Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Fantasy Tale Perhaps

     I know it's Saturday, and I normally don't post on Saturday. Today though I felt the need. Perhaps it's the promise of Spring. Don't misunderstand me. I love all the seasons, the Autumn is my first choice, but a close second would be Spring.  It holds such promise, can you see that? There's a newness to everything that just seems to be an like an all encompassing blanket.  Like fresh laundered sheets that have been warmed by the sun and scented by the flowers. No more darkness, now it's time for the light.
     It's a midway season, as I like to call it. We plant seeds that will grow into flowers or plants or food! This Spring is special to me. I'm planting my own seeds of sorts. My scale was kind to me this week, showing 3lbs gone. Oh and my legs and feet! After my infection they were in a sad sad state; but this morning as I put my lotion on them I noticed the change. I looked at them, much akin to how I envision The Little Mermaid must have looked at the two newly aquired appendages she had wished for. Like her too, it was a painful experience, but as I looked I could see the skin starting to heal. Even more so, that the harsh redness has turned into more a dark pinkish hue. The skin on my feet is becoming smoother and softer. Yes, I do believe herself will be getting some sandals this Summer. Lol
     Even though its a cloudy day today, you can tell Springis coming. I was outside sweeping our deck, watching two squirrels playing, and there was, of all things, a woodpecker on the side tree! Felt like a friggin' Disney character a little, but it was nice.
     Spring is change,  the earth is changing, I am changing. It's easy to get discouraged and I have, to the point of actual breakdown, but no more severity. I will treat myself, and my circumstance as gently,  and competently as I can.  Learn from Spring, so to speak. I am growing as I'm supposed to, change is happening inside me as well. Spring teaches us to allow the changes, as they are normal and right. To remain stagnant is not natures way. We humans are afraid of change and I did fight it, not accepting it! Thus causing said breakdowns. Trees that bend to the wind live  through the storm. I need to fully embrace my changes. I also need to understand that I am not the only one changing. I need to respect the changes in others and accept them. Yes it changes our relationships, but makes us stronger in that relationship. Here now I must thank those of you who have helped me, with thoughts, deeds and yes the kick in my arse I requested. You know who you are. MUAH and HUGS
      So this may not have been a fantasy tale, more a tale of realization, awareness, and acceptance. Yes I do love Springtime; soft rains, fierce thunderstorms, longer days, and of course flowers! I've stood under bees as they traveled from a field to the hives that were in my friends yard. It was amazing to watch and not once did they falter or change their path.  Spring brings that out in nature. Please Spring, bring that out in me!
     Until next time, happy Spring (officially March 21st this year ) , and Ciao For Now

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