Thursday, January 15, 2015

Pity Party Or Bitching, Your Choice! LOL

   I came into work today to get some OT and catch up with the emails we are getting at work, so I get to my desk and my director asks me to take calls instead, fine no problem. The first call of the day turned out to be from the most pompous, condescending "A"hole you can imagine.  All he did was yell at how he hates the company and he never gets any satisfaction, now, he did make a few valid points BUT how he was so miserable on the phone I just wanted to disconnect the call. I need a new job! Its messing up my cherubic demeanor I swear to Goddess.
   people often tease me here that I have so many things on my desk. There is a reason I promise. I have some post cards I got, my first oyster shells I ever ate with a dear friend on a fun night in the city, S&P shakers from the same friend from his plane trip, another set from a friend and her daughter, another mug from an other England friend reminding me of my travels, a fairy handmade for me, collection of owls, one given by my sister,  a mug from hubs with a rose saved from the birthday bouquet from my UK besties. I have these because on days like these I need them. I look at these and think of the times they represent and the people that they bring to mind and I feel better. I have another section on the far end of my desk that has a Bamboo plant, Dr.Who tea kettle and my hubs photo. I know it may be silly, but , well thats me. :-D here is a look see

     Well Im on lunch right now and I had to just come an vent a little. Ive been working 11 days straight with the OT I've gotten and please dont get me wrong, Im happy to get the opportunity for extra hours, but Im getting tired. Its hard to explain to a person who works hard labor like lifting boxes or doing construction, those jobs are physically demanding but sometimes dealing with idiots and getting yelled at by callers, so much more than you would expect, takes it out of you to the point where you just can feel yourself snap. Im going to stay overtime tonight but not working the full weekend again, just Saturday.  I'm headed to NY soon and I can't wait!! a day out on Long Island and then headed into Manhattan on that Sunday. So there you have my bitch fest.  Sorry but I needed too. So until later  I say Ciao For Now

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