Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ah my friends it's 11PM and after a long day it seems I am the only one awake, both husband and cat are snoring here on the bed as I sit hunched  over a netbook contemplating my next blog. I am sure I resemble Snoopy atop his doghouse with his typewriter in front of him. I love this time either in the day or night when the house is quiet and only I am awake. I sit here with my thoughts and fantasies and smile knowing I'm doing the right thing. It's timing. I lost 48 pounds on South beach my first time and I plan on losing at least 2x that this time except this time I will keep it off as my mindset is different. Like I said I was complacent about my weight, but in retrospect I believe now that I also was complacent in my life. I accepted things as they were and figured it was all I was going to get. BUT BUT BUT things change that open your eyes and you see everything from a different perspective. One long forgotten, one that makes you feel like you CAN & WILL do what you set out to do. It comes from a source you would never have thought of and now can never thank enough.  Life is meant to be lived not just existed   I swear this past full moon had such an effect on me I think it still is.  I'm finding that I am capable of things that I never did before. My job, well me a supervisor, who would have thought!? I think I do it well too. At least I feel I do and hope others feel that as well. Look I screw up now & again and I can't stand when I do, but you learn from mistakes. I know a mistake doesn't make you a failure and owning that mistake makes you stronger. I never criticize without a compliment when I'm having my one on one reviews. I like my job!
      I am not sure if it's supposed to rain as it's been incredibly hot and muggy out, but  hear rumbling in the distance. I am not sure if it's thunder or planes flying out of Dulles.I hope it's thunder, I love the energy of a thunderstorm. I love summer rain, not torrential downpours but a steady gentle warm rain. I like to go out in it and just feel the water on me, walking with someone in the rain is something I have always loved, and kissing in the rain is well, like a dreamstate. It's surreal as you look at each other through eyelashes dotted with teeny droplets of water. I get shivers thinking about it, lovely!!!     I have been known to wash my car in a good strong summer rain. Its fun plus you dont have to rinse your car, nature does it for you. Yep a sweet summer rain can be wonderful, erotic, reviving and contemplative.
Well battery dying so peace out my frinds I will continue this in the morning when I wake up. Lots more to say  ;-) x

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