Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I Have Never ...

     ...wanted to be the person who was always negative. I know people don't like speaking to people that never have anything good to say. Obviously there are times when we all have issues that take over, but some people are cronic in it! Even when nothing bad is going on they seem to be just negative. Like for example, You: "It's so beautiful and sunny out!" Them: "Yea, watch I'll get a sunburn!"  Just negative!!!
     I feel like my posts have taken that tone as of late. I'm just in pain, and I hate it. I don't like being weak, and I have a damn high pain tolerance, but this is just too much. It's having adverse effects on my entire body. It started with  my shoulder,where they said the pinched nerve is. So I had to wear the sling. So now it's my right side and hip, WTF - I can't wear a sling on my ass!!  So I'm walking slower, which is ironic since I've been walking better, but my arms actually tingle. It's like when your foot falls asleep and you get those tingles but on a lesser degree. Its almost, in a strange way, a pleasant feeling if you were laying down at home. The pain in my side though brings tears to my eyes, I broke down a little at work today, until the Motrin kicked in. It's embarrasing.
I tried calling a few people this morning, as chatting with friends helps take  my mind off it, but alas no one was around. So I tried to sleep a bit more, then I went to the doctors. As much as I'm looking forward to NY, I'm dreading the ride and also having to hide any pains from my Dad, as he tends to get over excited a lot.
     So here I am, wanting to be lighthearted but can't seem to be. I went on my other site I go to, and there were all the lovlies in various stages of nudity, or adorable younger gals showing there ink off, and sweet comments about love and friendship. I left the site, feeling bad about myself, because I will never be that alluring again, not only the looks (which I like mine anyway) but the entire package of being in your 20's. What's that saying, youth is wasted on the young! I finally get that.
    I understand not wanting to be around me right now, it's always the way it happens. The more I need my friends the less likely they would want to be around me.  LMAO   I'm not depressd or morose, just more quiet than usual and that scares people for some odd reason. HAHAHAHA 
   Peeps, I'm signing off for the night. I have things to do here at work, and then home I go to take the good meds and I plan to wash them down with a rum chaser! So until we meet again - Ciao For Now 

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