Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It's A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

     Happy Tied Up Tuesday All or Twofer Tuesday which ever you prefer. I know my preference hehehe. That's a VERY different blog. Today has been a good day workwise but Im not feeling the new eating changes today. I'm a bit out of sorts and with tummy grumbles I dont feel like eating.  Great you would think but not really. You need to eat to lose weight. Oh heck I dont care Im not eating anymore tonight, so there!! LOL
     You know I originally was going to call the blog "My Big Fat Irish/Italian Ass" but in thinking about it - that's not the biggest part of me, it's the front. I swear I look 20 months pregnant with triplets!! I go to the gym and do the treadmil and bike. The other day one of the amazons there said try this machine. Well you lay on your back and do a kind of sit up. Well after the first one I thought I was going to die. Ever see a turtle on it's back...got that visual? Okay now insert my face on the turtles and that is prety much what I looked like. Now the rest of the machines modeled after tortures from The Inquisition I'm certain were more of the same. One I could not do because my legs were too short and no adjusting was helping. I got on one where you sit up and put your legs on these boards then you hold on behind your butt to handles on the seat edge and you push your legs together. The force is strong and you are supposed to use your muscles to bring your legs together. Now on the return you need to let your legs open slowly. Well my friends the force my legs flew open wide was quite impressive and I found myslef sitting in practically a split.I didn't think my legs could be apart that far ever!! I kind of felt dirty LOL, and thanked myself for joining a woman only gym. This machine HAD to have been invented by a man.  I think for the time being I am going to stay with my treadmill and bike. It kind of felt the way I imagine a turkey would feel if it were able too when people remove the drumstick. OUCH!!
     It's quiting time here as it's 8PM and I'm waiting for one person to get off the phone and then it's pick up Pat some dinner as I havent prepared anything, which I feel bad about but he likes Chik-Fil-A salads. I will cook tomorrow in the morning before I go to work so he will have the option of eating early or waiting for me, which is what he usually does.  I just got a new cookbook for gluten free recipies for him and there is a stuffed pepper one I am dying to try. If it's yummers I will post it.
    Well I'm off to annoy myself by trying to get a decent bejeweled score. There was only 13 hours left last night so I think the leaderboards have cleared. I get so competitive sometimes LOL Such is me...that crazy kid from Queens..LOL   peace out darlings..


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