Tuesday, August 9, 2011


    I haven't been posting and I do try to do one every day but today I just feel drained. Ever wake up in a not great mood for no reason?  I have no reason to be on edge, had a great night last night and slept well, but woke up in a agitated mood. Normally I am very easy going and happy but on occasion I do get this way. I try to snap out of it quick but work today is just a lot of things that are not helping the cause. Oh Boo-Hoo stop whining Mary Lee - LOL
     I need to get my ass in gear and get to the gym tomorrow, problem is I can't wear my sports bra yet as it reaches the top of my new ink. So I have to let the girls do what they will when I go. LOL  I feel better when I go and it may be just the thing to get the aggression out.
     Been thinking a lot about my friends the past few days. They are all far away and I miss the hell out of them. I have been reading about the riots in London and one of my friends works there. He sent word that all is fine by him but I still worry. Can't help it. I worry that my husband drives the beltway every morning. I know that we can't bubble wrap our friends and family and I know there are those that worry when I drive to New York. Everyday is so precious, we tend to forget that. I strive to remember it and am trying to do one thing everyday to make me and those around me smile. Today so far I teased a co-worker during lunch, we all had a good laugh and that is so needed. I am under stimulated right now. I came off the new ink high and now I need another adventure.  This weekend I am doing some house cleaning and by that I mean throwing out lots of stuff or donating. I am getting in that mood I get into every Autumn. With the weather change I start to want to get my home ready for the cooler days to come. I like to switch out my comforters in the guest room to the fall theme and I do my windows and other things that just make me feel cozy in my home. That's the style I have, it's not modern, or traditional as it's a mix media but it is cozy. Lots of candles and warm colors.  I can't wait to be able to open my windows and let the outside in. It's still a little too warm and close outside for that right now but it's coming!!! Yay!
     I'm being so good and it's not easy I tell you. I love to cook and bake and that's another thing I do more of as the weather gets cooler. The loose clothes are better than any piece of cake and I know this I just need to remind myself. I can be a little stubborn and silly so i need to get stubborn on myself. The cakes and cookies and pastas are not gone, they are kind of the same way my friends are. Still there, just not near me. There will be fun times ahead I just need to be patient. Don't worry I'm not picturing my friends as weird people cakes...some with nuts and some without - hahahahaha  Okay I'll be good.  Until next time luvs......

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