Thursday, June 25, 2015

BUGS Why???

    I'm not a fan of bugs, I mean I dont think anyone is but I hate crawly things. Mice, snakes, reptiles of any sorts of non girly things i have no issues with,  but if t crawls and has legs I don't care for it. With the exception of possible crabs that are just delicious!   Its just like I cant stand slicing of anything,. Oh sure I've done it preparing food but the thought of someone attacking me with a blade and just slicing my skin makes me freak out. Well that and the fact of being attacked so all together a shitty scenario however its presented.  Well anyway, back to bugs, I'm just not into them. oh sure butterflies and lightning bugs (aka fireflies) are cool and dragon flies as well, bumble bees too,  these are pretty and I can overcome the dislike for a pretty outer look  Okay yes Im a superficial bug lover, don't judge me!   
      Well I'm at lunch just now we were discussing this spider that seemed to want to harass me several times yesterday by crawling along the top of my cubicle. of course every time I saw him i was on the phone and couldn't bring him to his death. Well we were talking and one guy Jordan said he did try to get him and he feel on the floor. I kept thinking, Oh great, I'm wearing a dress today and he's going to crawl up my leg and the entire office will se me jump higher than anyone would ever have thought whilst screaming like a little girl. Thankfully this did not happen and he has not shown himself today, so all is okay in spiderland today. One woman thought we had said a flying spider.  OMFG!! can you imagine such an insect? Oh hell no, just cancel my existing card, that is something nightmares are made of. A flying spider sounds like something Australia would have, really I mean it, they have some weird bugs over there. I'm talking prehistoric shit.   We get stinkbugs here.  They are basically brown bugs that remind me of a shield.  They just hang out, but if they get crushed they smell horrid, hence the name. Well i told the tale of one day i was at Target and was getting a shopping cart out front of the store and busy chatting on the phone with my Brother in law. This stinkbug had the nerve to fly into my handbag.  The nerve!! I flipped out and wouldn't touch my bag and BIL law is laughing at the choice words coming out of my mouth.  I actually asked a man that was walking by if he would be so kind as to take the tissue I held out and fetch said stinkbug out of my handbag.  he looked at me as if to say , lady you're crazy, but he did. I was so thankful. BIL couldn't believe I asked him to do that. Hell yeah i did.  So yes I am not a bug fan. As a matter of fact I even waited to see A Bugs Life on DVD instead of the theater.  So there ya have it, one of my kryptonites. 
   Well its almost time to get back from lunch as I am just chillin' listening to tunes on Pandora radio. So I will say Ciao for Now, I may be back later tonight, if not,  until next time. 

WOW - they shut the phones for lunch and no one is here to turn them back on  LMFAO   So we are all just hanging out    Okay then .....sigh    It's going to be busy in a little while.  Just saying.

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