Friday, August 12, 2011

Hills, Valleys and Plateaus

Okay WTF!! It's been over a week and I have lost nothing!! The scale has not moved in either direction. I admit it's putting me in a not so great mood. Things that shouldn't bother me all of a sudden are extending into these scenarios in my head that would rival movies like Ben Hur or Cleopatra!! I doubt myself and my relationships and am afraid I'm losing my friends (which I KNOW I'm not!). It's driving me fookin' bonkers!! WOW that felt good, I needed to get that out. My friend Matt said it happens and he is correct I know but there goes that little "only inner child" stomping her foot again!! She is a real pain in the arse at times :-)  My other friend Steve sent me a very nice txt this morning and when I replied I wrote it's pissing me off and my phone, my phone mind you changed pissing to pudding! Even my phone has it in for me today!  I had a good chuckle over that and man I needed it.  I am a happy person damn it!! hehehe  I love life and I love to have fun but I am afraid that sometimes I am too boring right now. I am not bringing anything to the table so to speak. That's my mind of course and I would get a different response from those I work with and friends of course. We laugh and have fun when together so I suppose nothing has changed except in my head, which as we know can be a scary place. On the plus side I have not faltered, I have not had any cakes, cookies, candy, sugars (I know that one bottle of root beer last Saturday- fine!! ) breads, nothing but proteins and veggies and low fat cheeses when I do eat cheese. This in of itself is a miracle because usually when I'm stressed nothing says I love you more than a raspberry Zinger cake....hahaha,,,,but the I love you now is showing itself in my clothes that are getting looser every day. My manager and I had a good laugh over my slacks yesterday. I am so very fortunate to be surrounded by people who allow me to be me. Those I work closely with are very cool people and of course my friends are fabulous. So why the hell am I complaining?? I'm not complaining, I'm just frustrated!! I know that this is not an overnight deal, I am not going to wake up one morning and be a size 16 but one day I will. Yet I will be me, I will always be the girl with the sweater whose sleeves are too long , and her hair not quite the same way she started the day out with it. Who stops in front of every pet store to look at the puppies in the window, and drives a bit too fast with music a bit too loud!  I am a dreamer who needs to be a realist at this point in time. Amazing I don't implode!!  wink wink 

OH, AND MY TATTOO FOOKIN' ITCHES LIKE NO ONES BUSINESS!!!! Of course I can't scratch it and even when I try to smack it myself it doesn't work. I look like a dog trying to chase it's own tail. Another week and it should be fine.  Whoo talk about a non sequiter, that was a good one! So thanks for hanging in with me peeps. Ciao for now.....

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