Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Belly Button Of The Week

     Yes its that day, we can almost see the weekend. For once i thnk I will be doing something this weekend.  It's a positive. Girls night in da houze!!! Haircut first so I look pretty and blonde then off to get my drunk on......I have been told to bring a certain wine by a vinyard called Cupcake. LOL I am not familiar with this but I'll try it and it's cheap about 12 bucks a bottle. I have a few bottle of a wine called periquita (dont think I spelt it right) same price range and very very good. I can only find it in NY so when I head up there I get a few bottles to keep on hand. Now want to talk good wine, my bottle Amaroni that I received for a birthday gift was exquisite!! I still have the empty bottle with a rose in it. LOL Fake one of course but it looks pretty on my craft desk.
     Speaking of desks, I have noticed over the years in offices that allwo you to shall we say express yourself desks come in several forms.   You have your bare minimum which has a PC or laptop, few binders, stapler & tape dispenser, possibly a boring desk calendar.  Nothing personal at all , like you are ready at a moments notice to pack up and go. Then there are the ones that have all that plus a few photos maybe a hand sanitizer. You may also find a small knick knack of sorts (stress balls, personal coffee mug, etc. ) all very neat and tidy but may take a little more time to clear out.  Then there are the other two which is one and one plus I call it.  You will find , pictures and mugs, and statues and all sorts of personal itmes. Some go way overboard and have stuffed animals and trophies and personalized note pads and mirrors and well all sorts of things.  I would say that mine falls in the last two. No secret I like my stuff around me BUT I also an really anal about where things go. If someone moves something I have to make sure it goes back to the exact same spot in the exact same way. Yes I am OCD office!! LOL I spend so much time at work I like having things around me.  Here's a pic what do you think?
See - I have my fairies and my coffee maker and little things that make me happy all around. They all remind me of someone, so when I am having a real crappy day, I only have to look and at something and I feel better thinking of that person. I actually had thought I lost these little S&P shakers given to me by a friend and I went nuts trying to find them!! I was just so distraught but YAY I finally found them. I am a strange child I know.
     I finally got a change to go on my social websites today, still no emails on the one from the other day.  I enjoy going on there ae some fun folks and some great photos.  I wasnt on long but today was looking at tattoos. Some really nice ink out there and on some really cute people! Hehehehe. Boys with tattoos are awesome!!! I wish hubs would get some ink, but alas no! 
      I also signed a petition going around to stop Congress from monitoring our web activities, I mean its none of their business. Big brother tried this a few years back and didnt work. Look I understand about the illegal doings but thats what law enforcement is for, as for underage kids viewing porn, thats what parents are for.  I love America I really do but our original Constitution says we have Freedom Of Speech!! They are forgetting that. I swear it would not be a tear in my eye to leave here and live in Canada or Europe (UK area preferably since thats my heritage on Dad's side) But I would miss those I love. It's just frustrating that I am taxed all year long and then major taxed again every April 15th. I am penilized becasue I have no dependants and we pay outragous amounts becasue our combined income in just enough to push us into another bracket -  SO not fair!!
     I know bitch bitch bitch , Im such a pain. So I willend my rant here and as always ciao for now.   

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