Saturday, August 13, 2011


Just finished listening to Mary J. Blige's song "Be Happy" (My Life is a great CD btw) and that's what it all boils down to I think. Don't we all want to be happy. Come on raise your hands, I know you do and yet we come across things in life that make us very unhappy. The trick is not to let things make you unhappy. Look I know that we need to be serious and make decisions that truly matter for us and our loved ones but we can still do this and be a happy person. Year ago when I was young my Nana used to take me to ride the trains with her into Brooklyn (El trains and she loved walking through the cars and I would look down at the street below us and get queezy - I digress  LOL) She would say to me-  look at that person, see how their mouth naturally goes into a frown shape, that means they are not a happy person. How Nana could tell this was uncanny to a 5 year old but I remember it to this day. I look at my mouth when closed (Yes I know doesn't happen that often! ) and the line is straight across. So I guess that means I'm average. Not always sad or angry yet not always happy either. 
What makes us happy differs for everyone, I mean yes there are things that make everyone happy but like for me, one thing that makes me really happy is being able to make my friends happy. I love seeing the smiles on their faces and hearing laughter and it makes me feel sooooooooo good. Would love to know what makes you all happy. It would be kind of cool to have lots of comments either one word or a few sentences from everyone who reads this and see how many have the same answer. I'm in a silly mood, so are you all game? You can do it without anyone knowing who you are if you want. LOL Okay THIS is making me happy now. I'm getting excited to see the answers I may get.  Go ahead, I'll wait.  hehehe   

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