Friday, December 23, 2011

Santa Baby

     We will see you in a couple of days big guy! LOL  I can't wait to see the faces on y neice & nephew when they open their gifts. I also got a gift certificate for my in-laws from their coffee club, we said no excahnges for adults but i can't help it. I also bought a mini doughnut maker called "Babycakes" How cute is that??  Apparently my nephew has his own George Forman grill and has shown an interest in cooking so I picked that up at our amazing store called Wegmans. It's a grocery store plus a gourmet store, plus housewares, and just a place where I could spend hours shoppping in.  I think it's great and I encourage him to learn more.
     Well we are going to spend Christmas Day with the family and i will now have a quiet Christmas Eve. I am looking forward to it, actually. Some good steaks, salad, and a nice red wine , some Christmas movies and just enjoying each other. Then family the next day which is alwasy great then we are both off the day after so maybe we can go somewhere or hell just have a lie in and be lazy. I work 2 days next week as Monday we are closed, then I'm off Tuesd. work next two then off on Friday. Hubs has to work Friday so I get the day to myself. I think a bubble bath is in order!! LOL
     I am not going to do a blog the next two days but will possibly do one Christmas night if not then the day after for sure. So I am taking this time to say thank you to all of you reading these blogs. That is a gift you all give me and I am glad that you come by and appreciate it very much. Hopefully in the New Year I have some cool stuff to report :-)    So for now I wish all of you a VERY Merry, Happy Christmas. Enjoy the holiday with family and friends and may you all have a holiday filled with love and laughter.  Ciao for Now.  PEACE

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