Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Nope! Nothing! Why the hell do they call today hump day?

    After a long day at work the only thing I am interested in is a hot bath, which of course could lead to great things but alas - nay!! LOL  On the plus side, I didn't have to take as many meds to day as I have done in the past. My hip and lower back are getting better - yay!!  Talking about baths, I need to make a new batch of bath salts. I like to make some homemade toiletries. and one day maybe I'll sell them on Ebay :-D   
     Well we are into open enrollment full force and so far it's steady, with spikes of madness. I am sure as the weeks go by those two will be switching. What's cool is that the time will go fast and Samhain will be here. Most of the world would say Halloween. It's the witches New Year and we believe this night the veil between the worlds is at it's thinnest. Spirits can walk the earth, which is why people now dress up, of course now it's Superheroes and Princesses, but in the early days it was ghosts, witches, demons, they felt they would be able to walk alongside the dead and not be noticed as being human, lest they be taken, back to the other side. Cool huh? Many witches will have circles and scry, or use Ouija Boards to try to contact their relatives who have died. Oh BTW, scrying is looking into a bowl of water, or at a piece of dark glass or polished stone, you concentrate and basically open a doorway for them to pass through. Does it work? Like anything, you must believe in what you are doing. Magick is not what you see on television. Many contemporary movies, like Practical Magic (which I really enjoyed) take the minimal core of truth and build up around it, making it more fantasy than fact.  I have not really done too much scrying. One of my strengths year back was Tarot cards. Don't laugh!! I got very good. I can't explain it, but you get kind of dreamy, well at least I did. I was at a party one time, my boyfriend at the time, who also did Tarot (he taught me) was doing readings for people. He told me to do some. Went pretty well, until one of the girls came over, as I start to read what I saw, I said congratulations. She looked at me with a stunned face. She said how do you know? I had only just met here that night. She was pregnant and hadn't told anyone yet.  I felt rather good after that reading. I knew if I concentrated and let my mind wander. Which btw is not as easy as those who know me might think! ;-)  I haven't done Tarot is a very long time now. My cards are still in there carved wooden box with a sigel etched in the bottom of it, that is there for clarity, but they are not charged. I think I am in NY when the full moon comes in November, maybe I will charge them there. Do a mini ritual so to speak in the backyard. lol   Wow try to hide that!! I mean it would be a lot harder than when you used to tell your parents that the smell is really incense. WooHoo  hehehehe  I love the freedom to express yourself , to not be afraid of your Goddess and God but love them and they loved you. Looked over you as you  as you met in the circle with those of like mind, talking, singing, dancing, out among the elements. A religion where sex is not dirty, but encouraged. We were built to have sex, an orgasm is the most tremendous jolt the body knows. It's documented that you sleep better after sex. Well I could have told them that, a few hours or 3, more?? (lol ) Makes you sleep like a baby. You know I must interject here on that statement. "Sleep like a baby!!  I'm not sure that would be a good sleep. Think about it, most babies cry at night and will wake up in a diaper filled with peepee and poop! Nah! Maybe i will say now, SLEEP LIKE A BOSS!! Yea yea that works (for now) Bwahahaha
     This time of year is very special to me, its the month my Mother died. She will be gone 15 years. It's odd , sometimes it feel so far away, & other times I would swear I smell her perfume. It's kind of nice :-D
     It's half past 11 and I'm contemplating making a cup of tea. I have become a real junkie LOL Well peeps, I'm going to put hubby to bed, he's snoring away but leaning into me, so I need to straighten him out :-)   Until next time I say Ciao For Now


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