Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sunday Evening in Northern VA

     Time to gather my thoughts. It's not easy as they tend to wander all over the place. Nice drive home today sans a little stretch of the New Jersey Turnpike right at the second to last exit (of course). Once I got through, it was smooth sailing the rest of the journey. I made a roast this morning, and packed it all nice for the trip back here. Gave my dad several servings along with the roasted veg. He called to tell me how good it was, he's so cute. Lol
      Spoke to an old friend today and he was quite kind in his comments to me. He reached out to me on Facebook and I was surprised when he did. Had a bit of a history that I kind of regret. Not regret as that's not a good word, but a indiscretion I wish I hadn't done for reasons of my own. Things have changed and it was made mention, it was a relief of sort. The man himself is a nice guy and I had lent and ear way back when, he had some hard times that he said I really helped by listening and not judging. Who the hell am I to judge anyone? Let he without sin throw the first stone, as the tale goes. Haven't read that book in years. Not in my library anymore.  May meet for coffee one day, who knows. He was quite complimentary on my looks. Said I've emerged, lol. I know what he means,  but that has much to do with someone else. Someone who encouraged me, allowed me to express myself and shared things with me I never had dreamed of. He saw something in me, I had hidden years ago. They are coming back, I want to show him all of the changes. Hoping we get to hang out soon in the city. He's not in this country. In the coming year I really really hope.
      I'm trying to keep myself on my walking, that started in England and Paris. I'm doing better. But OMG last night, I felt like I was the turkey , meaning STUFFED! LMAO. Not anymore, last night was funny as shit, I laughed so hard. It felt good, it was much needed. But naughty food is a treat now . Healthy eats, lots more veg and grains, less red meat. (She says as she has almost half a roast in the fridge. LMAO  I'm not done with my journey yet and for the first time in several weeks I'm getting excited by the thoughts of it. I've comes to terms with things that although I'd like to speak about, I'm not going to beat that horse. I'm happy with what I have, those I love and those that love me. It is evident they do. I want the best for them and for me too. I want hubs to get a jib. It's very hard right now and I think that's why I'm easily drawn into thoughts I should stay away from. So here's to Chrimbo, a new year and new adventures. I want lots of them, with my friends and with myself.
     Well I'm going to give my self a deep facial as my skin needs moisture baby!  Lol. Ciao For Now peeps.


  1. Didn't know Hubs was into sailing ?

  2. Well he likes rum like pirates do. He drank all my Pryat rum. Boo Mary sad. ;-)
