Thursday, July 28, 2011

Poem Night!

 I just want to say I am so lucky to know the people I call my friends. Thank you to one tonight who just by being himself made me feel better. I hope I return the favor when it's needed. 
 I'm seeing some friends tomorrow night and then again on Saturday. It's hard to get to see everyone I want to when I get up this way but I'm getting a good chunk in this trip. 

  Tonight my friends is a poem. It's about accepting that you are who you are. Instead of wishing what you want to be embrace who you are at every step. That was evident to me in a very interesting article I read today, one that I will go into more detail but truth is right now since I am at my dad's I am upstairs and I have no hard surface to lay the laptop on and I'm in a very uncomfortable position.  So yes I am leaving you with a poem I wrote. I hope you like it.

Truth of Self
Crystal raindrops fall down my window
tracing patterns of eclectic beauty.
For a moment my vision is blurred,
thoughts run together in my mind,
Crazy thoughts....a desired madness
that makes me feel sane.

The rain cloaks the earth in a purple gray haze,
people wishing for the sunlight to appear.
Yet the rhythm of the raindrops is calming.
It is a beat that seems to come from within,
a strike of lightning energizes the air,
giving me power to go on.

We draw from the earth, its rhythms are ours,
yet we forget to love her and let her struggle.
I've often felt much the same.
Struggling everyday to rise up to normal,
realizing now that you can't fight nature.
To go against your own is a path to destruction.

So I go daily in my duties,
my physical body doing what I must,
yet my thoughts are free to go
to places that I label as desires.
As simple as a being with friends,
and as complex as an entire new life.

The rain now mixes with my tears,
as I feel both happy AND sad,
and in the crazy way of life they are often for the same reason.
I want to run out and play in the rain, fall to my knees in the mud.
Damned be whats proper..what about whats fun?
So with a sigh ..I get up to go back to my duties.
Suddenly I turn..the door knob in my hand,
I walk through the door, feel the rain on my face.
I fall to my knees.
I am happy!!!!!

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