Sunday, March 10, 2013

There But For The Grace Of God Go I

     I know what you're thinking. I'm a witch so why use that phrase. As an FYI, Witches, Wiccans, Druids And Pagans all have their Gods AND Goddesses as well. So it fits :-)
     I watched a video going around on Facebook that says after watching look at yourself.  I ignored it until a friend of mine posted it. She normally doesn't post vids, do I figured that if it caught her interest I will give it a look. Well the man in the video was a very handsome man from what sounded like Australia. He was articulate, amusing to downright funny and very poignant. He also had no arms or legs. I tell you it didn't stop him and he was giving a lecture to a group of teen students and you could tell he was touching their hearts. He spoke about choices. Choices we make, like giving in and admitting defeat and hating life or instead to focus on what you can go and work to excel at that. It obviously was segments from a much longer video but at just over 4 minutes long, it was enough to have me weeping and admiring this man's tenacity. Now of course cynics will say he's playing on your feelings to make money. Okay and I say that I have no problem with it. He is not selling any product but rather getting people to go out and try, that life deals shit hands sometimes but you learn to play the hand that was dealt to you. Not to give in, but honestly try.  He's not trying to sell a fat person these pils to magically makes you lose weight without, WITHOUT getting your ass to the gym. That does not work, but believing in yourself does!
     We can forget that we are individuals quite easy in this world. We go to work in trains and buses looking like a tin of sardines. Or we drive on freeways, same thing every day. We lose our voice in the 9 to 5 world. He'll it's not even a 40 hour week anymore, it's become 50, 60, 70 or better. It's crazy. We have to hind ourselves again and he made such sense. He told the girls they are all beautiful no matter what they liked like and same for the guys. That little 4 minutes was worth a lot more.
     I am so lucky to have people in my life who love me for me. They show me that I stimulate them, in speaking, in thoughtful discussions, laughing and being desirable. I have a friend who although ways comfortable with who she is at this time she was dating a new man. He later turned into her husband, do I guess the date was successful lol But she had been losing weight, we asked my hubs what he thought of her weight loss. He said he couldn't comment because he didn't judge her that way. He said yes I can see she is thinner but she was, is and will always be a beautiful woman. He's good eh? But he meant it.
      Getting back on point. I am fat, but I have the ability to change if I want to. Each day I wake up, I am thankful that I have my limbs, my eyes and ears, my speech! Damn I am blessed to have these and I need to live life filling my senses. Perhaps this is why I go for drives and stop at a lake. Or I just talk to random people while on line in a store, I enjoy people. I know of folks like me who enjoy fresh flowers in their homes, they create art in all forms. Look we all must do our mundane duties but even those, done with different attitudes can feel differently. Tomorrow I am getting up about 7, then quick shower, them to the gym. Hopefully speak with friends then a real shower and off I go. Put this body I am blessed with in motion!  The video made me realize how fortunate I am to have all my parts and also to know and reafirm in my heart that even if your body is "handicapped " your will and your dreams are not and you can still strive to reach a peak. For each if us can get up our goals. For me it would be walking a full mile on a treadmill without feeling like I'm going to die! Sometimes , I admit, I'm just happy to get through the day without spilling something on myself! But I'm done wasting my abilities. Thank you video, thank you to the man in the video ( damn can't remembet his name) and thank you peeps for reading my rants. So until next time I say Ciao For Now

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