Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Alarm Is Shut, Whoo Hoo

    Two days off, no alarm, no nasty people on the phones. Just relaxing, slow easy morning with hubs, making a lovely breakfast. Thinking soft boiled eggs, whole grain toast, coffee and juice. Biscuits if hubs prefers. So easy to make. So maybe I've just decided. Being decent eating, but truthfully not as good as it seems. Lately if it goes past me, it ends up in my mouth. Gym on Saturday, but writing new gym schedule for after Chrimbo. See, I'm hoping now that Katie left, oh yeah, we're down one person now, that I maybe can get the 8 to 4:30 schedule. This would help in two ways. I can hit the gym after work and still get home close to the time I do now, or I would get out early enough if I wanted to get a second job. It's a thought I've had, but my current hours are falling short of what I need to start a second job. Plus being the one in closing shift, I do not leave at 6 on the dot. More times than not I'm out of there, quarter past or half past 6. This can hurt if I need to be somewhere by 7. We shall see what happens. Unemployment will start soon I hope for hubs so that will ease things a bit.
     Back to my original start, yay no work AND Christmas. Will spend Thursday with in laws, then home for a night of cuddles and the Christmas Doctor Who special. Yes the geek comes out.  Lmao today was good albeit busy. I got a really funky hoodie from my managers. It says " You can take the girl out of NY but you can't take the NY out of the girl". True words.
     Had a giggle with a co- worker today. A ex spouse called yesterday to report the death of her ex because she was helping out the current spouse who didn't speak English well. So my work friend got her on the phone and then he said that must be a bit awkward. Husband, spouse and ex. I was saying, maybe they all get along. Then my evil sarcastic side comes out, I say maybe he offed himself, with the spouse screaming in one ear while the ex screams in the other, he figured death was better. Oh so horrible I know and I did say may he RIP. But I know somewhere I got a check next to my name. Lol seemed like they both cared and then we started talking on how we would like to be remembered. I'd like people to remember me fondly. When overseas, my friend was relaying a memory of a relative. You could see from the misty look his eyes had and the half smile, he was reliving a lovely person and great memories. I really would like to think someday, someone would have that same look while remembering me. I have some I will remember that way for sure.
     Seems we have one of those Mary tangent, all over the place blogs. Of course, there's no work tomorrow :-) ah the magick of Yule/Christmas .   I found some pannetone wrappers to bake these gorgeous Italian Christmas breads. They have raisins, orange peel, stand tall. I have a recipe I want to try. I think I'm going to. Use a select few as guinea pigs. BWAHAHA to whom will they go??? We will see. Cookies are being made as well - yes gym on Saturday.
    Well again I end the musings and wish you all a good night or good morning. Ciao For Now

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