why I will answer no clue! Not one. I had a great call about a job interview and from that point I lost it. I got so anxious, paranoid that I did wrong. Felt hubs was acting oddly, friends acting oddly, they were upset with me. I actually scared myself by late afternoon. I tell you I am going a little stir crazy being home. I never realized how much I enjoyed my job. I felt productive and like I mattered. None of this changed for anyone but myself. You all saw me just the same, plus I had a really bad cold. It's going on 3 weeks and maybe I took too much cough syrup, but I thankfully snapped out of it more or less. Now is just my normal nutter self. Lol
     My working status hopefully will change soon, please cross fingers for me. No details as not to jinx it but I will tell you all should I hear back. I'm still concerned for my friend, I love her and need her to be safe. I even had a cocktail tonight, it was good. Lol  the funniest thing was that even my fortune cookie tonight basically told me to chill. How cool is that!? Haha
     I am going shopping tomorrow with my sister in law, then we will have lunch. Looking forward to it. I need to take all this energy running through me and ground myself. I must do a working to calm my being.  I may go do that now. Seasons are changing and I am feeling the effect boy! Get here Spring and stay for awhile, don't rush off into Summer. Peeps I'm going to say good night. Until next time Ciao For Now

Monday, March 11, 2013

Not Tonight Dear

     Tonight's blog is not long. I've tried about 6 times to write but it's not coming tonight, sorry but I will be back tomorrow night so catch up if you need. Lol. Ciao For Now.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

There But For The Grace Of God Go I

     I know what you're thinking. I'm a witch so why use that phrase. As an FYI, Witches, Wiccans, Druids And Pagans all have their Gods AND Goddesses as well. So it fits :-)
     I watched a video going around on Facebook that says after watching look at yourself.  I ignored it until a friend of mine posted it. She normally doesn't post vids, do I figured that if it caught her interest I will give it a look. Well the man in the video was a very handsome man from what sounded like Australia. He was articulate, amusing to downright funny and very poignant. He also had no arms or legs. I tell you it didn't stop him and he was giving a lecture to a group of teen students and you could tell he was touching their hearts. He spoke about choices. Choices we make, like giving in and admitting defeat and hating life or instead to focus on what you can go and work to excel at that. It obviously was segments from a much longer video but at just over 4 minutes long, it was enough to have me weeping and admiring this man's tenacity. Now of course cynics will say he's playing on your feelings to make money. Okay and I say that I have no problem with it. He is not selling any product but rather getting people to go out and try, that life deals shit hands sometimes but you learn to play the hand that was dealt to you. Not to give in, but honestly try.  He's not trying to sell a fat person these pils to magically makes you lose weight without, WITHOUT getting your ass to the gym. That does not work, but believing in yourself does!
     We can forget that we are individuals quite easy in this world. We go to work in trains and buses looking like a tin of sardines. Or we drive on freeways, same thing every day. We lose our voice in the 9 to 5 world. He'll it's not even a 40 hour week anymore, it's become 50, 60, 70 or better. It's crazy. We have to hind ourselves again and he made such sense. He told the girls they are all beautiful no matter what they liked like and same for the guys. That little 4 minutes was worth a lot more.
     I am so lucky to have people in my life who love me for me. They show me that I stimulate them, in speaking, in thoughtful discussions, laughing and being desirable. I have a friend who although ways comfortable with who she is at this time she was dating a new man. He later turned into her husband, do I guess the date was successful lol But she had been losing weight, we asked my hubs what he thought of her weight loss. He said he couldn't comment because he didn't judge her that way. He said yes I can see she is thinner but she was, is and will always be a beautiful woman. He's good eh? But he meant it.
      Getting back on point. I am fat, but I have the ability to change if I want to. Each day I wake up, I am thankful that I have my limbs, my eyes and ears, my speech! Damn I am blessed to have these and I need to live life filling my senses. Perhaps this is why I go for drives and stop at a lake. Or I just talk to random people while on line in a store, I enjoy people. I know of folks like me who enjoy fresh flowers in their homes, they create art in all forms. Look we all must do our mundane duties but even those, done with different attitudes can feel differently. Tomorrow I am getting up about 7, then quick shower, them to the gym. Hopefully speak with friends then a real shower and off I go. Put this body I am blessed with in motion!  The video made me realize how fortunate I am to have all my parts and also to know and reafirm in my heart that even if your body is "handicapped " your will and your dreams are not and you can still strive to reach a peak. For each if us can get up our goals. For me it would be walking a full mile on a treadmill without feeling like I'm going to die! Sometimes , I admit, I'm just happy to get through the day without spilling something on myself! But I'm done wasting my abilities. Thank you video, thank you to the man in the video ( damn can't remembet his name) and thank you peeps for reading my rants. So until next time I say Ciao For Now

Friday, March 8, 2013

Morning Blog

     Well this is a rare occurrence, a daytime blog. I am so stuffed up it's not funny. I did get some rest last night, along with the combination of nyquil, aspirin, and Vicks vapo rub. I hope I can knock this out of me, as now I am also starting to cough.  I haven't felt this sick in a long while. I can barely talk.
     Anyway, OMG!!!  Yesterday, all of a sudden I saw drops of blood. Sure enough I spent half an hour in the bathroom with tissues up my nose. Yep I had my first official bloody nose. Never had one before. I don't want one again  I know to keep my head back and I stuffed toilet paper up my nostril so it's ebbing but I had called hubs and he told me to calm down. See I can take the sight of blood no problem. Make it my own blood though and it can be quite a different story. Lol
     When you're ill you can have odd dreams but I had a really naughty dream, so naughty that I can't even post it . But suffice to say, it was goooooooood!!!  {blushing}.
      Peeps, I'll be going, but I will be back. It's quarter to 7 and hubs is getting ready to leave to go to work so I want to say bye to him. Ciao For Now

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Nose Knows

     Oh man, it figures. Hubs was away last night and while he was gone, I somehow developed this horrible head cold. I am having the hardest time breathing right. I was awake at 2:40AM this morning as I just couldn't sleep. So basically the only thing that's getting blown tonight is my nose! (oh please after over a year you know how I am - gigglesnort :-D)
     We had such promise today, it was snowing. Seemed like we were going to get about 8 or more inches, but sadly the area I am in switched to a slushy mess. Now just about half an hour to our west, they got real snow, almost a foot. Up in the mountains they got about a foot or better. One of the things I really miss about New York is the snow. We get some here, but mainly any good amount of snowfall gets stopped by the mountains. I remember one time years back, I had a Lincoln Continental Mark IV and it had snowed a lot, we had about 8 inches on the ground. My friends and I were on our way to another friend's house. I go to make a left turn up his block and in the middle of the turn my passenger door swings wide open. Franz (my boyfriend at the time) was laughing so hard he barely was able to close the door. Ah good times lmao
    I so hope I can sleep tonight, I hate head colds with a passion. I have been known to sneak down to the kitchen and stand in front of the open freezer so I could breathe in the icey air. Weird I know, but I sometimes do odd things. I have the girl version of man flu, and it sucks!! 
    Thing about being home during the day you do on occasion catch those shows that you usually would never watch. For me today, it was The View. The did have an interesting report though on gel nails. They are saying that the UV rays they use can cause skin cancer. I use the gel nail polish on my nails. It helps keep them strong since I type at work (well I did type at work). I am going to equate it with the surgeon generals warning on cigarettes. We know it can possibly hurt us yet we do it anyway. I will see. I may try keeping my own nails without the gel but not yet :-) 
     I guess the biggest news I have is that hubs got himself a new Ipad mini and he is giving me his Ipod 2. YAY  He came home with it today as a treat to himself because he has been working so much overtime. I glad he bought it and unlike him I don't care the reason. He works, he can buy what he wants. We have no children to worry about. So go for it, know what I mean?
     Well peeps, this stuffy headed gal is going to have some tea and try to get some sleep. I have a feeling I will be up early again. Take care and Ciao For Now

All By Myself.....Don't Wanna Be...All By Myslef

     Well tonight I find myself short one husband. It is now 3:25 in the morning and I can't sleep. Partly because I miss his snoring  LOL, but mainly as I have a stuffy head.  Which really sucks as I have a job interview tomorrow. The reason I am without my hubs is that it's snowing! We are supposed to get over 10 inches and his office wanted him there in the morning so they are putting him up in a hotel for the night. So I just looked out the window and it is snowing. Well they got that right :-)  
     I just can't believe I have a stuffy head. 24 hours ago I felt fine and now I can't breathe right. Part of me is debating going out while there isn't much snow yet and go to the 24 hour drug store to get some Vicks vapo rub. I think we are out. I just may jump into a shower now and get a good steam going to clear my sinuses.
     I really am not writing a blog tonight?this morning as I can't stop blowing my nose long enough to keep typing hehehe  No really, I just have not gathered my thoughts together. I'm sure I will at some point today so you may want to check this afternoon and if not there will definitely be one by the time you come back tomorrow morning. So I am know going to make some tea and watch re-runs of Fraiser on Hallmark channel LOL    Ciao For Now peeps

Monday, March 4, 2013

Let's See If Anyone Will

     You all know quite a bit about me, including my name. Mary.   So how about you leave me a comment with your name and country.  Can be just first name. I would love to know your names. No last names, we are keeping anonymity here. :-).
     Oh this is fun, ease do it! :-D

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Okay So It's Not A Fantasy (LOL)

     I suppose you could say this is sort of an addendum to Saturday's blog. Sort of! Well tonight I went out at about half 6, and first thing I noticed was that in the west there was still the last traces of light. The clouds streaked across it, a darker blue/grey across the lighter blue of the sky. The light was waning but it was still there. A few weeks back it was totally dark at the same time. More change, which is what I was talking about last time.  Change, it's nature's way. :-D 
     I said I need to roll with the changes going on in my life and yet the reason I was out tonight was to get my car tank filled. It was my habit to always go and gas up my car so I had a full tank to start my week off. I never used too much gas, as my trip to work was only about 10 minutes, but I like a full tank on Mondays. I find that I am still doing that but tonight I only needed a little over a 1/4 tank as I haven't driven much. My car just went over 80,000 miles. I've had her a little over 5 years. I must say I'm looking to top down weather, love driving that way. Once you experience it, it stays with you. Oh I'm talking the car top down by the way LOL Although on more than one occasion when hubs was at the wheel (usually) I have been known to apply the top down to myself on a warm summer night.  A trucker on I95N once got quite a view while hubs was driving us up to NY in his Jeep wrangler. LOL  Hubs dared me, don't ever dare me :-D hehe
     I sent out some resumes this week and I am happy with one in particular. I came upon it by accident from a friend I used to work with. I am not saying what it is, as not to jinx it, but please cross your fingers for me. I think I may have a good shot at it. I have a few to check in with tomorrow and speak to a few people so hopefully this time next month I will be employed. This way, although my trip to England will not happen in 2013, it WILL happen early 2014. This time I have a friend very interested in going with me, so I will not be alone. She and I would have a great time and a very thirst quenching time if you get my drift. (hic LOL) I will get to see my dear friend and his fab family, and wreak havoc in England and Ireland.  
    You know speaking of change, and nature, you have to give a respectful nod to the weather. We have, in my area of VA anyway, not had any kind of measurable snowfall. This may be changing on Wednesday. It's March for heavens sake!! It's been cold out so if we do get something it will stick. Although the temps will rise in the days after. {{Shrug!}} 
     The world that has been my home for almost 15 years is changing all the time. They are building a new Metro stop near us. Its called the "Silver Line". It will make a closer train commute from this area to DC. I had limited sight on this until I drove into another part of town and realized how long this line will be. It will go through East Falls Church, to Tyson's Corner (major corporate and mall area) to near me in Reston, and is supposed to eventually go all the way to Dulles Airport. At least here in Reston it's being met with much resistance and very watchful eyes, but every day I see it closer to completion. Will be interesting to see it when fully completed. 
     Ah change, we fight you, some embrace you, some are petrified of you. I figure I will take a Darwin approach. Learn to adapt myself, and live my life knowing that no matter what there will be change. I am cool with that, I mean living in Victorian times (with money of course) would be interesting but I would want air conditioning too. Yes change, I will do my best to accept you, go with you but please let me keep some things too. As we all need to know we can count on somethings to remain constant. OOOH maybe that can be the next blog HAHAHA
Until next time peeps, I say Ciao For Now

Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Fantasy Tale Perhaps

     I know it's Saturday, and I normally don't post on Saturday. Today though I felt the need. Perhaps it's the promise of Spring. Don't misunderstand me. I love all the seasons, the Autumn is my first choice, but a close second would be Spring.  It holds such promise, can you see that? There's a newness to everything that just seems to be an like an all encompassing blanket.  Like fresh laundered sheets that have been warmed by the sun and scented by the flowers. No more darkness, now it's time for the light.
     It's a midway season, as I like to call it. We plant seeds that will grow into flowers or plants or food! This Spring is special to me. I'm planting my own seeds of sorts. My scale was kind to me this week, showing 3lbs gone. Oh and my legs and feet! After my infection they were in a sad sad state; but this morning as I put my lotion on them I noticed the change. I looked at them, much akin to how I envision The Little Mermaid must have looked at the two newly aquired appendages she had wished for. Like her too, it was a painful experience, but as I looked I could see the skin starting to heal. Even more so, that the harsh redness has turned into more a dark pinkish hue. The skin on my feet is becoming smoother and softer. Yes, I do believe herself will be getting some sandals this Summer. Lol
     Even though its a cloudy day today, you can tell Springis coming. I was outside sweeping our deck, watching two squirrels playing, and there was, of all things, a woodpecker on the side tree! Felt like a friggin' Disney character a little, but it was nice.
     Spring is change,  the earth is changing, I am changing. It's easy to get discouraged and I have, to the point of actual breakdown, but no more severity. I will treat myself, and my circumstance as gently,  and competently as I can.  Learn from Spring, so to speak. I am growing as I'm supposed to, change is happening inside me as well. Spring teaches us to allow the changes, as they are normal and right. To remain stagnant is not natures way. We humans are afraid of change and I did fight it, not accepting it! Thus causing said breakdowns. Trees that bend to the wind live  through the storm. I need to fully embrace my changes. I also need to understand that I am not the only one changing. I need to respect the changes in others and accept them. Yes it changes our relationships, but makes us stronger in that relationship. Here now I must thank those of you who have helped me, with thoughts, deeds and yes the kick in my arse I requested. You know who you are. MUAH and HUGS
      So this may not have been a fantasy tale, more a tale of realization, awareness, and acceptance. Yes I do love Springtime; soft rains, fierce thunderstorms, longer days, and of course flowers! I've stood under bees as they traveled from a field to the hives that were in my friends yard. It was amazing to watch and not once did they falter or change their path.  Spring brings that out in nature. Please Spring, bring that out in me!
     Until next time, happy Spring (officially March 21st this year ) , and Ciao For Now