Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hump De Hump

     Well hope everyone had a great hump day. Mine was spent in bed most of the day. The pain meds they gave me work well, but make me sleepy. I'm taking Percocet AND Motrin plus a  muscle relaxer. So it's a nice feeling when they converge in my body. LOL I will be back at work on Monday, I miss it when I'm gone. I hate doing nothing and I like where I work so kind of looking forward to it.
     I want to get better so I can stand and not hurt. I am in the mood to break out the old dutch oven and make boeuf bourguignon. Yes of course it's Julia Child's recipe, and yes again I have her French cookbook. It takes a little time but it's so yummy! I want to make more of my Gordon Ramsey recipes also. I was fortunate to be taken there for late lunch a few years ago and I still remember how lovely the risotto was. I can't help thinking of these things this time of year. It's the cooler weather and how cozy a pot of stew on the stove makes the house smell divine. 
     Random thoughts in my head tonight, like one a friend told me that I'm stealing. For my birthday I will be 3021. You figure it out, I know you will LOL  Also bummed that we aren't going out for my birthday Friday night, hubs doesn't want to push me and wants to let my back heal a little more. He's correct I guess, but I'm just sad that the last celebration (for awhile anyway) also got messed up. I couldn't get off for hubs birthday, or our anniversary and now will be home sick for mine. 
Maybe we can do a nice brunch on Sunday. 
     Looking at pics of my friends on facebook, and a Winnie The Pooh quote came to mind, basically Pooh telling Christopher Robin to never forget him. It brought tears to my eyes, many Pooh quotes do actually. I will not forget my friends ever, they mean too much to me. All are wonderful,  in different ways, yet some are similar. Humans need physical contact to thrive. Did you know that? It's true, they did a survey with newborns, some were held more then others and they showed greater growing signs than those just left to basic interaction, (feeding, diaper changes, etc) interesting eh? I'm definitely a person who needs hugs and human interaction, I like giving them too. 
     Well it's just past midnight and my tea's gone cold. I just wanted to check in and say hi, I'm going to be fine, write me on my blogs, would love to hear from you all. To my friends who have my me please, I am bored out of my skull staying home lol
Going to go now and read until I sleep, so Ciao For Now

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