Sunday, October 14, 2012

Perfect Moments Of The Mind

     How often have I wanted to come here and pen something that would be profound and meaningful. Something that when you read it, it's so good there should be music playing in the background. But alas, that has not happened. Years ago a fortune teller told me I would write a great book, years later a tarot card reader told me something similar, except that it would be not 1 book but 3.  Well no books, yet. I have written a few short stories and actually won a competition with one but Nora Roberts has nothing to worry about, let me assure you of that. But don't we all want to do something great that will be remembered once we're gone.  Forgive me for being a little on the morbid side, but it's late or early depending where you are LOL I also have my meds in me and its causing thoughts that leave me wanting. I put something up on my facebook that really hits on the truth. It says: "What screws us up most in life is the picture in our head of how it's supposed to be"
I think that is so true. We see perfect images on the television or in movies, great love stories, romance and passion and it distorts things for us here in the real world. 
     I will tell you though sometimes we do have moments of perfection. Oh and how we want to hold on to those times. I am fortunate enough to say I personally have had those times that seemed like I was in a movie.  Laughing with a friend, going to dine places that I had only read about, shared thoughts and dreams in an atmosphere where everything was indeed perfect!! I have locked those times away and when I feel down or that too much is on my plate, I take them out and relive them over and over. I know it sounds silly but it makes me smile from the inside out. So although I realize life is not what I see in the movies, and there isn't a soundtrack playing in the background, I do know that it is possible to have those experiences, even if its just for a moment. 
     This is where I end this as my thought ends as well. It was a fleeting thought in my head that I felt like sharing. I know I'm a silly gal, but I think I'm going to finish my tea and re-live a few of those priceless moments right now.  Ciao For Now

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