Wednesday, December 3, 2014


     Well made it of the middle of the week, despite the people around me getting what seems to be some sort of plague. Coughing and hacking, losing voices. The ladt next to me is so sick and I wish she stayed home today. I'm cringing at the germs she is spreading  Although those I know and love would not mind I'm sure if I lost my voice. LOL
     I am going to say this and I know it is simple and facebook has already seen part of this but I have to say I am so tired of the media shoving all this negativity down our throats. We are supposed to be a great nation but boy are there issues.  Other nations are trying to shove their ideals on us, but heaven forbid we go to their countries and not adhere to their laws we get punished.  But do that to them here and they say they are mistreated.  BULLSHIT  Come to America live by our rules! Simple  I will do the same courtesy to you. Dont shove Sharia laws down my throat, I am not second class, I am my own operson with the exact same rights as any other American, male or female. I will say what I want and eat whatever meat I want, drink what I want and pray to whomever I please. You don't have to do the same thing that's your choice but dont ever tell me I can't.  hate mongers will not like this, they prey on those with weak minds and unfortunately those in our capital are afraid of not being liked. FUCK THAT  Run your country as you should be doing, taking care of YOUR people not allowing others to sway your laws. Our president is a joke, the next one hopefully will be better. Stand up for the constitution don't re-write it to suit your needs. Our country better get unified fast or kiss it goodbye. We have overseas allys, Work with them and unite even more against these tyrannical people.
    Im not feeling warm and fuzzy today, although my image would allude to that. I sit back and watch more than people think I do. I have thoughts in my head that never get out because I do have some diplomacy and also respect for those around me. Even many don't deserve it but I try to treat those people as I would like to be treated. Thee is a reason I used to be called Owl  LOL   We all have our inner most thoughts and I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve for the most part but I have dark corners that many will never see.
     On a lighter note, I have gotten all but one of my overseas gifties but I think I said that already. I have no idea about Dad, my friends son and my nephew.  Male of the species why you so hard to buy for??? LMAO  Im so easy to get for - anything owls, good liquor, perfume, blue roses china, earrings, bracelets, scented candles or anything handmade. So you all go that right?  HAHAHAHAHAHA  
KIDDING  (maybe LOL)
 Well on that note  I will say ciao for now  :-D

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