Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I Think The Season Clock Got Turned Back

     It's been so mild the last few days. It actually hit 82 degrees yesterday. So much for wearing my new cute mauve sweater (for 10 bucks!on Ebay)! LOL
    Talked with hubs tonight and we decided to go take a drive out to Skyline Drive. Its so pretty anytime of year, but during the fall, it's just wonderful, with the trees all changing color. We go on Saturday morning around 6. It's about an hour and a half drive, we figure to be there around 8, and stopping for breakfast on the way. It's a great place to relax and clear your mind. This time of year the colors make beautiful blankets of oranges, bright reds and yellows.  Here's a photo of just an iota of the fab views. Took this one of the last trips we took last year.
      Well there ya have my big news, aren't I interesting tonight?  hahaha  It's just been steady very busy at work, I am tired almost as soon a I get in. I don't mind though. I have a job, I like the people I work  with so it's all good. Hey I told you about the Halloween dessert party, and today my director said he is going to buy everything for us. YAY! Nice people! So peeps yes this 'ole witch is ready to take off her pointy hat and call it a night. (I don't really have a pointy hat. LOL) So I will say Ciao For Now



  1. There's no orange, red or yellow :-(

  2. Hasn't been cold enough for oramge, red and yellow. We're still running around in short sleeves

  3. Hasn't been cold enough for colors yet. Still runnkng around in short sleeves here.
