Monday, March 5, 2012


     When I started this blog I said I was going to write something everyday. I have tried to do this even by writing that I wasnt going to write anything LOL It's not always easy and I know that I sometimes overlap my blogs. Life is like that though is it not? Our days overlap and things we start don't always finish on the same day. I lately have felt almost like I am experiencing things as out of body instead of reality. Does that make sense to anyone but me? I just feel like my life is a play and so far the reviews have been good and I want to keep it that way.
     I put a pic of myself up on facebook as a marker of the 52 pounds I have lost so far. I like the pic, I love the way I felt wearing the dress and although it was a high cowl neckline I felt sexy in it! People liked it and that was nice but I needed to put it there. One of my friends said - look you are getting an hourglass, I told hubs and he said tell her not a hourglass its an egg timer! LOL I asked him if I look better now that I've lost weight and his answer was that he doesn't look at me that way, but yes he could see the loss. He's doing well also, he's down about 35 pounds so far. I have several doctor appointments this week and one is for an echo cardiogram on Wednesday. After that they will tell me if my gym workouts are where they should be. I may have to adjust them. I also wont be going to the gym much this week but I did go on Saturday.  We ate well and even had a cookie each on Saturday night with our tea.
     Speaking of cookies and such, I am headed over to my in-laws on Saturday to bake some Irish Soda Bread and hopefully a grain pie. They have a great big kitchen and maybe my nephew will want to learn how to make it and I can teach him. It's so easy and I have been making this bread since I was in High School many moons ago.
     I wish I had children to teach my recipies too, I am making a book of all of them and I will give it to a few people. One of them will be my nephew, another my God daughter , another my friends eldest daughter. Hopefully they will make the recipies I learned to make growing up.  I know my corn pudding is now a staple at my dearest girls Thanksgiving celebration LOL    It is so easy and sooooooo yummy and in no way low fat. hahaha  
     Switching gears here, last night I was laying in bed and I could hear the wind outside moving our chimes ever so slightly and it alwasy makes me think that the fairies are playing in our yard. When I was little my mom would tell me stories like that and I would go out to look for mushrooms the next day and sure enough there would be a circle of them. She always knew somehow, and as a child it was easy to believe such things. As I lay there in the dark hearing the snoring that always make me smile I can still believe it! There is magick in the world if we take the time to stop & listen.  Some say magick is false and look I'm not talking about wiggling my nose and my entire house is clean, oh if I only could!!! I mean the magick that puts what you need in your path.  I have found that I don't win lotteries but when I need something I always get enough for what I need. I think we move so fast that we dont even see whats there sometimes. I could wax poetic right now and make you all go into sugar shock with the thoughts in my head but I won't. I just know that I see it every day and feel it from my friends and loved ones.  I hate that I have to work but am grateful that I like who I work with and enjoy my job 99% of the time, see that's magick......oh yes it is!!  Don't make me hit you with my broom! ;-)   Before I start to worry you all if you should call the nice men in the white coats to come get me I will say my good byes for the night. So until next time  Ciao For Now
OKAY ADDING SOMETHING - Just now I thre a cup into my trash bin and my engagement ring flew off my finger and nto the trash, my wedding band almost did too. I guess it's time to get ring guards.  Just wanted to share, as I am back at my desk after washing my hands in VERY hot water (had to go throught the trash - YUCK!!) and anti bacterial lotion as well hehehe   Bye again  :-P

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