Thursday, July 21, 2011


Did I mention hot? Really it's early evening or late afternoon depending on how you like to look at it but it's STILL 99 degrees outside. The heat index is 106!! I no likey! I am not built for this weather I am built for cold. I mean this is the kind of weather where even skinny people are sweating and I secretly get an odd satisfaction from that! I don't want anyone uncomfortable and heaven help I have seen the posts today that almost 2 dozen people have died from this heat up & down the east coast but to have a skinny person sweat so I can see drops on their forheads is like a bonus of sorts!! (Insert evil laugh)
     I can't wait for next year when I will feel comfortable enough to wear blouses with no sleeves. I have seen women my size and bigger wear these now but for me I just don't. More power to them ,they have more self confidence than I do but I just can't right now. I have what my group calls "school Marm arms" I have heard them called "bird flaps" and the latest by a friend from England "Bingo Arms". anyway you say it, to me it stays under at least a half sleeve! Not that they are bad in any way PLEASE I don't mean that. I will of course go sleeveless in a bathing suit (well tank top and shorts) or lounging around my yard pretending to get some sun although I am so pale that white people say "DAMN""Your white!!" I am hoping I can get my freckles to meld together one day ;-)
     So of course one good thing from this heat I am drinking a lot of water. I have figured out the secret as to why no matter what diet you are on they say drink lots of water. It's because you go to the bathroom a lot, therefore you automatically get some excersise!! LOL
     This heat makes me worry about my Dad though. His house has no air condition except of course in my old room. Actually he has a really nice English Tudor home and there are windows on every wall so that the cross breeze that creates makes it a lot more comfortable than one might think. I of course hate the heat when i go there and often can be found reading or whatever in my beadroom until at least 4PM  when things start to cool off. LOL
     I'm not sure if it's the heat or what but today my appetite hasn't been there. I had some steamed chicken and veggies for lunch eyeing the sesame chicken sitting next to my order and that is all I have eaten so far today. I have had quite a bit of water so perhaps I'm filling myslef up but usually I am at least a bit peckish by now. Well I'm not pushing it although I know to lose you must eat, so I wil pick up some salads and grilled chicken tonight to bring home for dinner. Maybe I'll have a Crystal Light Mojito  hahahaha
     Well friends I'm signing of for now. I'm working on that story i promised you all and i also am making some low carb PLUS gluten free menus in my book so after I make then and if they are good I will post them to share. Peace out x

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