Monday, June 1, 2015

Patting Myself On My back and a recipe for you LOL

     That's allowed isn't it? As you all know my office boy toy often comes over to chat with me. He is very sweet and his new topic as of late has been baking. Of course I love to bake and have done so as long as I can remember. Hell my mom was baking muffins when her water broke and she was rushed to give birth  LOL  Seems he was on this kick to make cake pops. So he needed guidance.  He sits down and we chatted and unlike myself he bought a cake mix (and nothing wrong with these as they are really fine nowadays)
So here's the basics - bake the cake in a 9x13 pan, cool, use a vegetable scrubber, they nylon ones and crumble the cake into a bowl, then mix in frosting until it holds together well. Chill slightly then roll it into balls, little smaller than gold balls. At this point if you are making cake pops, stick in lollipop sticks. Its easier just to make cake balls  LOL   So once they are made put in the fridge to chill. In the meantime melt chocolate chips or which ever flavor and dip the balls in it to coat. Put on wax paper and then back into the fridge to harden the chocolate.  Enjoy   So easy right??

Well seems he made them over the weekend and he brought me one to try. He didn't quite get the part about melting chocolate chips and tried to melt a jar of pre made frosting. Which although it melted it did not harden the way the chocolate chips would so the balls were a bit messy. He was adamant I try one, so I took a little bite and put the rest of it in a tissue for later. Despite the look of them they taste was really yummy. I could easily have eaten the entire thing in one big bite. The pat on my back is for me only taking a nibble to please him and then the rest I gave to my cube neighbor as i wasn't going to eat the entire thing. I didnt want to hurt his feelings by not taking one, and my cube mate next to me is like a goat, eats anything  LOL   So all are happy. They were very good though and if I wasn't being aware of what goes into my mouth I could have eaten that full one plus about 5 more  LOL
So there you have it my proud moment of not eating cake and saving my indulgences for another time  :-D

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