Sunday, April 8, 2012

Food Coma

      Okay we will get tot he food in a few moments. This weekend was quite good. Saturday I had so many errands to run to get ready for today, so I got up early did some chores and out I went. Off to Target to get Easter baskets and candy for the kids. Mission accomplished and then I went for a quick drive and grocery shopping. Once home I set up the crock pot and then decided to open a bottle of wine. Hubby had a small glass and I finished the bottle. I was feeling SO good. Night was just as good, hubs and I stayed in.
     This morning we were up early and out to go to my in-laws. We arrived and the carb fest began, well the prep for it did. I got working on my italian sauce which I call gravy as did my Mom and Grandma. My friends from Brooklyn all do as well but anyway back to the story. I made the meatballs and let them simmer in the gravy adding a wonderful richness then I made the baked ziti by prepping the ricotta cheese and mixing it with the ziti and a touch of gravy, then you layer in a deep pan and bake until golden yummy!! lol   
THIS is where the carb/food coma began. I didn't even have a big piece but it's very rich and gooey and garlicky and damn good if I do say so myself. :-D  Then there was the meatballs, and the garlic bread , salad helped but then oh the carrot cake came out. There was more wine and coffee and by the time we got home I was a slug. I can't eat that way anymore and I was reminded of that but it was yummy
      One thing that was fun was looking at my in-laws wedding pics and my god I was heavier back then but damn my tits were SO MUCH BIGGER!!! Hubby had no beard which I love on him and just was odd looking at them  LOL
Here are a few, me & hubby dancing and then me and my boobs  LOL
My legs don't look half bad. LOL   Oh peeps the day was nice and family is a blessing. I have no brothers and sisters so I like going over to my in-laws and see the kids. I know this blog really isn't what I would think was worth waiting 2 days for but like I said earlier  SLUG GIRL here. Hubs just made teas so I am going to enjoy it and go to bed. Work in the AM so until next time. Ciao For Now

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