Saturday, August 27, 2011

Earthquake AND Hurricane All In One Week!!

     For a state that is fairly boring weather wise we are being over achievers this week for sure!! I am thankful that I am (and was) not in direct hit of either of these. The hurricane is really just producing lots and lots of rain and wind but nothing terrible. My cousin down in VA Beach had her power go out, but hopefully we will not experience that here.  
     As for my own personal issues my tattoo is all healed BUT the test results came back from the culture my doctor sent to the labs and it turns out I have MRSA. This in case you don't knowis a bacterial infection that can be quite dangerous. I got the call and started to read about it and of course as I read I got terrified that I would never be able to touch another human again as long as I lived.  This is NOT the case thank God. I rushed right to my doctors to get a follow up and he looked at my back and said it's healing nicely. He was pleased because he had suspected this and the antibiotics he gave me was one of two that actually fight this. I asked him all sorts of questions, ranging  from can I go to work again right to can I have sex? He gave me the green light on all of these..YAY!! (Obviously that's more for the sex part than the work) He sees no reason why this will not totally leave my body and I will be cleared. I asked can I get it again? He said yes, he also said anyone can. It's something that we can get from toilets, handles, shopping carts, if someone coughs there is no reason he told me to worry. But at least I know I wasn't crazy because this thing hurt like hell!! He also assured he he does not believe it is from my new ink! Good since I'm getting my other piece by year end. I just got scared because, my God, the reports on this thing make it sound deadly, he again assured me my case is not severe and I went right away so I am going to be fine!! Yes I am going to hug you when I see you and you wont have to be concerned. Because to live without the touch of another person to me is NOT living. It's a virus that somehow thought I looked delicious! LOL 
     It is really quite a boring weekend here at home and with the rain pouring down it makes you want to put on a pot of tea and curl up with a good book. I just bought "The Help" so that's my plan for now. I hope the weekend is treating you all kind and to my family and friends in line of this hurricane I know most of you will be hit harder than I am so please know you are in my thoughts. 

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