Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesday again

     Well I have to say this one is much better than last week. Work has been busy but again not as frantic and getting to the gym has helped me mentally.  It really has and I find myself moving a bit faster. Although my knee is still quite stiff,  and it borders on the feeling that if I take just one unplanned step or trip a little it could go out again. I have been doing this excercise that a friend told me where I put a ball between my knees and squeeze them. It helps, and I think, no, I know as I lose more weight it will feel even better!!!  Well here's a fine how do you do. Remember I said my scale was broken well I was actually right. Go figure. It had been working fine but in the last few weeks it had not moved. Well Hubs was weighed at the doctors and he stepped on it Sunday an it was way off. Now it had been correct with my doctor several monthsd ago, but who knows when it went bad. So I stepped on it this morning and lost 3 pounds so I am officially with new scale down that 43 pounds   as I have  feeling i gained more than the 5 I thought over the holidays. it was probably more like 8 but all gone now and we are back to where I thought I was last week  LOL I am there though and that's what matters.   See I'm not losing for looks or to like myself more, it's health and fitness fo me. Saw a pic today and I am putting it right here now:
Such true words. You need to love yourself no matter how much you weigh. The thing is when you get made fun of and tormented you start to believe what you hear.
I think that things are shifting for thr better but there will alwasy be bullies. Well to those bullies in my past I shout to you:  You didn't win!! I am here and I am beautiful!! I am not perfect but I love me and have others who do as well. So if you thought you would scar me for life, I'm here to say YOU WERE WRONG!!
     I have found a new interest or passtime if you will.  I am taking recipies and really re-working them to fit Carb friendly menus. I am making salads with odd combos that actually taste really good.  Tonight I took 15 of my alloted 30 pistacios and sprinkled them on my salad, along with chopped egg, 2% cheese, romaine lettuce, grape tomatoes and 3 oz of lean meat. Drizzle of ranch dressing and yum. The thing about eating well is planning it out.  I now have claimed the bottom drawer of our work fridge LOL  I have a weeks worth of hard boiled eggs , salad makings, and dressings. As well as snacks. I tell ya, I feel like all I do is eat when I am on Phase 1.  My manager noticed today that I'm snaking and she's right. As thats the plan but I'm snaking on string cheese or a tblsp of peanut butter with celery. Not chips or cookies so Im getting full but not with bad things.  oh but my friends tonight i decided to have my sweet treat here at work.  Who doesn't love Reese's peanut butter cups?  So I made a cup of sugar free hot chocolate, at 60 calories (I'm allowed up to 100 calories as a treat a day) then I added a heavy tsp (allowed 2 tblsp) to it and stirred it up and it was so good!! I know, I'm no Julia Child but it really satisfied my sweet tooth. Hey we do what we can :-)
     So did you like my bee story. I love stuff like that. It appeals to my simple life admiration. I love homeade things and to keep beed for honey?! Genius!!  I was waiting for him to say he bought a cow  for mild and cheese. LMAO
Another interesting day was here in VA with Hubs.  We are close to lots of government places arounf these parts, NOAA, US Geological Survey, the list goes on.  Well one day we went for a drive and ended up at a cool park that I did not know was home to several underground nuclear missle launch sites.  We went into this dome, it was all rusted and there was this huge disk in the middle. Well apparently years ago there was a missle in there that would have been launced as an attack. Little eerie but interesting. Glad we are al friends now as that stuff is yes, interesting but scares me too!  Hubs knew it so then he took me to a little grove near a reservoir that was just a swarm of wysteria and honeysuckle. I can't even begin to describe how wonderful the air smelt. We just sat there for awhile enjoying it and even tasted the honeysuckle.  Then we went out to dinner and ate on a dock looking over the water. I kept tossing bread into it to get the ducks to swim down by us and we were naming them.  Here's a little secret, I love things like that!!!  I think that when you do even the most simple things, they can be the greatest memories!
     Well i am goign to wind this down, oh I have more but don't have the time to formulate my thoughts. Working on something here and I need to figure how I am going to do this. I'm having a bit of trouble and may just have to wait to speak with my manager tomorrow.   So I bid you adeiu, and as always,  Ciao for now! :-D

1 comment:

  1. So how often a day do you snake ?? Are you a constrictor or venomous ?? Just wondering ? xx
