Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Really Good Day For A Tuesday

     Tuesdays usually get a bum deal. Really, they get called Monday part 2 or deux as I tend to say. Oh you do have the Two for Tuesdays and the song Tuesday Afternoon by the Moody Blues, but other than that, nothing much.  For me it started decent enough. Got up, went to wee, put the kettle on, usual morning routine. Had to return a call from Cox Communication about my job inquiry. Would be just like me to get a job at a company named Cox!! I called 3x but got the gentleman named Josh's voicemail each time. Left my name and number at the beep and went to shower.
     As I'm at the repeat step of my wash, rinse, repeat hairwashing, I realize that this coming Sunday is Easter. Not like I've not mentioned it about 30 times at least, but at that realization, shit got real!  Okay, did I mail the check for my neice's bracelet? Yes! Do I have my nephews survival bracelet? Yes! Do I have the ingredients for the Victoria Sponge I'm bringing to brunch? Yes! Do I have enough candy? NO!!!!!! So I check the weather on my phone, seeing that it's been just SO accurate lately, see that its about 40 degrees (F) so as I blow dry my hair, my brain is telling me to go for a drive. My back is trying to tell me no, but my brain knows I have heated seats that feel quite lovely on my back. Brain wins!  Get dressed, gulp the last bit of my tea that's gone cold, and off I go.
     Now I live in a part of VA that is very busy, not as bad as Washington DC, but close enough to get the same congestion. Fortunately rush hour is gone and I'm cruising, music turned up. I decide to head out to the west, towards the mountains, okay a little northwest at some points. I am so glad I did. This type of drive is therapy to me. It's now closer to 45 degrees and I open the passenger window to get in some fresh air. I see houses getting further apart and now the farms start. Fantastic!! I see hills and fields spotted with cows grazing and chillin in the sun. Some have calves with them. As I always do when I pass close to them, I call out "hello ladies", and tip my imaginary hat. Yea I'm really silly! There was one cow who was actually laying on a big pile of hay. Like she had claimed it and was making sure no other cow took any. You could imagine her saying "MINE!  MOOve along" D'oh - that's was corny. Lol
     I figure I should go get the candy, the reason for this excursion. By now I'm almost 1and a half hours drive from home. But I am in a really good mood. I go to a grocery store called Martins. They don't have them by us but I've seen them in PA as I've driven To NY. So in I go and I am greeted with the smells of hyacinth and lilies. It smelled so good in there. Of course since I don't know this store I have to go through every aisle. I find some cool things as well as some beautiful strawberries. So I buy a small pint of them and head off to get the candy for the kids. Not too much though, as the baskets I give are second to the ones they get at home. I leave and notice it's almost 3:00 so I start to head home. The drive home is just as nice and I am home before any real traffic. I bought my cat some new food to mix in with her other food. It's for weight management. Yes even my cat is going on a diet. Like me it's for her health not her looks. I think she looks adorable. Okay, she has an apple sitting on a watermelon effect working but damn she's a cutie! She is sounding breathy when she sits by you, like she's straining a little to breathe so it's time to trim down. She stepped on the scale and it looked like 15 pounds. Want her to lose a couple. Good news is, I gave her some new food and she accepted my offering. I get to do it gain tomorrow   HAHAHA I was a bit peckish  actually, so I had the strawberries. They were so sweet, so who ate the entire container? You can't see me but I'm raising my hand. It was about the equivalent of 2 1/2 cups - oink oink! In my defense - that was all I ate for lunch. Turkey for dinner with veg so I'm okay I figure. Have to go see how many calories they were.
     Watched a little TV, talked with hubs for awhile, had some more tea and just about ready to wash my face, brush my teeth, and go to bed. I could have called this blog Mary's Excellent Adventure I suppose. Probably read as a boring day to you all, but if I could only explain how much good it did in clearing my head of rubbish.  I am now able to sort things out easier. Seeing the cows just doing their cow thing is wonderful. A therapy session for the cost of half a tank of gas. Last thing I read before coming here to write this, was on Facebook and the marriage equality bill that is being argued in California. I don't understand, here's my thoughts (wether you want them or not lol)
What the hell scares the opposition so much? Is it that those of them in places of power will loose their funding and in turn loose their power. Which only proves that all they care about is power and NOT people. Which should be their number 1 concern. Ah we'll like I wrote yesterday, who am I? I don't know politics, I didn't finish school. All I feel personally is that if you love another person, same sex, opposite sex, different color, different religion, whatever! You should be allowed to marry them. Just my opinion. So although I started saying good night about 15 minutes ago I got distracted ( I do that sometimes. Hehe) so now I will say Ciao For Now.

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