Tuesday, October 2, 2012


     You know peeps how I'm always saying that you never know what's going to happen and you should tell people how you feel about them when you can and not wait.  Well this morning was a good reminder. Okay that may be a bit over dramatic and yet not really as it could have been quite bad.
I was on the way to work and the exit I get off at has two lanes leaving the main road. The far right one is the exit only and the one next to it can either get off the exit or go straight. So this morning it was pouring rain, not a drizzle or even a steady rain, no, I'm talking torrential rain. The kind where the wipers can't even keep up keeping the windshield clear. So I am in the lane that can go either way, another car is in front of me. On the right of us is a huge trailer hauling about 10 new cars. So we are all going along our way when I guess the driver realized he was going to have to get off the highway, and that was not what he wanted. Without looking (my guess from his actions) he starts to drive over to the left and right towards me and the car in front of us. Luckily the car in front had enough power to get ahead of him, now me on the side sees the entire truck right next to my car and still moving.  I had to steer out into the lane to my left speed up and get ahead of him so I wont get smashed into. Moment of "oh shit" I do it fast, luckily no one was on MY left. I go into the other lane, then put peddle to the metal as fast as I dared go in the weather as it was, and thankfully, was able to get in front of the truck and onto safety. He never slowed down once and I was just thankful I didn't skid. We were on a highway, not a side road so we weren't on mosy. I was a little un-nerved. Put it on my status on Facebook LOL  I was really trying to catch my breathe and legs. You know how you shake when your adrenaline rushes? That was me at that moment! LOL
     But here I am safe and sound, and still in terrible pain. At least I go to the Dr. in the morning. Last night I took 2 Tylenol with codeine and washed them down with some rum! I did this so I would sleep. I toss and turn all night, it feels horrid! My right back and hip area, all the way to the front and today down my leg and up my arm are tingling. Pinched nerve for sure!! There is a teeny part of me, all the way in the back of  my mind that keeps saying that's what my Mom felt before she was diagnosed with cancer in her bones. Now, I can be a drama queen, but I'm not about to go fearing this possibility as I know its nothing like this. I am just reminded of Mom's issues when I feel this way.
    Last night hubs was feeling no pain if you get my drift, and he wobbles into the bathroom and I hear the buzz of hair clippers. I wanted to say something but thought better of it and braced myself for the worst. I sweetly called out to ask what he was doing,and he replied trimming my hair its getting too long. Well I waited and half expected him to shave his entire head, but I let out a sigh of relief as he really did just trim it. Pretty good too!! LOL
    Work is crazy busy and I just want this all over with, and it hasn't even started yet  LOL
     Nothing witty or charming today folks, just my morning experience and aches and pains.  And now I had to handle a call from one of our reps and spoke to a very nasty, rude man who wanted me to do his work and got angry when I told him i am not authorized. LOL  It takes all kinds I guess. One nice spot is that I am going ot NY this weekend for a gals night and really looking forward to it. Almost has other plans but they fell through :-(  I am looking forward to seeing Dad as well though. I just hope that my back doesnt kill me on the trip up. 
    So thanks for stopping in to read my dribble and as always Ciao For Now

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