Saturday, July 9, 2011

My first blog ever - RESOLVED!

     I have wanted to start a blog now since I have started on a path to being healthy again. I look at the scale and see the high numbers and think oh god I don't want to have to get a new scale. You know the one. I mean either that or weigh yourself at the local UPS store! Well I don't want to do that!
This has been a life struggle, and look I love curves. I think a woman should not be a stick, but at the moment I'm taking this curve thing to a new level and I need to bring it down a bit. I went from a chubby kid to a pleasantly plump teen, to a junior miss in my 20's and now I am not sure what the phrase may be. Add the fact that I am only 5 feet tall makes for an interesting silhouette. Rubenesque on steroids!!  
     If I had a dollar for every time growing up I heard "Oh but she has such a pretty face" PULEESE!!!  I think I really need to evaluate my sitch! Look I'm not a kid and I'm not dumb. What I am, at least when it comes to my weight is complacent. I know what I need to do , who doesn't, but up until now I really haven't put effort into it. As Mr. Dylan sings, "The times they are a-changin'" So I am now on South Beach Diet, AND I joined a gym that I actually have gone to and will regularly. At least three times a week is my early goal, and will be building from that.
     It's so hard being overweight in the world. Yet here in the US it will drive you especially batty.  You have ads and models all looking tan and thin looking at you from TV and magazines, and yet a small soda comes in a cup large enough to use as a vase!  WTH people???  I love the US but we are so messed up in the way we view ourselves. Instant this and instant that, enough of it, at least for me.  I always have been a wonderful starter of things, but this is my life and so I have more resolve to complete this. More than I have before, why? I have no idea. I have lost weight and I have gained weight. I think perhaps I am finally secure in other aspects of myself that for once I am truly ready. Plus I have plans to go to Europe next year and I'll be damned if I'm going to squish myself into a plane seat for a jaunt over the Atlantic. Hell at this point I probably couldn't even set the tray down, but I will and that's one goal I have set. 
     You, whomever reads this, you are joining me on a life journey. I can't promise I will always be cheerful, but I will tell it like it is.  I see photos on places like Deviant Art and these women are not skinny as a matter of fact, just the opposite. They are larger women but damn if they aren't sexy as hell. I love looking at them and would love to do a photo shoot like they do. I am a bit jealous of them if I am honest.
I will be posting pictures on here once I know how- LOL  I will also be adding recipes, jokes, whatever happens to cross my mind, which can be very left of center. 
     Who knows maybe no one will ever read this blog and that's fine too, because as losing weight this is also being done for myself. 

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