Sunday, March 24, 2013

Weekend Comes Again, Lucky Weekend

     Yes that was naughty, and it was intentional. For some reason this weekend I have been so totally randy. LOL I swear the older I get the worse I get. (in the best of ways though lol) It does happen, what's a gal to do? No clue what set me off :-D
     This weekend we were on a quest to find the blu-ray version of Les Miserables. It was no where to be found and I should have realized. It was my fault, it came out on Friday and I was home. I was running errands and figured I would go to Target later that day. So I trot into Target to find none, so off I go to another one and that too is out. Harumph!! So I finally, on Saturday, find it available at Best Buy. So I buy it online and go pick it up about an hour later, as per the instructions. Well I get to the parking lot and BAM!! I get a text that they have to cancel my order. Seems they oversold it and they do not have enough stock. NOOOOOOOOOO! Un happy bunny, so this evening I find myself sans Miserables. Hey I'm a grown up, I can handle it, whimper. LOL 
     I went to the store (which I got teased about on facebook),and got the fixins for our Sunday dinner. I use a slow cooker on Sundays. Love it, it frees the entire day. Which today was spent going through the newest want ads. Also looking into the gardening spots available in the community garden. You can rent a parcel of land to grow veg or flowers for a nominal fee. I wold love to grow my own tomatoes, and strawberries. Perhaps other things too. The offices are closed but after talking with hubs I am thinking there is a waiting list. Now I could plant in the NY house but then I wouldn't be there to take care of it, oh well. Still hope. I did but herbs to plant though. That I can do in my yard, as there is enough of sunlight for them. I got mint, rosemary, thyme and dill. I love trying new recipes and would like to use fresh herbs if I can. My friends daughter gave me a very nice carrot cake recipe that I am going to make for Easter. I will bring it when we go over to the in-laws for brunch (or dinner, not sure which yet).
     I have gotten to the gym, yay! I so need to move more. I pulled my back in the same place, it gives me tinges, but I can deal. Which is why I went to the gym. I need to work my muscles more. Oh speaking of, I had such a Charlie horse the other night, ouch ouch ouch!! The more I move the better it will be. I also have been religious on my skin care routine. I am taking care of me and moving forward be able to move my body better and do for others with a lot more ease. I have positive reasons and that is motivation I need. 
     I know you are thinking, I waited an entire weekend for this?? hahaha Yes it was pretty bland as I figured it would be. Next few will be better, especially when I get ti NY. I will be in the city, Manhattan. With a dear friend, who suggest we need to go have drinks and catch up. Um....okay!!! Then I will be seeing my other dears so I am going to have fun. I am hoping the weather holds up and perhaps a day out at the Long Island vineyards will be in order. So beautiful there, and the wine doesn't hurt. Found out that one of the vineyards I like Osprey Dominion has won awards for their sparkling white against contenders from France. They use the champagnois method and they, like most of the vineyards there, I would say all, have the same latitude as the champagne region of France. So the wine is excellent!! Coupled with sun, spring breezes, fresh farmers markets, and music, it make for a wonderful day out. 
     So my friends, lots to look forward to. I will now say good night and of course, Ciao For Now. au revoir

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