Friday, July 15, 2011

Movies Is Magic!

     Happy Friday to all and I for one am so looking forward to the weekend. Last weekend at Harper's Ferry was really nice and this weekend I am hoping to go see Harry Potter. Now in my younger years I was one of those crazy people that dressed up for Rocky Horror at the midnight shows. I even went so far as to be a regular performer every Friday & Saturday night playing the part of Magenta. Yep I performed the entire movie in front of the screen. We even had our own pre movie show. It was fun. I was able to let my hair down so to speak, get dressed up in a crazy outfit with odd eyelashes and wild hair and just let go. No one cared as we were all having a blast. It was a very fun time in my life as well as a major fucked up one. Funny how those 2 things often happen together. more about those times later perhaps a new blog but getting back to my original Harry Potter mention. As I went for a wonderful top down drive last night, I saw people in costume getting ready to go to the premiere of the newest and LAST (sniffle) Harry Potter movie. It just brought those Rocky days back to my mind. I wanted to run and grab my broom (yes I have one, for OTHER reasons) and get in line with them. I wanted to join the Hagrids, Snapes, Potters, and Hermoine's but alas I did not. Not sure I would be able to function at 8AM the next day the way I used to - LOL. I hope they had a great time, a time to remember for the future.  One day they too can look back and say yes i went to a midnight movie and got dressed up as one of the characters. It was fun :-)
     So yes this Sunday I am hoping to see this movie. Today (Friday the 15th of July) is also a full moon. I have been feeling it's effects all week and yesterday was a pinnacle for certain. Dear gods I couldnt wait for the day to end. Nothing was really wrong and yet everything was wrong. It was like two parallel worlds were going on and overlapping into each other. Know what I mean? No? Well it sucked!! So I got home and was first greeted by the cat. Awwww right? Nope, she just needed to be pet, it's her choice to be cuddly, so then the hubs comes downstairs. Was he glad to see me or the grilled chicken salad I had brought home for him. I will say both. I am thinking a dab of chicken scent behind each ear may drive him passion crazy LOL Actually if I could find doughnut scent I would get lucky for sure!! See I am really looking at all things in my life while trimming down and I noticed our nicknames for each other.  He calls me Puddin' and I call him Muffin  - Housten we have a problem. Even our pet names are FOOD!! Sheesh...ever see a fat person give directions? You go two blocks to the McDonald's then 3 more blocks and turn right at the Burger King...and well you get the idea (hehe) Food is everywhere and well I can say boohoo poor pitiful me but no..I'm really not that weak. I can do this and am doing this and will continue to do this. See what I am is lazy, it's easy to make excuses but I have been getting to the gym, whoot whoot, 2 weeks truly going. Not everyday mind you I mean come on people lets not get nuts here. This is a woman who the first time she got on the treadmill there did 10 minutes and thougth she was going to die!! I now do a solid half hour, still not what you would call a marathon but for me it's a big leap. The amazons who work there are very encouraging as well. I was talking to my frined JoAnn (from previous blog) and she lost 4 pounds last week. I was so happy for her. She said if she could jump she'd jump for joy. I would have jumped for her but I live right behind the US Geological Survey (USGS)that I didnt want them to register a small quake! I haven't weighed in yet but I'll let you know when I do.
     So from movies to weight, what can i say my mind goes on weird journeys. Like I always said this is my life its me getting in shape. I've mastered round, so I'm shooting for oval next!   Later gators - Peace out    love the round chick

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