Wednesday, August 24, 2011

This Crazy Silly Blog Is Brought To You By A Totally Sober Person ;-)

     I am a good friend.I write this to remind myself as things unfold and a touch of doubt creeps in. You see years ago someone told another friend of mine that being my friend is just hard work and not worth it. See he was wrong, I AM WORTH IT!! I will be the first to admit I go overboard sometimes to the point where I can imagine people need a break from me. But I will god damn guarantee if you really need a friend to talk to or to cry to or just know you can be yourself with then you have found her!! I know how and when to keep my mouth shut which amazes people as I rarely am quiet! I stalk my friends on websites occasionally, I'll even poke you LOL but I would never interfere with them. I mean I am on them as well and am doing my own thing too. PLUS it's not stalking unless you do it everyday and with intent to cause mischief!! Which I do NOT DO! As much as I love mischief at times I am not about that. One reason I am friends with people is that we share the same interests. Movies, erotica,  tattoos, comedy, art, FUN!!  So why wouldn't we be on the same sites? Right? Exactly my point!  God I have almost 200 friends now on facebook. Oh hell Christmas cards...I should start them now! LMAO 
     On that note back there -  the sex know what?? FUCK THE WORLD I AM SEXY!!!!!!  When I wrote this blog - in my first one ever I said I was jealous of those ladies I saw on Deviant Art or Flickr or in magazines, well I have changed my "tude!! I was guided to an article in The Village Voice by a good friend that really opened my eyes. Fat chicks can be and ARE sexy and there are many people who would agree. Beauty is so individual yet the media wants to turn us into the Stepford people who unless you look like this or act like that you are not normal. Well if being a card board cut out mimicking all I read about beauty standards by people who dont even know me is "NORMAL" then I want NO part of normal.  I have many friends on Deviant (shout out to M and A and P - holla...LOL ) and I have commented on new deviations they set out for us to enjoy. (I get notices of them)   I sure as hell hope they, my friends, have seen my newest submissions. They are me!! Big, proud and beautiful! There are face shots and artsy and yes even Boob shots!! GASP!!! And you know what?? I am getting nice comments not eww get that blob off the page so IN YOUR FACE!! Glamor magazine, STUFF IT!!! Cosmopolitan  I am worth it, I am worth knowing and I AM FUCKING SEXY!!!! 
     I am planning a surprise photo shoot very soon. I may post some of them on here but most will be on facebook and the more saucy will go to Deviant. Really saucy ones, well not sure what to do with those yet. LOL Is it wrong to feel this way. I LIKE when someone looks at my picture and calls me gorgeous or pretty or the like! I am not out to "GET ANYONE"  my friends know that I am sincere and trustworthy, hell I'm a married lady but why can't a married lady have someone tell her she is sexy. I get my big gal catalogs at work with the bra ads in them and my male co-workers look and we go through them and I like to listen to their input. One is married and one is not and I will say on occasion easy big fella when a particularly pretty gal is in a layout. I mean they have their women at home and they have me at work!! What else could they want?  Oh I am so silly tonight! HAHAHAHHAHA  We all know that answer, same thing we all want! Everything! Cake and eat it too. Oh but no cake , cake is bane, cake has carbs. Sorry but I will not stop looking at Jason on True Blood nor would I expect them or my husband to stop looking at what they do. Puleeze!! My hubs has so many nude photos of women. Some of them, the content (?), I just turn and say keep dreaming! ;-)  I know men are visual and as a woman I want to fill that need and I can, why? Come on say it with me, because big gals can be and are SEXY!!!!!!!! I am fortunate to know several larger gorgeous women, one who follows this blog. You ladies are just beautiful and I want you to know that's I see you , that's how your spouses see you and that's how your other friends and family see you. If the world doesn't always see it the same way...SCREW THEM, they are the ones missing out.  So love you ladies and to all my peeps - ciao for now xx


  1. Mary, I've like this for years!!!! I am sexy and pretty and have a great personality and I really don't give a rat's ass what people think about me. I'm happy with me. The only reason that I would want to be thinner is for health reasons. Enjoy who you are! In my life I've met many men who enjoy a big woman. Some were a bit strange, I must say, but all in all most were great guys. Some didn't care what society thought of them and their choices, some hid the fact that they were attracted to big women. Relish in the fact that you are sexy and beautiful.

    Mary Kay

  2. Why are you shouting ??

  3. You know until just now, re-reading this. I didn't realize the entire blog was in BOLD! LMAO!!
