Thursday, July 14, 2011

Full Moon Fever

Ever have one of those days when you feel like you are grasping at sand. Today is one of those days I swear on all that is holy, like my socks, a few undies, some hose, etc.  today is one of those days that I just want to put away and forget. It was one of those where I was up early to go to the gym but never got there, I hit snooze intead about 10 times.  When I do go out its just beautiful. I get to work and the devil on my left shoulder is having a screaming match with the angel on my right as to when to actually go into my office building. I made a few stupid mistakes at work and I hate to do that.  Just can't wait for today's work to be over.
Lately I feel that the people in my life are slipping from me, I know they are not but sometimes it just feels that way and it's my perception which automatically makes it a bit off. I guess I just feel a bit lonely. It happens sometimes as my friends are scattered along the east coast and across the seas in England and Australia. So I know they care and I am secure in that but like I said it's just how I'm feeling right now and I wont feel that way later.
I want to post everyday but it's not always easy to have something to say, even for me :-)
So right now I'm chalking this day so far to the full moon that's coming tomorrow.  I love the moon, she is beautiful and I can't wait to see the sky tomorrow night . I already know that something is going to happen that makes me feel so wonderful I will forget this slump today, just wish it would hurry it's ass up and get here!!
Peace out (for now)

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